Dare to be Challenged Name: 1a
Number Page Contents Complete? What needs doing? 1a Title page 1b Contents Page 2 Model of Progression 3 Summer Holiday project analysis 4 Summer Holiday Challenge timeline 5 Own Pit Diagram of Summer Holiday Challenge 6a +b Growth Mindsets Research x 2 7 Analysing Learning Mindsets – Summer Challenge – This should have green pen analysis 8a,b,c,d Focus Skill sheets x 4 = Title page, Pit diagram, model of progression, practice schedule 9 Optional slides or photo sheets from your joint skills presentation 10 Analysing Learning Mindsets – Individual skill area 11 Principles of deliberate practice grid 12 Ready to learn poster 13 Resilience self analysis 14 Parent/ guardian questionnaire 15 Resilience acrostic poem 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1b
Stage 1 – I have learnt a new skill independently over the summer and presented my learning Achieved Skill 1 – I have chosen an appropriate skill for my summer challenge, that is new and has the correct level of challenge. Skill 2 – I have practiced that skill with a parent or guardian for a sustained length of time over the summer. Skill 3 – I have documented my learning journey through use of the pit analogy and recognised the stages of the learning process. Skill 4 – I have presented or discussed my learning journey to/ with others. Stage 2 – I understand the difference between growth and fixed mindsets and when I show qualities of each. Skill 1 – I understand that intelligence is not fixed it can be developed with practice. Skill 2 - I understand the qualities of fixed and growth mindsets. Skill 3 – I can identify when fixed or growth mindsets are being used and develop strategies for changing fixed mindsets in the future. Skill 4 – I have changed a fixed mindset to a growth mindset through practice and perseverance. Stage 3 – I understand Sydenham's High Performance Learning Targets and can identify when I show qualities of each. Skill 1 – I can explain what each of Sydenham HPL Targets mean. Skill 2 – I can identify points when learning is supporting the development Sydenham HPL target in different subjects. Skill 3 – I can identify which of Sydenham HPL targets I need to develop and which subjects I find these the hardest in. Stage 4 – I have taken part in a Dare to be Challenged day and have analysed the learning of a new skill. Skill 1 – I have demonstrated growth mindsets and resilience through the process of learning a new skill. Skill 2 – I have used the Sydenham HPL Targets and the Learning Pit to help me see and analyse my learning process. Skill 3 – I have set myself HPL goals based on my learning analysis that I am going to try and apply to all my lessons and my practice project. Skill 4 - I am engaging in a long term practice challenge that I am going to work on consistently until the next challenge day. Stage 5 – I have worked independently towards my challenge goal and have documented my learning journey through my portfolio Achieved Skill 1 – I have taken the skill I learnt on Challenge day 1 and have practiced this skill in order to master it. Skill 2 – I have used my mastered skill to work towards a longer term goal. Skill 3 – I have used Dare to be challenged Fridays to develop my own digital or paper portfolio. Skill 4 – I have worked with year HPA Ambassadors to improve my portfolio and discuss my learning journey. Skill 5 – I have collaborated with a parent or guardian on my practice project and documented this collaboration. Stage 7 – I have completed a high quality portfolio and have presented this to other students and teachers Skill 1 – I have created a high quality portfolio with well written information, as well as videos and photos to support my statements. Skill 2 – I presented my work to 15 other students and staff and gave a clear and exciting view of my learning journey. Skill 3 – I built into my portfolio exciting research and extended activities to show how far learning can be stretched. Skill 4 – I showed an understand of how I learn through my portfolio. 2
My Summer Challenge Insert Image My summer challenge was: My overall goal for this challenge was: I worked together with to complete my challenge. They helped by I practiced my challenge skill Insert Image 3
Insert different picture into this space of you practicing your summer skill, ideally with your parent/ guardian. Choosing My Challenge – Starting My Challenge – 3 Weeks into my challenge – 8 Weeks into my Challenge – 10 weeks into my challenge – 4
Analysing my learning Mindsets – Summer Challenge Learning Stage Analysing my learning Mindsets – Summer Challenge Growth Fixed Personal Targets Initial Desire Evaluating the situation Dealing with setbacks Attitude to Challenge Attitude to Effort Attitude to Criticism Success of others Predicted result 7
Analysing my learning Mindsets – Main Challenge Learning Stage Analysing my learning Mindsets – Main Challenge Growth Fixed Personal Targets Initial Desire Evaluating the situation Dealing with setbacks Attitude to Challenge Attitude to Effort Attitude to Criticism Success of others Predicted result 10
1 2 3 4 I need to focus on more I am doing very well Principle of Deliberate Practice Top tips How well have you been doing on this so far? Written Target review 1 – Why, next steps Target review 2 Push beyond your comfort Zone If it is too easy you need to add in more challenge, if it is too hard take a step back. Make specific goals Use the practice schedule your teacher gave you. This breaks your skill into small manageable skills. Focus during practice. You should really challenge yourself when you practice. Do it properly and focus just on your specific targets. Practice regularly, for good length of time Make/ use your practice schedule and stick to it. Get immediate expert feedback Record and analyse your practice as you go. Get your parents/guardians to give you feedback based on your specific targets. Self evaluate your progress at the end of your practice. Form a model/ schema in your long term memory make it easy and automatic. Use the tutor sessions to review your learning this will help it to stay in your long term memory. The more you practice the easier it will become. 1 2 3 4 I need to focus on more I am doing very well Students fill in their own sheet and write in skill specific targets. 11
What made me rate this above zero? Question What made me rate this above zero? What could I do to increase the score and make it closer to ten? 1 2 3 4 5 6 13
Parents Mid Way Questionnaire Daughters Name What skill is your daughter currently learning for her dare to be challenged project? Have you ever tried this skill prior to this project? Have you had much chance to work together on this project? On a scale of 1 – 10 How much do you think your daughter has shown the following attributes during this project. Positive (Growth) mindset Organisation Determination Resilience Persistence Independence Self Confidence What advice or guidance would you like to give your daughter at this stage that you feel could help them to do better? What would you like to praise them for so far for this project? 14
Ready to learn Intellectual confidence Organised Able to work independently Able to follow instructions Growth Mindset – I cant do it yet Fantastic Personal Presentation Excellent attendance and punctuality Able to listen and take turns in discussion Able to maintain focus Takes responsibility for own actions and considers the needs of others. Be healthy - Exercised and eaten to support learning – Balanced, regular diet Ready to learn Intellectual confidence Organised Able to work independently Able to follow instructions Growth Mindset – I cant do it yet Fantastic Personal Presentation Excellent attendance and punctuality Able to listen and take turns in discussion Able to maintain focus Takes responsibility for own actions and considers the needs of others. Be healthy - Exercised and eaten to support learning – Balanced, regular diet Ready to learn Intellectual confidence Organised Able to work independently Able to follow instructions Growth Mindset – I cant do it yet Fantastic Personal Presentation Excellent attendance and punctuality Able to listen and take turns in discussion Able to maintain focus Takes responsibility for own actions and considers the needs of others. Be healthy - Exercised and eaten to support learning – Balanced, regular diet Ready to learn Intellectual confidence Organised Able to work independently Able to follow instructions Growth Mindset – I cant do it yet Fantastic Personal Presentation Excellent attendance and punctuality Able to listen and take turns in discussion Able to maintain focus Takes responsibility for own actions and considers the needs of others. Be healthy - Exercised and eaten to support learning – Balanced, regular diet Ready to learn Intellectual confidence Organised Able to work independently Able to follow instructions Growth Mindset – I cant do it yet Fantastic Personal Presentation Excellent attendance and punctuality Able to listen and take turns in discussion Able to maintain focus Takes responsibility for own actions and considers the needs of others. Be healthy - Exercised and eaten to support learning – Balanced, regular diet Ready to learn Intellectual confidence Organised Able to work independently Able to follow instructions Growth Mindset – I cant do it yet Fantastic Personal Presentation Excellent attendance and punctuality Able to listen and take turns in discussion Able to maintain focus Takes responsibility for own actions and considers the needs of others. Be healthy - Exercised and eaten to support learning – Balanced, regular diet Think about how you are currently doing on your practice project. On your handout tick the areas that you are already very good at. Underline those that you need to develop.