MATH 1113 ‘Flipped’ Pre-Calculus Fall 2013 Dr. Priya boindala 678-471-4123
About This Course How class is organized: What is ‘Flipped’ PreCalculus? Lecture is taken out of the classroom and work is done before coming to class You will be expected to complete assignments in Weekly Learning Modules You will be expected to review videos and other digital media in preparation for class each meeting You will spend a lot of time at the Academic Enhancement Center in Building B or working with your classmates You will be working with your classmates doing peer-instruction How class is organized: Course Objectives Lesson Objectives Desire 2 Learn & MyMathLab & Email All course materials are here! You are expected to log in regularly for course updates and announcements’ You are also expected to regularly check your emails for updates
Course Break-Down In-Class Lab Activities 100 pts (Best of 10 Labs) Pre-Work Assignments (Best 10) 100 pts MML Quizzes 100 pts (the best of 10 scores of multiple attempts MML Homeworks 250 pts (Best 25 Kept) Examinations (3 of them) 300 pts (In-class component/MML-Component – If time permits) (No make-up exams) Final Examination (in class during finals) 150 pts Total 1000 pts
In Class Lab activities You must be in attendance to complete in- class lab activities; they cannot be made- up. You must complete all labs assignments on-time to received credit in Blue Books; no assignments will be accepted late… EVER All labs are due no later than first thing Monday morning at the start of class in Blue Books.
Pre-Work Assignments & Peer-Instruction You will have pre-work assignments before we meet each of our class sessions. There will not be formal instruction in the course. Many of the lecture opportunities will be through videos and other digital media. If you are not prepared for class then you will miss out on the learning opportunities in class. You will upload each of your Pre-Work assignments by 11:59PM in D2L DropBox the night before class begins. Your response to the pre-work will be a basis for our work together in class. There will be a lot of peer-instruction so get to know your classmates. By peer-instruction we mean opportunities to learn from your classmates about concepts.
MML Quizzes MML Quizzes – Quizzes will be open from start of the week (Monday) until then end of week (Sunday) at 11:59PM EST. For quizzes, you will be given multiple attempts to complete them. Your best score of attempts will be recorded as your grade. For each quiz that you attempt, you will have a total of 90 minutes or 1.5 hours.
HOMEWORK Homeworks – There are twenty-eight (28) homework assignments that you will be required to complete in MML. You should always strive for a perfect score on all homework assignments. If you get stuck on a problem, use the “Help Me Solve” or “Ask Instructor” feature in MML. There is no reason why you should not get a perfect score on all homework assignments. You have the tools necessary to do so. The best twenty-five (25) homeworks will count towards your final grade.
examS AND THE FINAL Exams and the Final – All exams are cumulative. Exams will be opened up right after class on Friday and will close on Sunday night at 11:59pm EST. Depending on the exam, you will have 120 minutes (2 hours) to 180 minutes (3 hours) complete the exam. There will be component of you exam completed in MML and there will a component completed in class. The in-class component will be focused on the lab activities. The only examination that will not be online using MML will be the Final Examination. The Final Examination Will Be In-Class during the final exam period, which will be announced.
Orientation MML Registration Microsoft Word (Equation Editor) for Pre-Work Assignments Learning Catalytics Registration How to Use DropBox
Miscellaneous Full syllabus has been posted on Desire 2 Learn Graphing Calculators (Required for this course and You need YOUR OWN) My Point of Contact information: - Office Location: I-2122 - Work Cell phone:678-471-4123 (please text me if preferred) - E-mail: pboindal@ggc.edu
Technology Toolkit MML Used for daily grades, online quizzes, homework, and exams Learning Catalytics Used for peer-instruction (you can use mobile device including (laptops, iPads, mobile phone) Desire to Learn Used for midterm and final grades, DropBox, syllabus, lecture notes, materials, and other goodies Banner Used for midterm and final grades E-mail Make sure you can use your GGC E-Mail I expect that you will check your GGC e-mail daily
Expectations… I have VERY high expectations of you and you should have the same high expectations of me We will set, maintain, and enforce high standards for ourselves… TOGETHER