Libraries at the University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Libraries at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Seeking an International Perspective Maxine Schmidt Head, Science and Engineering Library University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries History UMass Amherst began in 1863 as a land-grant agricultural college, Massachusetts Agricultural College In 1931, to reflect a broader curriculum, it was renamed Massachusetts State College In 1947, “Mass State” became the University of Massachusetts at Amherst
University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries History
Overview 1,121 full-time instructional faculty University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Overview 1,121 full-time instructional faculty 21,812 undergraduate students 6,272 graduate students
Libraries at UMass Amherst University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Libraries at UMass Amherst Image Collection Library W.E.B. Du Bois Library Music Reserve Lab Science and Engineering Library
Libraries at UMass Amherst University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Libraries at UMass Amherst Collections East Asian Collection Government Documents and Patents Image Collection InterNano Law Collection Maps Media Microforms Music Rudman Collection Science and Engineering Special Collections and University Archives
Libraries at UMass Amherst University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Libraries at UMass Amherst Subscribe to more than 300 databases 24 kilometers of shelving for nearly 7million books
Librarians at UMass Amherst University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Librarians at UMass Amherst Agriculture and Sustainability Staff 50 Librarians Librarians have Masters’ Degrees in Library and Information Science They are subject specialists, many with Ph.D. in their subject 83 Support Staff Biology and Nursing Chemistry and Chemical Engineering History Plant Biology Soil Science
Librarians at UMass Amherst University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Librarians at UMass Amherst What we do Cataloging Manage electronic resources User services Reference desk Online assistance Teach library skills Teach information literacy
Libraries at UMass Amherst University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Libraries at UMass Amherst Teaching Commons Learning Commons
Libraries at UMass Amherst University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Libraries at UMass Amherst Library services to students Laptop lending Interlibrary Loan Five-College borrowing RefWorks citation manager Assistive Technologies Wireless access campus-wide Photocopiers, printers, scanners Digital creation consultation services
Students and the UMass Libraries University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Students and the UMass Libraries On the busiest days, 19,200 students use the Libraries Most use the Libraries’ computers They seek quiet space to study and places where they can work in groups They also use the café
Students and the UMass Libraries University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Students and the UMass Libraries Last year, there were 51,000 questions for the Reference Desk There were 4,023,000 hits on the Libraries’ web page
International Students at the UMass Libraries University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries International Students at the UMass Libraries This year there are more than 1700 International Students at UMass Amherst Most from Asian countries Most are graduate students Most in the Sciences and Engineering
International Students at the UMass Libraries University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries International Students at the UMass Libraries Differences from U.S. Students International Students are Heavy users of the Libraries First in the library in the morning, and the last to leave They use quiet study space and group study space They use the library computers mostly for email and web-surfing They seldom ask librarians research questions, they mostly come with problems with access to resources They use only resources mentioned by professors
International Students at the UMass Libraries University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries International Students at the UMass Libraries Ways we think U.S. libraries are different from many Asian libraries Open stacks No limit on borrowing Liberal Interlibrary Loan policies Emphasis on user services Are there other differences?
International Students at the UMass Libraries University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries International Students at the UMass Libraries Here are some questions we have: What do International Students expect from the Libraries? How do they find out about new resources or different resources? Where do they go for research help? How can we help them use the Libraries to the best advantage?
International Students at the UMass Libraries University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries International Students at the UMass Libraries An Online Library Guide for International Students
International Students at the UMass Libraries University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries International Students at the UMass Libraries International Student Orientation Introduction to the Libraries’ website Introduction to the International Student Guide A card from “Your Personal Librarian”
International Students at the UMass Libraries University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries International Students at the UMass Libraries What we have planned: Workshops Advanced Research skills Citation management Special resources (Patents, Government documents, e.g.) Doing a Comprehensive Literature Search Thesis/dissertation writing Translate some brochures and information sheets We would like to create online video guides in different languages
International Students at the UMass Libraries University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries International Students at the UMass Libraries Some questions we have: How do students and researchers use Web 2.0? How would students like to learn about the library? Face-to-face? Online? One-on-one or in a classroom? What does information literacy look like here?
International Students at the UMass Libraries University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries International Students at the UMass Libraries How can we reach these students? Student groups (Chinese, Japanese, Korean student associations) Other workshops? Food!
University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Services to faculty University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries The Teaching Commons offers support for integrating technology and developing pedagogical skills UMass Amherst Libraries Center for Teaching & Faculty Development Office of Information Technology Academic Computing
Services to teaching faculty University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Services to teaching faculty In-class instruction Offered as entire class session Offered as menu. Examples: Library 101 (20 min) Developing a topic (10 min) Distinguishing Between Popular and Scholarly Articles (20 min) Evaluation of web information (30 min) Specialized research databases (50 min)
Services to teaching faculty University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Services to teaching faculty Assistance preparing assignments addressing information literacy Faculty Writing Place Plagiarism prevention tool Assistance with copyright and fair use for instructional material Faculty writing retreats
Services to research faculty University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Services to research faculty Assistance with advanced research Patents Technical reports Gray literature Purchase books on request Grant research and writing assistance (with the Office of Research Development) Data management planning assistance
Services to research faculty University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Services to research faculty Scholarly communication Assistance with author’s rights (SHERPA/ROMEO) ScholarWorks Institutional repository “Showcase” for faculty work Allows the creation of online journals with peer-review Conference proceedings of meetings held at UMass Amherst
Links University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries UMass Amherst Libraries webpage Guide to the Libraries ize.pdf International Students Guide Services for faculty Plagiarism prevention tool Scholarworks Teaching commons Learning Commons
Even more links! These are other topics you might be interested in: University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries Even more links! These are other topics you might be interested in: Science Boot Camp for Librarians (4 years of camps) eScience Portal for New England Librarians (but open to anyone to view) Open Educational Resources (to reduce textbook expenses for students)
Maxine Schmidt