Graduated – and then what?
In case of unemployment! 1. aktivering In case of unemployment! Submit to Jobnet: Contact process - Recruitment Jobnet – Akademikerkampagnen/basen Internship – Wage subsidy v/Businessconsultant Andreas Lorentzen,, 99 31 52 28
Enlist at the Jobcentre/”Jobhuset” 1. kontaktmøde Enlist at the Jobcentre/”Jobhuset” To receive unemployment benefit you have to enrole at Jobnet. Remember to do so on the first day of unemployment. Contactproces: Conversations at the Jobcentre approximately every month (6 conversations within 26 weeks) CV check, guidance on employment policy tools, sparring on (started) activities, etc. A labor-oriented offer must be submitted after 13 weeks! 16. mdr. samtale: Særlig indsats. Mulighed for tilknytning af en personlig jobformidler. Mulighed for kombinationsforløb - med hyppige samtaler - hjælp til at finde et virksomhedsrettet aktiveringstilbud.
Recruitment Recruitment: 1. kontaktmøde Recruitment Recruitment: Continuous opportunity to be recruited to (relevant) employment during unemployment and under various activities 16. mdr. samtale: Særlig indsats. Mulighed for tilknytning af en personlig jobformidler. Mulighed for kombinationsforløb - med hyppige samtaler - hjælp til at finde et virksomhedsrettet aktiveringstilbud.
Jobnet og Akademikerbasen 1. kontaktmøde Jobnet og Akademikerbasen Have to: CV database for both employers as well as for a Jobcentre employee in the entire DK. Should: CV database for the recruitment of academics, on the basis of a current academic campaign aiming to get more academics employees in various companies. (Option to upload their own private sales CV)
”Virksomhedspraktik”/Internship 1. aktivering ”Virksomhedspraktik”/Internship Both private and public employers Benefits corresponding to individual unemployment benefits Normal working hours (37 hours) Business requirements: Fair relationship between the number of employees and number of interns Duration: 8 weeks – if no paid employment after graduation Otherwise 4 weeks Forlænget jobsamtale Forholdstalskrav: 1 – 1, 10 – 2, 15 – 3, 20 – 4, 25 – 5, 50 – 10 VITAS – 1 uges tid til sagsbehandling Godkendelse skal foretages før start af VP 1924 timer = ret til dagpenge i 2 år igen.
Why virksomhedspraktik? Academics face a big challenge consisting of a lack on work experience! Learning new competencies Understanding of the labor market Network Experience Shortest way to the labor market
”Løntilskud”/Wage Subsidy 1. aktivering ”Løntilskud”/Wage Subsidy Purpose/Who: For unemployment benefit recipients training competencies for a future job. Can be started after 26 weeks of unemployment Duration: Primarily 3 months, but can be extended to 6 months. Economy: Private companies: At 37 hours a week, the candidate receives ”normal” salary and the employer receives approximately 12.500 dkk in refund per months. Public companies: Salary corresponds to benefits Business requirements: “Forholdstals”, justification
1. aktivering Internship and wage subsidy in numbers Ballisagers rekrutteringsanalyse 2015 83% of respondents who have internship or wage subsidy have subsequently employed employees in a regular job. 85% of companies assign internship / wage subsidies some or equal value of employment (Public 95%, private 82%) Source: Ballisagers rekrutteringsanalyse 2015 ANDREAS TILFØJELSE
Nordjysk Vækstpilot Opportunity for the company which generates growth by hiring an employee with a an academic background to work with development tasks. Grants are only granted to private small or medium small companies Financing 50% of salary Duration: 4 Months Read more at www.væ
Innobooster Development of innovation projects Allow small or medium small companies or entrepreneurs to develop new products, services or processes Duration: Up to 2 years Max 1/3 of the funding Read more at
Jobseaching in number Ballisagers rekrutteringsanalyse 2015 1. aktivering Jobseaching in number Ballisagers rekrutteringsanalyse 2015 Recruitment channels: Network – 58% LinkedIn– 42% (large private: 57 %) Unsolicited applications - 29% Facebook - 20 % - Don’t just apply for the solicited applications! ANDREAS TILFØJELSE
Use us – we are here for you! Reflections Questions? Use us – we are here for you! Andreas Lorentzen Business consultant Indsats for dimittender - Aalborg Universitet M: 2519 9149