September 2017 Juba, South Sudan Rapid Response Fund September 2017 Juba, South Sudan
What is the Rapid Response Fund? Fast, flexible funding mechanism Funded by USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) Managed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Quick Notes: Supports critical, emergency interventions in response to both natural and/or man-made disasters Rolling application process Short-term: 2 – 3 months No minimum. Unofficial cap is $500,000
Who can apply? Applications are welcome from experienced national and international NGOs in South Sudan and Abyei. Applicants must be registered as an official NGO with the Ministry of Justice and the RRC. Applicants must demonstrate expertise and past experience in the proposed sector.
Who can apply? Applicants that participate in national or state-level Clusters are preferred as Clusters endorse proposals. NGOs are encouraged to contact RRF early with ideas.
Sectors Covered: Agriculture and Food Security Logistics Support, Relief Commodities Health Humanitarian Coordination, Information Management Logistics Support, Relief Commodities Nutrition Protection Shelter / CCCM Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
RRF cannot support: Ongoing Development programming Government salaries Sub-partners Office start-up costs Education Food
Agriculture and Food Security Objective: To increase disaster affected populations’ food security through providing relevant inputs and training.
Agriculture and Food Security Activities Supported: Fisheries – distribution of fishing kits, training Livestock – support to CAHWs, training Seed System Security - Comprehensive multi-agency seed system assessments, improved seed storage Improving Agricultural Production/Food Security - provision of seeds/tools; kitchen gardens/home gardens/urban agriculture; organic fertilizer production; training in agricultural production techniques
Proposal Requirements Needs assessment Cluster endorsement (either state or national) Reasonable costs Clear ability to implement quickly Use RRF indicators Fill in required waiver requests (LLINs, charter flights, pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, etc.)
How to apply: Contact the IOM RRF team at with initial information about proposed intervention, including area, target population and identifying needs assessment (IRNA or others) Also contact us with questions about RRF availability, and request the application templates and guidelines. Visit the IOM South Sudan website at to download the templates and guidelines.
**ALL APPLICATIONS must be sent to How to apply: Follow the Guidelines to develop the documents which must be submitted: Annex I – Proposal and Reporting Template Annex II – Budget, Work-plan and Logframe Annex IX – Waiver requests, if needed **ALL APPLICATIONS must be sent to
Requirements for a strong proposal: Activities are based upon documented, acute, immediate needs. Budget lines match the activities. Coordination with other actors is clearly described. Materials sourced through the common pipelines are described as in-kind. Questions? Thank you! Questions?