Aggressors invade nations By: Takia chambers-hill, Kayla .g, Elijah Bolton
Japan seeks an empire Militarist take control of japan. As long as japan remained prosperous the civilian government kept power. Military leaders gained support and soon won control of japan. Japan invades Manchuria. Japan business invested in china's northwest province , Mancharia. Japanese attack on Manchuria. Japan invades china. war between japan and china began. Japanese forces swept into northwest china, despite having millions of soldiers.
European aggressors European aggressors on the march. The leagues failure to stop the Japanese encouraged European fascists to plan aggressions. The Italian leader Mussolini dreamed of building a colonial empire in Africa. The Ethiopian emperor, Haile Selassi , urgently appealed to the league for help. Unsuccessful so its member did nothing Britain continued to invade Europeans.
Hitler defies Versailles treaty Hitler pledged to undo the Versailles treaty. The treaty limited Germany's army in march 1935. The league issued only a mild condemnation. The league failure to stop Germany from rearming convinced Hitler to take greater risk. Germany troops got into 30 mile zones due to league failures.
Important facts and Terms to know Axis Powers- Germany made an agreement with Japan. Germany, Italy and Japan make up the axis powers. Civil war erupts in Spain - Hitler and Mussolini tested the will of the democracies of Europe in the Spanish civil war, Spain had been a monarchy until 1931,when a republic was declared. JULY 1936- Army leaders favored a fascist style government. They gained general Fransioco Franco in a revolt. Revolt – Is the rise in rebellion.