Dear Editor, You posted a very interesting situation common amongst energetic teenagers, the concept of social “etiquette” and “polite interruption”. My daughter was also acting like the child in your email, however, she is now back on the right track. In my opinion, parents just need to change a few things to see positive results. First of all, children learn by example. Parents should never interrupt others. If they do accidentally interrupt, they should immediately say “I am sorry to interrupt”, and apologize. Furthermore, if they see their child interrupting others, they should gently explain to them it is not polite to interrupt, and they should respect others. Second of all, why doesn't she get her child involved in volunteer work, a part-time job or internship? Paid or unpaid, young people have a lot of free time and energy and they must use it wisely. By studying and working at the same time, they will be able to learn time management skills, and meet other people and mentors who are a good influence. I suggest internet time should be very limited, as it is full of bad influences and distractions. In fact, parents should disable WIFI at home and encourage reading books instead. For example, my children and I spend time every night reading together, and it has helped all of us bond together and get closer. Finally, I suggest this parent make the library a part of their life. A library is a very quiet atmosphere, and helps both young people and adults sit down quietly for long hours and simply study and focus. In a world today full of technology and distractions, this quiet atmosphere will definitely help children learn “self-control and patience”, naturally. In addition, making the library a part of her daily routine will instill in her a love of reading. Consequently, she will spend her “free time” reading books instead of looking for attention, or wasting her time online, or on her cell phone. I personally believe this parent should act immediately. The sooner they expose the child to a “positive atmosphere”, the better it will be for their behavior and future social life. Thank you for your time. Sincerely,
With the rise in popularity of the internet, newspapers will soon become a thing of the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Many people say that the reading printed newspaper is not only a habit but also a culture for human beings. For hundreds of years around the world, a typical day of a person began with a newspaper. Nowadays, due to the popularity of the internet, reading quality materials in general has greatly declined. In my opinion, I strongly believe newspapers have served as an educational tool for generations, and will never become a “thing of the past”. First of all, the “feel” of the paper will never be replaced by the internet. When we touch a paper or book, it feels like we are touching the news. Psychologically and physically, our mind, eyes, and fingers prepare to study or examine important information. A similar feeling cannot be felt by any electronic device. For example, reading an actual newspaper or book helps one learn how to concentrate and trains them to be an "active reader". By physically underlining, summarizing and flipping back and forth between articles and pages, one is able to train their mind to give 100% attention for a long period of time. Hence, “serious study” can only be performed using a physical paper or book. The internet may be useful for “quick” information, but cannot offer the same educational benefits as an actual paper. Second of all, the internet, unlike a newspaper, is more expensive. A device and internet connection is always required to read the news on the internet. In contrast, for newspapers, you just need the skills of reading and concentration. Third of all, another limitation of the internet are the physical side affects. Whereas a device is “radiation packed” and requires electricity, newspapers are lightweight, safe and can be used anywhere and anytime. Furthermore, looking at a screen for long hours irritates the eyes and transfers direct amounts of radiation directly to the face and skin. Such in issue is not faced while using newspapers. Finally, there is the issue of distractions. Quite frankly, most people do not use the internet as a “business or educational tool”. As soon as one goes to any website these days, they are bombarded with advertisements, gossip “useless” news, pop- ups or “notifications” from other social media sites like Facebook, Twitter etc. Thus, going online to simply “read a paper” becomes virtually impossible. Within minutes, the reader will become “distracted or bored”, and may not even complete the article due to a “short attention span”. On the other hand, many people agree the major positive point of the internet could be related to the environment. For instance, the reduction of newspapers would definitely lower the paper production. As a result, “going green” means fewer trees would be cut down. Nevertheless, should we save the environment, and ruin our health and eyesight instead by staring at a monitor and absorbing radiation? Hence, the internet should be used for educational and business purposes and “quick information”, but it can never replace the physical and mental advantages that an old-fashioned newspaper, magazine or book offers. Overall, both the internet and newspapers have their “purpose”. In my point of view, newspapers will never become a memory. The “healthy” aspects of a newspaper, as well as their ability to teach one to actually sit down, focus and interact with the material as an “active reader”, can never be replaced by a machine or electronic device.
Vocabulary: Suggestions . 4
IELTS Speaking/Writing outline 1. In my opinion/perspective/ point of view, I agree/disagree with... 2. First of all... For example, For Instance 3. Second of all...In addition, 4. Finally... Thus, 5.In conclusion/ Overall...Based on these reasons, I suppose.. 1. To begin with/Generally speaking... 2. Personally I believe... 3. On the one hand...For example, Moreover, Furthermore, 4. On the other hand... Hence, 5. But overall, I believe...
A magazine has invited its readers to respond to an article A magazine has invited its readers to respond to an article. Read the following article and write to the editor a suitable reply of 280-300 words. Pay attention to vocabulary range and control, structure, mechanics and coherence. Dear Readers, This week I received a letter titled “Good and bad Behavior” I believe each of us has faced similar situations. I invite you to enjoy reading the following letter and I am looking forward to reading your personal feelings toward it and your similar experiences. Hi! I have been a single parent for almost five years now. I have one daughter she is thirteen years old. I am trying hard to make her give up the habit of interrupting me or even others when talking. My daughter may be incredibly excited to say something or ask a question, but allowing her to butt into conversations doesn't teach her how to be considerate of others or occupy herself when I’m busy. Consequently, she may think that she is entitled to other people's attention and will not be able to tolerate frustration, as many specialists believe. I do not know what to do.
Dear Editor, You posted a very interesting situation common amongst energetic teenagers, the concept of social “etiquette” and “polite interruption”. My daughter was also acting like the child in your email, however, she is now back on the right track. In my opinion, parents just need to change a few things to see positive results. First of all, children learn by example. Parents should never interrupt others. If they do accidentally interrupt, they should immediately say “I am sorry to interrupt”, and apologize. Furthermore, if they see their child interrupting others, they should gently explain to them it is not polite to interrupt, and they should respect others. Second of all, why doesn't she get her involved in volunteer work, a part-time job or internship? Paid or unpaid, young people have a lot of free time and energy and they must use it wisely. By studying and working at the same time, they will be able to learn time management skills, and meet other people and mentors who are a good influence. I suggest internet time should be very limited as it is full of bad influences and distractions. In fact, parents should disable WIFI at home and encourage reading books instead. For example, my children and I spend time every night reading together, and it has helped all of us bond together and get closer. Finally, I suggest this parent make the library a part of their life. A library is a very quiet atmosphere and helps both young people and adults sit down quietly for long hours and simply study and focus. In a world today full of technology and distractions, this quiet atmosphere will definitely help children learn self-control and patience, naturally. In addition, making the library a part of her daily routine will instill in her a love of reading, so she will spend her “free time” reading instead of looking for attention, or wasting her time online, or on her cell phone. I personally believe this parent should act immediately. The sooner they expose the child to a “positive atmosphere”, the better it will be for their behavior and future social life. Thank you for your time.