How to Succeed in Discussion Forums John Swann Associate Professor of History and Geography Online Learning Campus Social and Behavioral Sciences Department Chair Georgia Military College
What are Online Discussions? Course management systems (CMS) such as Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, etc. host online discussions. Online discussion forums are one of the main learning tools found in almost all Online Learning Campus curriculum Classroom conversations that stimulate learning by getting students to engage with class material online Arranged by discussion boards, forums, and threads. A discussion board is the tool that hosts the space for online discussions. Can hold multiple forums, which can be organized by topic. Discussion threads are conversations within discussion forums and begin with a leading question or prompt. Users can respond to the original prompt and can reply to other responses.
Examples An FAQ board that students can use to ask and answer questions about the course. Reflections on course readings and lectures in relation to personal experiences. Reflections on course readings and lectures in relation to current events. Discussions around particular topics or current events related to course concepts. Discussions around collaborative work such as an ongoing problem-based learning activity. Feedback dialogue on a student writing assignment draft. Responses to weekly required reading assignments.
Why do them? Flexible, not limited by time or space, ideal for the asynchronous online environment. Students can prepare for class activities by engaging in online discussions that are designed to have students get familiar with new topics. Online discussions can reach different types of learners. introverted thinkers time to process a response extraverted thinkers time to reflect on their thoughts before posting Students can use online discussions to give and receive feedback on their work. Posts are saved and conversations can be reviewed for assessment and reflection purposes. A space where students answer each other’s frequently asked questions about the course. Question and Answer Forum
Skill Building Argumentation Research Citation Grammar and writing skills Netiquette
Effective Online Discussions To create productive learning experiences: Consider learning objectives of the master syllabi i.e. evaluate the credibility of sources used in historical research Use Bloom’s taxonomy to engage students in meaningful ways Apply a concept? Critique an event? Evaluate a piece of text? Create and stagger mini deadlines Guarantees students receive some feedback on or engagement with their contributions Helps to facilitate ongoing discussion Communicate assignment expectations How often do we expect students to log on and to post How online participation (attendance and quality of participation) affects course grade. Use a rubric
Assessing Online Discussions Online participation counts toward course grades Provide students with feedback about the quantity and quality of their contribution. Using a grading rubric helps ensure that evaluation is consistent. “You need to substantively engage four or more peers over three or more days and cite any sources used to earn full credit.”
Pitfalls Opinions Always read through the material provided in the course or consult the GMC databases in our library for accurate sources on which to base your opinion. Cite those sources using the reference style required (APA, MLA, etc.) “Good post” and “I agree” Professor’s job is to decide if a post was good or not, not yours. “Why”
References CTE T4 Online Discussions: Extending Learning and Saving Time (CU NetID required to access. Link redirects to login page.) Cornell Academic Technologies Blackboard help site on Discussion Boards on Blackboard Davis, B.G (2009). Tools for teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Rovai, A. (2007). Facilitating online discussions effectively. The Internet and Higher Education, 10, 77-78.