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Life-Counts® The Information Sharing Network For Schools & Emergency Services Now with Emergency Group Communications & Alerts FOR August 25, 2016
In the event of an “Emergency, Incident or Disaster” Will our local emergency services have the most up-to-date building information they’ll need for our schools?
How will the district respond when parents ask… “What new steps have you taken to assure us that our children will be safe here?”
How will the Emergency Coordinator respond when teachers say… “When the alarm rings, we have no idea what’s going on! How can we improve our emergency communications?”
Police, Fire Departments & EMS may ask… “Although private schools are exempt, can you still comply with basic Pennsylvania State Safe Schools Codes? PA Chapter §10.24
Pennsylvania State Safe Schools Codes PA Chapter §10.24 (g) By September 30 of each year, a school entity shall assemble and make ready for immediate deployment to the Incident Command Post, that is, a physical location established in accordance with the school entity’s plan adopted under 35 Pa.C.S. § 7701(g) to manage an emergency incident or disaster, the following information for the purpose of assisting local police and fire departments in responding to an emergency: (1) Blueprints or floor plans of the school buildings. (2) Aerial photo, map or layout of the school campus, adjacent properties and surrounding streets or roads. (3) Locations of predetermined or prospective command posts. (4) Current teacher/employee roster. (5) Current student roster. (6) Most recent school yearbook. (7) School fire-alarm shutoff location and procedures. (8) School sprinkler system shutoff location and procedures. (9) Gas/utility line layouts and shutoff valve locations. (10) Cable/satellite television shutoff location and procedures. (11) Other information the school entity deems pertinent to assist local police and fire departments in responding to an emergency.
Police & Fire Departments & EMS may ask school administrators… “If you are not in the Life-Counts® network, how quickly will important changes and updates get to us?” Any First Responder Will Agree… Old Information is Dangerous!
There is an easy solution…
There is an easy solution… Information Sharing Network Join the Life-Counts® Information Sharing Network
OLD SCHOOL: It’s not the most user-friendly, and a bit time consuming, but we’ve always been able to upload plans on a government-provided or free program & view school floor plans here. ‘Old School’ Technology
NEW SCHOOL: With Life-Counts®, Pittsburgh Police and ALL area emergency services can view updated plans, floor plans, photos & videos … BUT we can also view so much more;
Chain of Command roster with phone and email info, Assigned Floor/Exits for School Action Team Members, Persons with Disabilities List with Details and Contact info, Complete Student, Teacher and Staff Rosters, Those certified in CPR, First Aid, AED, Photos and Videos, Fire Drill Log Book, Emergency Supply Inventory and lots MORE!.
AND… we don’t have to upload anything… The schools take care of that task at their end. We receive instant updates the moment they are updated!
Hmmm, this information appears outdated. ‘Old School’ Technology
There is an easy solution for better emergency communications and information sharing
What is Life-Counts® ?
What is Life-Counts® ? It is a customizable emergency preparedness Multi-facility mapping, planning and On-line training service…
What is Life-Counts® ? It is a customizable emergency preparedness Multi-facility mapping, planning and On-line training service… With immediate data sharing capabilities Incorporating secure, Web-based (Cloud) technology…
What is Life-Counts® ? It is a customizable emergency preparedness Multi-facility mapping, planning and On-line training service… With immediate data sharing capabilities Incorporating secure, Web-based (Cloud) technology… For School Employees, Incident Command Teams And local First Responders!
Emergency Services opens Life-Counts® and selects the school they need.
Select First Responder Portal Central Catholic High School Aquinas Academy 2308 W Hardies Road Gibsonia, PA 15044 Butler Catholic School 515 E Locust Street Pittsburgh, PA 16001 Central Catholic High School 4720 5th Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Select Oakland Catholic High School 144 N Craig Street Pittsburgh, PA 15213 SYNERGY LABORATORY SERVICES 162 Boyce Rd, Bridgeville Saint Joseph High School 800 Montana Ave Natrona Heights, PA 15065 First Responder Portal Note: Users could be County EMA, State police, 911 Centers, Police or Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, S.W.A.T., Bomb Squad, EMS, Building Fire Coordinator, Facility Manager or other corporate administrators'
Everything First Responders need to know is here. Central Catholic High School 4720 5th Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Phone: 412-621-8189 GPS Coordinates: 43° 20’ 36.36” N 76 ° 03’ 12.12” W Upper St. Clair Junior/Senior High School 1825 McLaughlin Run Road Pittsburgh, PA Everything First Responders need to know is here. First Responder Portal 24
All Easily Managed With the Information Sharing Network…
District Planners Who Oversee Their Schools are now confident that important elements are in their Life-Counts® Network ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS SECONDARY SCHOOLS
t Information Is Clear, Concise Schools Can Contact Pittsburgh Police to View and Discuss Life-Counts® Information Simultaneously and Make Adjustments Together. Confidence that the information Is Complete t Information Is Clear, Concise
Our documents are now available for you on line
please ID each of your exits and add adjacent street names On your floor plans, please ID each of your exits and add adjacent street names
With Confidence That Your Information Is Accurate And Complete… Thank you. We’ll do that right away! With Confidence That Your Information Is Accurate And Complete…
With Whom Is School Information Shared? School Administrators Faculty/Staff/Security (SRO) Pittsburgh Police Departments Pittsburgh Fire Stations Allegheny County EOC Pennsylvania State Police S.W.A.T. & EMS Pennsylvania Auditor General
All emergency services can access critical information from; emergency vehicles handhelds, offices, or from the school’s pre-determined Incident Command Post. Or From Inside Your School To Train… Or to Respond
Pittsburgh Police Department First Responder Portal “And Pittsburgh Police likes the fact that we can also access hospitals malls and commercial buildings!” Aquinas Academy 2308 W Hardies Road Gibsonia, PA 15044 Holy Redeemer School 311 Lawrence Ave Ellwood City, PA 16117 Northside Catholic School 3854 Brighton Road Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Oakland Catholic High School 144 N Craig Street Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Saint Joseph High School 800 Montana Ave Natrona Heights, PA 15065 Pittsburgh Police Department First Responder Portal Note: Users could be County EMA, State police, 911 Centers, Police or Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, S.W.A.T., Bomb Squad, EMS, Building Fire Coordinator, Facility Manager or other corporate administrators'
And Information Is Securely Available To All Parties Upon “Update”
You have now met your §10.8 obligations! That’s EZ Management! You have now met your §10.8 obligations!
‘Old School’ Technology Hmm, I think this superintendent retired last month and this student roster is 2 years old. ‘Old School’ Technology
WHICH IS the BEST CHOICE? Hmm?? ? ‘Old School’ Technology WHICH IS the BEST CHOICE?
ASSEMBLY POINT – HEAD COUNT Admin. 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade Open Life-Counts® Select Your Group
ASSEMBLY POINT – HEAD COUNT 1st Grade Brown, P David, T Howard, H Matthews, R Open Life-Counts® Select Your Group Check Off Names
ASSEMBLY POINT – HEAD COUNT 1st Grade Brown, P David, T Howard, H Matthews, R Open Life-Counts® Select Your Group Check Off Names Optional Send Alert* “Report In!” x *Optional E-mail & Text messaging requires setup and usage fees
INCLUDES OTHER FEATURES Custom Group/Team Leader feature (Head Count) Custom Team Organizer Special Needs – Rescue 1st List Employee Procedure Knowledge Testing OR Survey Life/Safety Certification Tracker Event Scheduler Emergency Supply Inventory Fire Drill Log Book Visual Enforcement - Photos/Videos E-Mail Alerts Optional - Text Message Alerts (Head Count) Optional - Auto Employee Refresher (HR) Complementary SETUP ASSIST & 100% 1:1 SUPPORT DURING ENTIRE CONTRACT
HERO EMERGENCY Group Communication HERE NOW!
EVERYONE ON 1 PAGE! “WHATS GOING ON!” They’re going up to 2nd floor! HERO Group Emergency Alerts Between Building Occupants & First Responders Video EVERYONE ON 1 PAGE! They’re going up to 2nd floor! Shooters in Room #102 I think I hear gun shots! *Email alerts are standard. Optional text messaging requires setup and usage fees
Be Sure to visit YouTube And HERO CODE RED: INTRUDERS! And HERO US Life Safety’s New Group Emergency Communications
“Old Information Is Dangerous” REMEMBER… “Old Information Is Dangerous” Steve Burchesky, CEO
Contact Our Life-Counts® Representative Steve Burchesky 724-746-3766 ©2016 - US Life Safety, Inc. All Rights Reserved