Causes of the great depression Social studies 11
outline Last week we examined the 1920s, and developed an understanding of the thriving culture of this period. This week, we will explore the 1930s, an era when the Great Depression hit Canada. Today, we will look into the causes of this depression. Our outline for today is: A short video on Bonnie and Clyde A group activity on surviving the Great Depression An independent Reading A causes of the Great Depression worksheet An exit slip
Surviving: bonnie and clyde Bonnie and Clyde were two American criminals during the depression era. We are going to watch a video that discusses some of their crimes, and why they committed them.
Could you survive? As we just learned, the Great Depression started a crime wave. People needed money to survive, and people like Bonnie and Clyde, did what they thought they had to in order to survive. Your task is to consider whether or not you could survive in the Great Depression. In groups of 4, you will be developing a grocery list for a family of 5 with a budget of $2.50. I have provided you with all the information on the prices of items. You don’t need to build a meal plan for the week.
Could you survive? How did you do with your list? What items did you pick? Could you survive?
Independent reading Independently, we are going to do a reading on the causes of the Great Depression. Read pages 90-92 in your textbook. We will be doing an activity on this reading afterwards.
Causes of the great depression Using the information gathered from your textbook, we are going to determine if the causes of the Great Depression were immediate or underlying. For each section, identify if the cause is immediate or underlying, and then provide 2 point form notes to explain your choice.
Immediate or underlying? share Immediate or underlying?
Paragraph Using the information from our charts, your task is to identify what the 3 most influential causes of the Great Depression were. You must explain your choices in short paragraph format – this means to not simply state the 3 causes, but to describe WHY they are the most influential.
Exit slip How do you determine historical significance? Is the Great Depression historically significant?
summary Today we looked into the causes of the Great Depression, and determined if they were immediate or underlying causals factors. Tomorrow, we will look into the consequences of the Great Depression.