Contents 1 Focus 30 minutes Question 30 minutes 2 3 Strategy 30 minutes 4 Consulting Sessions 90 minutes
To-Find-the Focus-Activity From the Reading Burns 2010 Focusing circles: This is a technique from Edge (1992, pp. 37–38) through which you can narrow your focus by drawing a small circle at the centre (inside) of a larger one. The issue, topic or problem is written in the small circle and the larger [circle] is divided into four segments. In each of these segments an aspect of the topic is written. One of these four segments then becomes the center of the next circle and so on.
Example Communicative competence Pragmatics Sociolinguistic Competence Grammatical Discourse Sociolinguistic Strategic Example Pragmatics Rituals of Conversation Social functions like regret politeness Discourse markers Formal-informal Intonation Sociolinguistic Competence Semiotics Structures of conversation functions Semantics Pragmatics
Present your focus
Area of concern Strategy You must narrow the scope Should be theoretically informed Should have derived from the problem statement Must be an actual problem. Strategy Open-answer question Avoid bias Reflect your implementation comprehensibly and briefly
Present your question
Approach Methodology Strategy DISTINCTIONS FOR STRATEGY WRITING Approach Communicative Affective Grammar CLIL Metacognitive-Metalinguistic Provides general parameters e.g. focus on communication, focus on emotional factors, on the integration of language and content, on reflection etc.… Methodology Task-based Theme-based Problem-based Inquiry Audiolingual Strategy Provides more specific parameters e.g. sequencing and times; nature and characteristics of the activities. Poster Carousel Mentor texts and the coding writing structures This part focuses on the ‘how’ the teaching is going to take place. it usually depicts the resources and they way these resources are going to be used. It may also describe social dynamics, time distribution and the like.
EXAMPLE: POSTER Carousel Approach: communicative; Methodology: TBT; strategies, recycling, repetition of language Individual Reading Content is selected and organized Pair work Representations of content on posters Presentation dynamics Rotation, repetition Recycling Poster Carousel Impact At the beginning and end of presentation, beginning and end of strategy. Cycle continues.
Present your strategy
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