A typical roadside verge throughout England and Wales
Great Yellow Bumblebee
Shrill carder bee
The Bee Coalition Buglife
Well done Hartlepool Borough Council
From a 2 kilometre test stretch of roadside verge in 2013 ....................
Hartlepool have now expanded their wildflower planting scheme to 36 areas throughout the town
Hartlepool have now expanded their wildflower planting scheme to 36 areas throughout the town
I’m determined to get other local councils to follow the Hartlepool success
( look out for the RHS perfect for pollinators logo ) Can we help them? We certainly can! Everyone can play a part no matter how small the effort Plant bee friendly flowers ( look out for the RHS perfect for pollinators logo )
My own wildflower planting using Pictorial Meadows Classic seed mix
3 x c50sq mtr areas transformed from a generally neglected waste area
Transformed to these pollinator friendly areas that flower from early June through to Sept. End and beyond.
Leave even a small area of your garden to go wild
Crocus are vital early flowers for bees
All together to form; ‘The Bee Coalition’
Well done Hartlepool Borough Council (If only others would follow their lead!)
Lobby you MP and local council members; ask them about their National Pollinator Strategy plans for bees and other pollinators in England
Hartlepool have now expanded their wildflower planting scheme to 36 areas throughout the town