By Richard DuFour and Robert Eaker Professional Learning Communities at Work Best Practices for Enhancing Student Achievement By Richard DuFour and Robert Eaker
Where do we begin?
Complexity of the Change Process Recognizing how difficult change really is!
Mission Why do we exist? Why are we doing what we’re doing? What is it exactly we expect children to learn? How do we… respond when children do not learn? fulfill our collective responsibility to ensure that learning takes place for all students?
Vision What do we hope to become? Motivates and energizes Creates proactive orientation Gives direction Establishes standards of excellence Creates clear agenda for action
Values How must we behave in order to make shared vision a reality? Value Statements Few in number Linked to the vision Focused on behavior not beliefs Focused on self rather than others
Goals Which steps will we take first and when? “Visions may inspire, but goals foster ongoing accountability.” (page 100) Effective goals specify… What is to be accomplished? Actions to achieve goals Responsible party Timeline Evaluation criteria
Common Mistakes Too much complacency Failing to create a strong leadership team Underestimate the power of the vision Failing to create short term wins Neglecting to anchor change in culture
Sustaining School Improvement Collaboration embedded into daily life Purposeful Structured Facilitated Educators must be trained to be effective collaborators Individually and collectively work as true professionals
Embedding Change in School Culture Protecting shared values Engaging in reflective dialogue Celebrating shared values & progress
Curricular Focus Collaborative adoption process Research based Effective unit plans Appropriate assessment model Commitment to continuous improvement
Role of the Principal Lead through shared vision and values Model vision and values Shared decision making Create collaborative structures Focus on learning rather than teaching Be fixated on results
Role of the Parents Parental Involvement Significant to success of student achievement Greater involvement = greater achievement Translates into positive attitudes and behaviors Significant at any age of student development
Role of Parents Parents as Partners Communication between parent, school, student is dynamic Advocates for change within community and school Parenting skills are promoted Parents become valuable volunteers Share in decision making
Teaching in a Professional Learning Community Emphasis on learning rather than teaching Emphasize active student engagement with significant content Focus on student performance and production Collaborate with colleagues Teachers are students of teaching and consumers of research Function as leaders
Staff Development Content Process Context
Content Research based Focuses on generic and discipline specific teaching skills Expands repertoire to meet student needs
Process Attentive to the tenets of good teaching Coaching and supporting Results in reflection and dialogue Sustainable Evaluated
Context Focused on school, supported by district Embedded in daily work Foster renewal Individual Organizational
Conclusions “The bottom line is that there is just no way to create good schools without good teachers.” –National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future, 1996
About the Authors Richard DuFour, Ed.D. Robert Eaker, Ed.D Superintendent of Adlai Stevenson High School District 125 Distinguished alumni award Illinois State University Robert Eaker, Ed.D Dean of College of Education at Middle Tennessee State University Consultant on school improvement Co-authored Creating the New American School Background art design by Charles Neumeyer & Grannan Graphic Design LTD