Get to Know the Prophets 1. WHO were they? Yahweh Remembers 2. WHAT did they say? Zechariah 8:3; 14:9 3. WHERE did they minister? Jerusalem Judah (Southern Kingdom) 4. WHEN did they minister? Zech. 1:1, 7; 7:1 520 - ?? B.C. 5. WHY did they prophesy? Zechariah 1:2 – 6 Jer. 35:15
Hebrew Calendar Nisan (30 days) Iyar (29 days) Sivan (30 days) Tammuz (29 days) Av (30 days) Elul (29 days) Lunisolar calendar Intercalary month added 7 times every 19 years Tishrei (30 days) Marcheshvan (29/30 days) Kislev (29/30 days) Tevet (29 days) Shevat (30 days) Adar (29 days) Adar II (30 days) - IC
WHEN Did Zechariah Prophesy? 1:1 ________________ 1:7 ________________ 7:1 ________________ 7:3 ________________ July 22, 2012 Oct., 520 B.C. Feb. 15, 519 B.C. Dec. 7, 518 B.C. July 29, 2012 3rd of Av, 5772
HOW do we Study the Prophets? Step 1 – Study the Book as a Whole Step 2 – Study the Man behind the Book Step 3 – Study his Message Step 4 – Study the ongoing Relevance of his Message
Outline of Zechariah I. Introduction (1:1 – 6) II. 8 Night Visions & 4 Messages (1:7 – 6:8) III. Symbolic Crowning of Joshua (6:9 – 15) IV. Hypocritical Fasting (7:1 – 8:23) V. Oracles about Messiah & Israel's Future (9 – 14) A. Advent & Rejection of Messiah (9 – 11) B. Advent & Acceptance of Messiah (12 - 14)
Zechariah His message - Keep expecting more from the LORD!