Consolidated Planning & Monitoring (CPM) 2016-17 Data Review Webinar March 20, 2017 3-17-17.


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Presentation transcript:

Consolidated Planning & Monitoring (CPM) 2016-17 Data Review Webinar March 20, 2017 3-17-17

Consolidated Planning & Monitor Contacts Trish Kelly ( Data Steward Jonathan Bolding ( Foster Care, Neglected & Delinquent Rita Fentress ( School Improvement Jan Lanier ( EL, Immigrant, Migrant Alyson Lerma ( Economically Disadvantaged Brinn Obermiller ( Family Engagement, Renee Palakovic ( Title I Justin Singleton ( Homeless, Runaway Linda Stachera ( ePlan, Military-Related Keith Woodruff ( Equitable Services

CPM 2016-17 Data Review CPM Data Review for 2016-17 Data downloaded from Tennessee Department of Education’s (TDOE) EIS database for English learners and ESL teachers Homeless Immigrants Migrants Economically Disadvantaged Foster Care Runaway Military-Related Title I K-12, Title I K-12 Targeted Assistance Instructional & Support Services, Title I Pre-K

Review Your Data in ePlan Log into ePlan Go to the 2017 LEA Document Library’s CPM Data / LEA Data Review / March folder. Instructions and Data are provided in separate Word files Instructions District Data Separate tables for each program Notes below each table include data sources, “as of” dates and directions for EIS research queries. School Data (1 – 3 tables depending on Title I programs in your district.) Review your data. Upload revisions (if needed) to EIS.

Accessing the Data in ePlan The instructions and data and are available for review and download in the 2017 LEA Document Library under “CPM Data.”

Students Whose First Language Is Not English ( L, W, 1, 2, 3,4,F N) Check accuracy and completeness Upload revisions if Counts are incorrect Primary language was not submitted for a substantial number of students whose first language is not English L W 1 2 3 4 F N Total L,W, 1, 2 , 3, 4,F, N No Language 30 5 10 35 90

English Language Background (ELB) Classifications English Language Background classification: 2016-17: L, W, N, E, 1, 2, 3, 4, F For English learners and non-English background students, English language background cannot be English. If you do not enter an English language background, most SIS packages will automatically enter English.

State (BEP) and Federal Reporting The following four classifications are most important: English Learner (L) – first language is not English and qualifies for direct ESL services Waived Direct ESL services (W) – An EL student who declined direct ESL services in order to receive ESL services in a regular classroom Transitional Year 1 (T1 or 1) – first transition year from ESL Transitional Year 2 (T2 or 2) – second transition year from ESL  

2016-17 Changes in ELB Classifications Added to the Collection: Transitional Year 3 (T3 or 3) - third transition year from ESL Transitional Year 4 (T4 or 4) - fourth transition year from ESL Definition Revised: Former EL Student (F) – former EL status attained upon completion of the fourth transitional year.

Other ELB Classifications Non-English Language Background (NELB or N) - first language is not English and the student NEVER qualified for ESL services. NELBs are screened for English language proficiency because a language other than English appears on the Home Language Survey (HLS).) English Native (E) – native English speaker For more: See the CPM Data Manual and the EIS Data Dictionary’s Appendix, E, English Language Background (ELB).

ESL Teachers (Assignment Code = EL) Teachers with the EL assignment code in EIS. Each teacher is counted once per district. ESL teacher data are required for Title III reporting. Use the Staff Current Assignments Research Query to check your data. ESL Teachers (Assignment Code = EL) 5

Homeless Data Homeless (H) Student Classification Total Primary Nighttime Residence McKinney-Vento Subgrantee McKinney-Vento Served Homeless Unaccompanied Youth 120 Y 12 30   5

Homeless Student Classification (H) Homeless students lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. Homeless Student Classification (H) Yes (Y) for all homeless students Used by Accountability, Assessment Logistics, Finance, and other teams to identify homeless students Economically Disadvantaged (ED) Subgroup Homeless students are part of the ED subgroup. Enter the J-Direct Certification of Economic Disadvantage student classification IN ADDITION to the H-Homeless student classification.

Homeless Data Discrepancy The number of students with the H-Homeless student classification must equal the number of students with a homeless primary nighttime residence. Yet, statewide there is a discrepancy of 1,100 students 13,128 with the H-Homeless student classification 14,263 with a homeless primary nighttime residence Check your data and upload revisions where necessary to SIS/EIS.

Homeless Status Applies to the School Year Homeless students are eligible for services for the entire school year Once a student is identified as homeless, the homeless student classification (H) is Y not only in the current enrollment but also all future enrollments during the school year

When Homeless Students Transfer Since student classifications are tied to enrollments, when homeless students transfer during the school year, Receiving schools/districts Use the homeless student classification (H) to identify students as homeless during in the new enrollment. Use the enrollment begin date as the homeless student classification (H) begin date. Departing schools/districts use the enrollment withdrawal date as the homeless student classification (H) end date. Communication between homeless liaisons and records staff in departing/receiving schools/districts will facilitate this process.

Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence Primary nighttime residence codes: 01 - shelters, transitional housing, awaiting foster care, 02 - doubled up (living with another family due to economic reasons), 03 - unsheltered (cars, parks, campgrounds, temporary trailer, abandoned building), 04 - hotels/motels  All homeless students must have one of the four homeless primary nighttime residence codes. 00 is not a primary nighttime residence code.

Homeless Served by McKinney-Vento Funds Only districts that receive McKinney-Vento subgrants identify students as McKinney-Vento served Yes for homeless students served by McKinney-Vento subgrants; otherwise No or Null; Data collected in EIS. New pending federal requirements increase focus on the number of preschool children served with McKinney-Vento subgrants

Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Yes for homeless students who are not living with a parent or guardian; Otherwise No or Null

Entering Homeless Data in Your SIS The homeless student classification might be entered on a different screen in your SIS package than the one used for homeless primary nighttime residence, homeless served by McKinney-Vento subgrants and homeless unaccompanied youth fields. Check with your vendor on the location of the homeless data entry screens. The homeless classification uploads to EIS on a different extract (Extract 44) than the other homeless fields (Extract 41).

Immigrant Data The immigrant flag is Yes for students who were NOT born in one of the fifty US states, the District of Columbia or Puerto Rico. Immigrant = Y Enrolled in US School for Three or Fewer Years No Date of First Enrollment in US School No Country of Birth US Identified as Country of Birth 10 7

Immigrant Data for Federal Reporting  Date First Entered US School Required for federal reporting Identifies students who have been in a US school for three or fewer years (date first enrolled in US school >= June 1, 2014) Upload revisions for missing data Country of Birth Required for Title III Monitoring Can NEVER be US for an immigrant student Upload revisions for no country of birth or US as country of birth

Migrant: Qualifying Arrival Date and COE Conexion Americas, acting on behalf of the department, uses a qualifying arrival date (QAD) to certify students as migrant by granting a Certificate of Eligibility (COE). The QAD determines migrant status. Student exhaust eligibility for migrant services 36 months from the QAD (although services continue through the completion of the term). Only students with a QAD of 9/2/2013 or later qualify as migrant in 2016-17. Conexion Americas enters data for eligible migrant students in the TNMigrant website and uses the website to exchange documents securely with districts.

Migrant Data: TNMigrant, SIS and EIS In 2016-17, the department is reviving the migrant student classification (I). To identify students who should be flagged as I-Migrant in SIS/EIS, login to the TN Migrant at Review the Migrant Student List Excel files posted monthly (as of March) in your district’s folder. The files include all eligible migrant students enrolled in your district any time during the 2016-17 school year. Enter the migrant (I) student classification in your SIS for each student listed in the file. The migrant student classification (I) will upload to EIS from your SIS. If you do not see a Migrant Student List in your TNMigrant folder, no migrant students are enrolled in your district.

Migrant Data: CPM March Data Review The migrant table provides a count of migrant students enrolled in your district any time during the 2016-17 school year (as of 2/10/2017). Students included in the count are listed in the Migrant_Student_List_March_March_2017 file on the TNMigrant website (posted by Monday, March 20.) Enter the migrant student classification (I) for these students in your SIS. To confirm that your data uploaded to EIS, use the Student Classification Research Query and select Migrant (I). SY 2016-17 Migrant Students 5

Economically Disadvantaged (ED) For Accountability and BEP Funding purposes, the Economically Disadvantaged (ED) subgroup includes students eligible for free meals due to direct certification of economic disadvantage (J) as participants in federal/state income/nutrition programs (e.g., TANF, SNAP) or due to categorical eligibility through their status as homeless (H), migrant (I), runaway (U) and foster care students. Homeless, migrant and runaway students should be coded with the J- Direct Cert student classification AND H-Homeless, I-Migrant and U-Runaway student classifications, respectively.

Foster Care Definition Identification Student Classification Children placed away from their parents or guardians by the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) In foster family homes, foster homes of relatives, group homes, emergency shelters, residential facilities, child care institutions and pre-adoptive institutions and other settings.  Identification LEAs identify foster care students from the list provided each month by School Nutrition (from DCS). Student Classification 2016-17: J-Direct Certification of Economic Disadvantage 2017-18: A new foster care student classification AND J-Direct Cert

Runaway (U) Definition Student Classification A youth under the age of 18 who leaves his/her home/legal residence without the permission of a parent or guardian. Student Classification Use the U-Runaway student classification to identify runaway students. Economically Disadvantaged (ED) Subgroup Runaway students are part of the ED subgroup. Enter the J-Direct Certification of Economic Disadvantage student classification IN ADDITION to the U-Runaway student classification. Runaway (U) 5  

Military-Related There are three military-related student classifications 4-Active Duty Military 5-National Guard Military 6- Reserve Military Dependent Enter as many as apply for each student. Active Duty Military (4) National Guard Military (5) Reserve Military Dependent (6)  25  10  5

Title I K-12 Use the Title I (T) Student Classification to identify Title I students in Title I SW and Title I TA schools. The Title I and enrollment totals in the Title I K-12 Table in ePlan are limited to grades K-12 for each school. The example below applies to K-12 schools. SCHID School Title I Status Students Coded as Title I (T) Enrollment No Grade Reported 1 School A SW 400 2 School B TA 100 300 3 School C   500

Title I K-12 Title I Schoolwide School All students in grades K-12 are Title I (T) Title I Targeted Assistance School Students who receive Title I Targeted Assistance instructional or support services are Title I (T) Non-Title I School No students are Title I (T) No Grade Reported Insure that grade is reported to EIS for all students Students whose grade is missing will not be included in EIS queries and reporting that require grade

Title I Targeted Assistance (TA): K-12 Data Students who received Title I instructional and support services in Title I Targeted Assistance schools.   Instructional Services Support Services SCHID School School Title I Status 01-Math 02- RLA 03-Science 04-Social Studies 05-Vocational 06-Other Total 01 -Health 02- Dental 03-Eye Care 04-Guidance 05-Advocacy 5  School J TA 50 100 10 160 15 20

Title I TA Instructional Services Yes (Y) for each instructional service received by Title I students in Title I Targeted Assistance (TA) schools: 01-Math 02-RLA 03-Science 04-Social Studies 05-Vocational 06-Other No (N) otherwise

Title I TA Support Services Yes (Y) for each support service received by Title I students in Title I Targeted Assistance (TA) schools: 01-Health 02-Dental 03-Eye Care 04-Guidance 05-Advocacy 06-Other No (N) otherwise  

Title I TA: Discrepancies Only 7 of 17 Title I Targeted Assistance (TA) schools have submitted Title I TA instructional and support service data to EIS for 2016-17. Some schools erroneously submitted Title I TA instructional and support service data for 2016-17 Check your data and upload revisions to EIS if needed.

Title I Pre-K Pre-K students enrolled in schools on the Title I Pre-K School List are Title I (T)students. The Title I Pre-K School List is based on Title I Pre-K programs that LEAs identify as Title I Schoolwide Pre-K and Title I Targeted Assistance Pre-K in ePlan

Title I Pre-K: Status and Funding  School-Wide Pre-K students enrolled in Title I funded preschool programs in Title I Schoolwide schools are Title I students. Targeted Assistance Pre-K students enrolled in Title I Targeted Assistance funded preschool programs and supported by Title I Targeted Assistance funds are Title I students.   Non-Title I Pre-K students enrolled in state/local funded preschool programs are not Title I students.

Title I Pre-K: Additional Information For more information on the determination of Title I Pre-K programs, Consult with TDOE’s Title I Coordinator and See Title I guidance from the US Department of Education.

Checking Your Data in EIS Introduce yourself to your district’s EIS Contact and meet regularly with him/her to review your data. If your district permits program staff to access EIS, request a login. Use the EIS Research Queries to compare the data in EIS with the data in your SIS. Discrepancies might be due to processing errors. EIS Contacts should check for block approval, dynamic and extract file errors. For assistance, contact the EIS Help Desk (800) 495-4154 or (615) 532-6215

Running Queries in EIS Log into EIS production as a district or school user. Select the Research Queries option. Choose a research query (.e.g., Homeless Student List). Enter year as the “fall” part of the school year. Use 2016 for 2016-17 In the School box, select All Schools for a district report Choose other filters (e.g., grade, gender, race-ethnicity). Select View Report (right side of the page). To download the data to csv or Excel format, select the file icon (to the right of Find | Next).

Other Topics in the CPM Data Manual Other topics discussed in the CPM Data Manual include Data Collection and Use Students with Disabilities Race-Ethnicity Names and Registration Practices Handling Data Securely Duplicates in Excel SSMS Regional User Group Lead Districts
