Status and plan for the phase 2 Tracker Construction


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Presentation transcript:

Status and plan for the phase 2 Tracker Construction G.M. Bilei – INFN Perugia On the behalf of INFN and Universities of Bari, Catania, Firenze, Genova, Padova, Pavia, Perugia, Pisa, Milano Bicocca, Torino, Trieste Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees

The status and plan of the Tracker upgrade for Phase 2 Brief recap on CMS TK Upgrade requirements for HL LHC Increased radiation hardness to 3000 fb-1 Detector meant to survive without maintenance. Robustness and redundancy. Increased granularity to resolve 140 ® 200 mb/BX Reduce material and improve tracking performance Provide tracking @ Level-1 Coverage extension up to η close to 4 CMS HL Upgrade Technical Proposal CERN-LHCC-2015-010 Tracker Technical Design Reports in June 2017 Aim at delivering upgraded Tracker for data taking in 2025-26 Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Current Phase 2 Tracker layout Objective: acceptance up to η = 4. L1 Track Trigger down to η = 2.4 Very significant change from the present Tracker, made for η = 2.5 Acceptance increase is in the Outer Tracker endcap (TEDD) and in particular in the Pixels In the forward region the geometry of the Beam-pipe, Pixels and Outer Tracker are strongly coupled. Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees

General concept – L1 Tracking Trigger Silicon modules provide at the same time “Level-1 data” (@ 40 MHZ), and “readout data” (upon positive Level-1 trigger decision) The whole tracker sends out data at each BX Level-1 data require local rejection of low-pT tracks To reduce the data volume, and simplify track finding @ Level-1 Threshold of ~ 2 GeV ⇒ data reduction of one order of magnitude or more Design modules with pT discrimination (“pT modules”) benefiting 4T B field Correlate signals in two closely-spaced sensors Exploit the strong magnetic field of CMS Level-1 “stubs” are processed in the back-end Form Level-1 tracks, pT above ~ 2 GeV To be used to improve different trigger channels x y z “stub” G.M. Bilei Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees

Tracker upgrade – Outer Tracker 220 m2 area - 50/220M strips/macro pixels - 15500 modules 90-100 µm2 pitch 2.5 to 5 cm strips & 1.5 mm macro-pixels 200 µm active or physical thickness INFN R&D contribution FE Read-out chip for Macro Pixel-Strips modules Silicon Sensors L1 Track Trigger Silicon Module and power system started recently

Tracker upgrade – Pixels 4 m2 area 50x50 to 25x100 µm2 (minimum size) 200 µm thickness INFN R&D contribution Front-End ROC electronics Silicon Sensors planar/3D Serial Power system Mechanical structure starting planar 3D RD53 ASIC 65 nm

Outer Tracker P T modules Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Outer Tracker 2S (Strip Strip) module Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Outer Tracker PS (Pixel Strips) module Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Outer Tracker R&D Progress Si-Sensors: Float Zone n-in-p INFINEON 200 um thick produced first 8” with good quality. Some issues need to be resolve to meet CMS specs. HPK 6” sensors excellent quality. They satisfy CMS specs Market Survey launched (common with ATLAS) Next years formal qualification of potential venders for tender 8” INFINEON sensors Perugia Simulation & Process Control Qualification 6” 8” Sensor production can be shared in 8” and 6” size preserving the current Geometries (with possible cost gain) Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Outer Tracker R&D progress ASIC chips: all front-end ASIC proto-designs completed CBC2 and MPA-light in hand. New submissions in 2017 Modules: prototypes assembled and tested in beam 29 µm hit resolution, stub efficiency close to 100% Power chain: System studies and demonstrator set up Mechanics: prototyping with improved designs started Model includes installation and routing of services Track-Trigger: demonstrators operational Initial results consistent with latency ≲ 5 µs and good track finding efficiency Review process in place to compare three options in Dec-Jan.17 PV PG,BA FI Full-size 2S module with CBC ASICs PI,PG,CT,TS MaPSA-light module Power hybrids New tilted barrel geometry and End cap dees

Outer Tracker RD funds 2017 Contributo allo sviluppo e qualifica dei Sensori Outer Tracker 2017 verranno sottomessi 2 batch RD per qualificare i potenziali vendor. Costo totale è circa 250 K€ Perugia che ha sssunto la responsabilità del controllo di processo 25 K€ per contributo sottomissione comune sensori Outer Tracker 3 K€ probe cards 2. Front-End Chips per PS modules MPA e SSA Prossimo anno Marzo/Aprile sottomesso insieme a RD53 (50% costo ciascuno) run fonderia 65 nm per MPA e SSA chips. Costo Totale è circa 500 K€ (50% eng. Run) Pavia sta contribuendo al disegno e test dei due chip MPA e SSA 50 K€ per contributo sottomissione comune Front end chips 3 K€ probe cards/setup readout Milestone: Sottomissione readout ASIC macro pixel (MPA) e Short Strip (SSA) in 65 nm per lettura moduli PS outer Tracker 30 Lug. 2017 Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Outer Tracker RD funds 2017 3. Contributo ad assemblaggio Bum Bonding Mapsa (MacroPixel) I Chip MPA dopo  la loro consegna (stesso Run RD53) verranno montati bumb bondati ai sensori macro pixel. Costo totale stimato 150 K€ 15 K€ Perugia 4. Sviluppo e Costruzione di jigs per assemblaggio meccanico, wire bonding dei moduli Outer Tracker (Bari e Perugia) 5 ke x ciascuna sede =Tot 10 K€ 5. Acquisto Setups basati su boards FC7 per test moduli ed ibridi di Front end Bari, Perugia, Catania, Pisa. 8 Keu per setup= Tot 32 k€ Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Pixel R&D progress Sensors: several submissions ongoing to select technologies and configurations: Planar sensors: FBK sensors qualified. HPK design being finalized. 3D sensor: batch from IMB-CNM received, good initial test results. FBK 3D completed. Quality satisfactory CMS: Bari, Firenze, MiBicocca, Perugia, Pisa, Torino See M. Meschini & G. Dalla Betta HPK wafer design FBK Planar FBK 3D Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

15 Pixel R&D progress ASIC chip: 65 nm Digital ASIC submitted in Mar. (validation of radiation tolerance) Power distribution: serial powering test setup operational (FEI4). Shunt LDO regulator block submitted in Apr (RD53) Data Transfer: e-links simulations and laboratory tests started Bari, Torino, Perugia, Pisa, Padova, Pavia FI Digital RADiation chip RD53, CMS/MPA, CERN/LP-GBT MEASUREMENTS SIMULATIONS Shunt LDO regulator Data link frequency (eye) response Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Pixel ROC R&D INFN CHIPIX65 – RD53 CHIPIX65 (INFN demonstrator call GR5) 65 nm CMOS technology for future pixel chip (smaller pixel, lower thresh. & power CHIPIX65 project approved by GR5 (CMS-ATLAS common effort). Resp. Naz. L. Demaria (To) CMS: Bari, Torino, Perugia, Pisa, Padova, Pavia ATLAS: Milano, Lecce 10 FTE participants to CHIPIX65 project in GR5. 600 K€ in 3 years Developments of several IP blocks and MPW run CHIPX demonstrator submitted in July. FE65P2 (LBL demonstrator) Chip received end of 2015 Under testing Good starting exercise CHIPIX65 64x64 pixel matrix FE65 64x64 pixel matrix Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

CERN RD Projects with INFN CMS TK participation RD53 - Large scale Front-End ASIC prototype for Pixel Phase-II detectors Common development with ATLAS,CLIC and several CMS Institutes Crucial work on 65 nm radiation tolerance validation Important submission of RD53A full size chip spring 2017 Development of the shunt LDO for serial powering L. De Maria chair of RD53 Institution Board & F. Loddo Responsible designing team INFN CMS TK Institutes: Bari, Pisa, Torino, Padova, Pavia, Perugia RD50 - Radiation hard semi-conductor devices Common development with ATLAS and other experiments CMS sensor R&D benefits from extended knowledge accumulated in RD50 (ex. Selection of p-type sensors) - large community of CMS experts is active in RD50. Planar and 3D Pixel sensors (some common submissions in the latter case) TCAD simulation and parameterization of radiation damage models INFN CMS TK Institutes: Bari, Firenze, Perugia, Pisa, Torino Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Other common developments with INFN TK participation CMS benefits from several other common R&D developments across sub-detectors and experiments. INFN commitment & benefit is strong 800 K€ (33 year man AR) EU INFRA Project: AIDA2020 (2015-19) CMS Tracker R&D activities characterization of Si-sensors and FE elec. synergies w ATLAS Access to irradiation facilities CMS INFN TK beneficiaries: Firenze, Pavia, Perugia, Torino - 250 K€ personnel (silicon sensors and RO chips) EU ITN Project : INFIERI (2013-17) INtelligent Fast Interconnected and Efficient Devices for Frontier Exploitation in Research and Industry. Several partners HEP, Astropartical, Medical, Industry CMS TK Pisa beneficiary - 170 K€ personnel (Track Trigger) PRIN 2012 : H-TEAM (2014-2017) Higgs precision Physics at LHC with Trigger, Electronics and advanced method ATLAS (Pisa, Milano) and CMS (Pisa, Siena, Firenze, Perugia, Torino) collaboration CMS TK - 220 K€ personnel (Track Trigger) Regione Toscana : NEOLITE (2016-17) Development of new and smart power systems for HL-LHC CAEN and INFN-UNIV TK Firenze beneficiaries – Firenze 170 K€ Roma June 10 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

INFN proposed contribution to the TK Upgrade 2015 Tracker Management Board held series of meetings to asses sharing of construction responsibilities and funding for the Technical Proposal. Started reviewing now cost and sharing contributions. A preliminary and internal sharing among INFN CMS Institutes is being discussed and shown by Roberto at GR1 July 2015 INFN proposed contribution to CMS 25 MCHF of 265 MCHF INFN Tracker proposed contribution 15 MCHF 10 MCHF Outer Tracker 5 MCHF Pixel Several INFN internal discussion to asses a proposal for the Tracker responsibilities, financial contributions, commitments, resources available and required. Technical Proposal Tracker estimated cost Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Past and on going INFN contribution to TK construction Construction of TIB/TID (Bari, Catania, Firenze, Padova, Perugia, Pisa, Torino) 2 sensor QTC (Pisa, Perugia) 1 PQC (Firenze) 2 module assembly centers (Bari, Perugia) 6 module bonding & qualification centers (Bari, Catania, Firenze, Pisa, Padova, Torino) Mechanics construction of TIB shells and TID disks (Pisa) Module integration on TIB (Pisa, Firenze) and TID (Torino) Power supply system (Firenze, Torino, Catania) Opto Hybrids qualification for TIB/TID (Perugia) Integration and commissioning at CERN (all) Construction of Pixel half layer 3 Bpix (Bari, Catania, Padova, Perugia, Pisa) ROC testing (Padova) Bare module and BB qualification (Pisa) HDI + TBM Assembly, bonding and qualification (Catania) Module assembly and wire bonding (Bari) Module qualification, thermal cycle, calibration, HR tests (Perugia) Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Some INFN TK upgrade considerations Will build our construction contribution based on past (Strip) and current (Pixel Phase 1) experience, based on the on going R&D effort and keeping into account competences and instrumentation available in the centers (part of them to be necessarily updated). Will share effort between Pixel and Outer Tracker and identify synergies and strategic balance among the two activities. Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

FTE breakdown INFN TK activities in 2017 INFN Tracker strong, motivated, well organized community As today about 100 FTE associated to INFN Tracker (about 20% of CMS TK collaboration) Carefully balancing TK concurrent activities making sure we are not unbalanced 50 FTE in Operations, DPG, POG, Physics.. 17 FTE in Pixel Phase 1 33 FTE in total for R&D for HL-Tracker including EU Projects: AIDA2020, INFIERI PRIN MIUR Projects: H-Team GR5 R&D Projects: CHIPIX65 POR Toscana: Monolite We will require as in the past to hire Technical support for the construction of the Tracker. Compiled on July 2016 for 2017 activities Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Tilted TBPS Outer Tracker & Inner Pixel Layers INFN proposed contribution to the development & construction of systems : Tilted Tracker Barrel PS (TBPS) Two Inner layers Pixel detector Tilted TBPS L1 & L2 Pixel detector Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Proposed Pixel Contribution Deliver Layers 1-2 BPix, mounted, integrated and tested with ultra rad-hard Pix modules (≈ 0.4 m2 surface detector) Contribution to development, qualification, ROC, Sensors, Hybrids ROC testing Sensors testing Hybrids testing Construction and integration of Modules (324 installed) in Pixel Layer 1-2 bare module testing module assembly and bonding module burn in and calibration module mechanical integration and qualification Bpix Mechanics development and construction Contribution to development, qualification of common systems Serial power system and Power Supply DAQ and Control Systems Safety system Financial contribution ≈ 5 MCHF About 20% Total Pixel Cost (23 MCHF) Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Proposed Pixel WPs contribution Draft INFN Sharing of responsibilities Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Proposed Outer Tracker Contribution Deliver Tilted Inner Tracker (36x2 rings per side) mounted, integrated and tested with 1956 PS modules (≈ 40 m2 surface detector) and contribute to Track Trigger Development and Qualification Service Hybrid testing FE Hybrids testing Sensors Process Qualification Construction and integration of PS Modules (1956 installed) module assembly, wire bonding and testing module burn in module mechanical integration and testing in 72 rings Contribution to development, qualification of commons systems Track Trigger electronics system (to be confirmed after Dec. 2016 Review) Power supply system DAQ and Control Systems Safety System Total ≈ 10 MCHF About 10% Total Outer TK Cost (89 MCHF) Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Proposed Outer Tracker WPs Contribution Draft INFN Sharing of responsibilities Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Project Timeline 2018-2020 R&D_Fase2 Funds Construction Funds Developments Funds? Construction Funds Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Summary 2017 CMS Tracker R&D Phase 2 Missioni Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

R&D and Construction funds considerations The TDR is expected in June 2017 The construction (and related CORE budget) will start at EDRs in 2020-2021. Several developments, pre-prototyping and prototyping need to be carry out for preparing EDR. These developments are not covered by construction funds In 2018-2020 foreseen INFN TK investments of ≈ 750 - 800 K€ Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees G.M. Bilei

Back up G.M. Bilei Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees

G.M. Bilei Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees

First module prototyping with dummy parts in Perugia G.M. Bilei Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees

Tracker upgrade Material budget Data reduction  stub turn-on for full efficiency at 2 GeV Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees

Mechanics Actually developing the tilted version of TBPS TB2S TEDD Flat version is based on the same concept as the central part of the tilted version

Tilted TBPS Three layers as individual units Each layer: Central flat section + 2 tilted sections Central section: 2 end rings and module support plates Tilted sections: module support rings Longitudinal profiles join the sections and provide for services routing paths 0.8 - 1 m 0.4 – 0.8 m 0.4 – 1.1 m 0.8 - 1 m

Ring with modules

G.M. Bilei Roma Sep.8 2016 Meeting with referees