List 6 leaf terms. Make a sketch of each of the 6 terms you listed. WARM UP List 6 leaf terms. Make a sketch of each of the 6 terms you listed.
Coniferous Identification Notes
The Conifer Key 1a. Leaves/needles scale-like, more flattened…………...............................……………Go to 2 1b. Leaves/needles very needle like, pointed……………............................……………Go to 3
The Conifer Key 2a. Leaves very flattened, smell when crushed, yellow-brown cones............. White Cedar 2b. Leaves make branches seem square, has blue-colored berries ...........….. Red Cedar
White Cedar
Red Cedar
The Conifer Key 3a. Needles in clusters……………………………………………Go to 4 3b. Needles single on branch……………..………Go to 6
The Conifer Key 4a. Needles in whorled bunches of 7 or more……………………………………………..Tamarack 4b. Needles in smaller bunches…………………………………………Go to 5
The Conifer Key 5a. Needles in bunches of 5…..............…………White Pine 5b. Needles in bunches of 2……..........Red (Norway) Pine
White Pine
Red Pine
The Conifer Key 6a. Needles bluish, sharp, smell bad when crushed. Cone with papery scales.……..Blue Spruce 6b. Needles softer, more green in color……. …………Go to 7
Blue Spruce
The Conifer Key 7a. Needles bunched on the top half of the branch, cones 2 inches and slender ……………………..………….White Spruce 7b. Needles not bunched on the branch, cones very long and thin ….......................................……Norway Spruce
White Spruce
Norway Spruce
The Conifer Key Leaves/needles scale-like, more flattened…………......................................................……………Go to 2 Leaves/needles very needle like, pointed………………………...................................……………Go to 3 Leaves very flattened, smell when crushed, yellow-brown cones.....................................…. White Cedar Leaves make branches seem square, has blue-colored berries ......................................….. Red Cedar Needles in clusters…………………………………………………………………………………………Go to 4 Needles single on branch …………………………………………………………………………………Go to 6 Needles in whorled bunches of 7 or more………………..…………………………………………..Tamarack Needles in smaller bunches…………………………….…………………………………………………Go to 5 Needles in bunches of 5…..........................................................................................…………White Pine Needles in bunches of 2……….....................................................................................Red (Norway) Pine Needles bluish, sharp, smell bad when crushed. Cone with papery scales.…………………..Blue Spruce Needles softer, more green in color……...................................................................………………Go to 7 Needles bunched on the top half of the branch, cones 2 inches and slender ……………….White Spruce Needles not bunched on the branch, cones very long and thin …...............................……Norway Spruce
WRAP UP What 5 characteristics should you look for when trying to identify a conifer?