SOPRAN Surface Ocean Processes in the Anthropocene Johanna Schietke WDC-MARE/PANGAEA University of Bremen, Germany.


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Presentation transcript:

SOPRAN Surface Ocean Processes in the Anthropocene Johanna Schietke WDC-MARE/PANGAEA University of Bremen, Germany

Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften at the University of Kiel –H. Bange, P. Brandt, C. Eden, A. Körtzinger, J. LaRoche, K. Lochte, U. Riebesell, D. Wallace (Coordinator) University of Heidelberg –C. Garbe, B. Jähne, U. Platt, R. VonGlasow University of Hamburg –M. Gade, R. Kaese, W. Michaelis, G. Peters, R. Seifert, D. Stammer University of Bremen –W. Balzer, M. Rhein Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung, Leipzig –H. Herrmann, I. Tegen, A. Wiedensohler Leibniz-Insitut für Ostseeforschung, Warnemünde –K. Jürgens, M. Nausch, F. Pollehne, H. Siegel, D. Schulz-Bull, M. Voss Max-Planck Institut für Chemie, Mainz –J. Williams Max-Planck Institut für Meteorologie, Hamburg –E. Maier-Reimer Max-Planck Institut für Biogeochemie, Jena –M. Heimann Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven –C. Völker, A. Engel, D. Wolf-Gladrow GKSS Forschungszentrum, Geesthacht –M. Schartau, K. Wirtz 11 Institutes:

Theme 1: The oceanic response to atmospheric dust

Theme 2: Effect of high CO2 on marine ecosystems and sea-to-air gas fluxes in situ CO 2 perturbation experiments with mesocosms in off shore waters

Theme 3: Production / emission of radiatively and chemically active gases in the Tropical Oceans

Theme 4: Inter-Phase Transfer at the Sea Surface

Areas in the Baltic Sea for Theme 2 and 4: Blue Line: Volunteer Observing Ship (VOS) line Red circle (SW): FINO-2 wind-energy research platform Red circle (NE): location for mesocosm deployments Theme 1 and 3: Tropical eastern Atlantic, Cap Verde- Area

Expected Data: Cruise-derived data sets: Vertical profiles CTD/ bottle/ other profiler data structures - large data quantities, consistent formats. Simple metadata. Underway data; sediment-trap data, etc. -Relatively large data quantities with consistent parameters, formats and structures. Simple metadata. Experimental data: - tabular data structures of variable form. Relatively small data quantities with highly variable parameters and structures. Complex metadata. Time-Series data (e.g. from Cape Verde): Atmospheric Site: Atmospheric data at relatively high frequency. Similar to Underway data but with more complex and extensive metadata. UK-SOLAS will handle and process these data via the British Oceanographic Data Centre and the British Atmospheric Data Centre. Water-column data from measurements off Cape Verde: Profile data of limited amount and according to standard parameters. Experimental data from Cape Verde site: similar to cruise data discussed above. Mooring data.

Data from mesocosm experiments: Mesocosm study data: Tabular data structures of variable form. Wide range of small to medium data quantities with highly variable parameters and structures. Complex metadata. Lab-Experimental data: Tabular data structures of variable form. Relatively small data quantities with highly variable parameters and structures. Complex metadata. Data from gas exchange studies Experimental data of unique design. Tabular data structures of variable form. Relatively large data quantities with highly variable parameters and structures. Complex metadata. The data will be archived at the WDC-MARE and will be available via and the dataportal