Nurturing Parenting Program Winter 2016 Hopes and Fears Give everyone their name tags, give them 15 mins to decorate name tags Facilitator: Alicia Phone: (916) 290-8255 Date/time: Mondays & Fridays 1-3 pm
WEEK 1 - AGENDA Valley Hi FRC Introduction Welcome and Icebreaker Class Agreements Orientation Hopes and Fears Break Time! Assessment and Session Evaluation Intake Paperwork Done! =
Facilitator Introduction Valley Hi Family Resource Center Family Resource Center Classes: Fitness, Tiny Learners, Parenting & more Clubs: Lego & Homework Hub Events: Family Fun Days, Resume Workshop, Carseat Class Home Visitation Village Program: home visitation, Sistah to Sistah & events Family Resource Center Aide Facilitate classes, provide playcare, transportation, organize events, case manage, referrals
WELCOME AND ICEBREAKER My name is _______________________ . My children’s names and ages are __________. One person that made a positive impact in my life is/was ___________ because ____________ . One word that describes the parent I want to be is _________________. Materials: Family Nurturing Journal, flip chart, magic markers, name tags, snacks and drinks Table of Contents
Class Agreements What do you need within this class environment to feel safe and comfortable? Examples: respect one another, listen when others are talking, keep information shared within the classroom confidential Please keep these in mind as we move through these next 8 weeks Brainstorm ideas of what you need within this space to feel comfortable, what are some of the expectations that you have
ORIENTATION NURTURING PARENTING PHILOSOPHY Evidence Based Program Goal: To clarify the structure, format, competencies and expectations of the program. NURTURING PARENTING PHILOSOPHY Evidence Based Program Attachment Empathy Gentle Touch Discipline Expressing Feelings Expectations We are trying to improve on these categories. 1st, 6th, and 15th session we will be taking the AAPI, which will measure where you fall within these categories. They are not meant to judge, but just to assess where you could work on improvements.
COMPETENCY BASED (orientation) The Nurturing Parenting Program is competency based. Competencies are measurable outcomes which form the basis of each session. Competencies are skills, knowledge and experiences the parents take with them at the end of the session. How we track learning and progress At the end of each session you will be asked to rate how well you understood the competencies for the lesson using a scale from 0-5. Not at all A little bit Pretty good Really well Competency #1 0 1 2 3 The competencies for today are Introductions. Hopes and Fears, Program Description, Nurturing in a Lifestyle, Pre AAPI-2 -every session reflects on these competencies: like empathy, understanding discipline, praising children, etc
SESSION 1 – COMPETENCES (orientation) Parents are willing to share their hopes and fears about participating in the program. Parents understand the program format and requirements Parents are willing to participate in the program Parents will review their parenting profiles and can describe their parenting strengths and areas needing improvement. Table of Contents
CLASS TOPICS AT A GLANCE (orientation) Nurturing as a Lifestyle Children’s Brain Development Developing Empathy in Kids Expectations and Development Meeting our Needs Recognizing Feelings Developing Personal Power Understanding Discipline Family Morals and Values Rewarding Children Establishing Nurturing Routines Understanding Stress Managing Anger & Alternatives Keeping Kids Safe Keeping Kids Drug-Free
CLASS POLICIES & EXPECTATIONS (orientation) Come Every Week (Attendance) 16 sessions Only three (3) absences allowed **Leaving class early counts as a missed class!!** Must complete all classes in 6 months Make-Ups Only at this site & offered one time Be on time, 10 minutes or more= absence Three assessments – AAPI Complete the home practice assignments if you find them helpful Table of Contents
A TYPICAL CLASS (orientation) Welcome Review Agreements/Expectations Review last session’s topic(s) Competencies of Today’s session Today’s Session Activities Break Session Evaluation Table of Contents
Complete the following statement: HOPES AND FEARS Complete the following statement: As a result of participating in the program and spending time together, some hopes I have are ________________ and some fears I have are ___________________. Flip chart, magic markers Table of Contents
Don’t smoke within 100 feet of the building Be mindful of noise level BREAK TIME! Don’t smoke within 100 feet of the building Be mindful of noise level 10 minutes, don’t be late!
ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION The assessment measures parenting and child rearing attitudes of parents. It measures 5 constructs: Expectations of Children Parental Empathy Towards Children’s Needs Use of Corporal Punishment Parent-Child Family Roles Children’s Power and Independence What is the point: to determine parenting strengths and areas that may need improvement. Hope is that there will be improvement from beginning of class to the end! Is designed to assess the parenting and child rearing attitudes of parents. Based on the known parenting and child rearing behaviors of abusive parents, responses to the inventory provide an index for risk of practicing behaviors known to be attributable to child abuse and neglect. It is used to determine parenting strengths and areas that need improvement We will do a pre test to determine entry level capabilities, a process assessment to monitor ongoing growth and changes and a post test to determine your level of growth and future intervention needs of the family
ASSESSING PARENTING STRENGHS AAPI Eyes on your own paper No right or wrong answers Answer honestly Record what you believe and practice at home Raise your hand silently for any questions Table of Contents
SESSION EVALUATION & INTAKE PAPERWORK Stay on the same page as the group Raise your hand with any questions Competencies* Table of Contents
SESSION EVALUATION Table of Contents Susie Que 1 12/5/12 I liked __________________________________. I didn’t like _______________________________. I ‘d like more _____________________________. Table of Contents
Monday, March 13th Nurturing Parenting; Children’s Brain Development NEXT CLASS Monday, March 13th Nurturing Parenting; Children’s Brain Development