Journal Management System


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Presentation transcript:

Journal Management System Pusat Sitasi Malaysia

Open Journal System v3.0.2

Pusat Sitasi Malaysia inisiatif untuk memelihara jurnal tempatan ini memperbaiki kedudukan ranking universiti di Malaysia dengan meningkatkan kualiti penerbitan terutamanya bagi jurnal-jurnal ilmiah tempatan

MyJurnal digunakan oleh PSM untuk memuatnaik dan mengindeks jurnal-jurnal tempatan mengandungi data bibliografik dan kandungan teks penuh* artikel-artikel yang diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah berwasit di Malaysia Meningkatkan akses pada kandungan jurnal ilmiah tempatan kepada komuniti global; dan Meningkatkan keternampakan kandungan yang menggalakkan penggunaan dan menjana sitasi kepada artikel yang diterbitkan. * Teks penuh artikel hanya dipaparkan bagi jurnal yang mengamalkan dasar akses terbuka

Mycite menyediakan laporan sitasi dan bibliometrik bagi penyelidik, jurnal dan institusi di Malaysia

KENAPA MyJMS Semua proses untuk melaksanakan peer review telah ada – drpd hantar manuskrip sampai menerbit.  Pelbagai role pengguna Our journal editors wanted more functions which we find it difficult to fulfill  because there are only 2 IT staff and we have other new systems to develop for researchers and new modules for analysis which will be feeding information for education, ranking,research etc. Besides that, some universities already have their peer reviewing system for their journals. As a centre under Ministry, we have to do more coordinating and managing and not too much of operational. Therefore, we have chosen OJS to provide support to journal editors who are still doing peer review proses manually.   Editorial Manager /ScholarOne indeed are good systems but because of the subscription fee, we had to look for other options and OJS may be the UI not as user friendly as these paid systems but all the required functions are already available. We have ISI/ WoS indexed journal using OJS to manage their journals.

Roles In MyJMS journal manager – setups the environment for the journal author – submits and can track the status of a manuscript editor – can assign a sub section editor to follow through the process for each manuscript or he/she can also handle this by him/herself until accept the manuscript for publication sub section editor – if assigned, have to do the reviewing process for the manuscript – inviting reviewers, communicating with the author and editor Reviewer – reviewing process with just 1 click from the email or with file attachment (all the email templates already available in the system)     Copyeditor, layout designer, Proofreader – once accepted for publication, a manuscript can be sent for copyediting, proofreading and layout designing until publishing it in the system

Other functions Email templates already available for all the processes. Customization of email can be done by journal manager Notification done automatically – new submission, reviewer agreed to review, completed a review Reminders for reviewer done automatically before and on the due date Reports available  - for articles submission status, etc If action need to be taken for a manuscript, it will show in different color coding. If reviewers currently reviewing, the system can show how many manuscript he/she is reviewing, completed, the rating of the reviewer based on previous review Metadata of articles can be exported in many forms – XML for PubMed, DOAJ  (useful if journals need to be sent to other indexing database) Can be linked (using plugins) to PubMed database to check whether a reference in a manuscript, whether the article available in PubMed – useful for medical journals There are also many other functions that we may not fully explored.

Upgrading OJS Whenever there is new version for OJS, a notification will be sent to the site administrator so that we can upgrade. Newer version is available - version 3.0.2


Author Registration

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Author: Edit Profile

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Review confirm then the Thank Reviewer will appear

Upgrade Download Untar Copy public, files to new ojs Setting db the, install =off Open from browser Upgrade A database error has occurred: Duplicate entry 'tinymceplugin-0-enabled' for key 'plugin_settings_pkey‘ Dump ojs, recreate from dump.sql

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Site Setup Language Plugins


DOI: After activating, the settings will appear

Journal Manager

Setting -> Journal

Setting -> Website

Setting -> Workflow

Setting -> distribution

PUSAT SITASI MALAYSIA. Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi, PUSAT SITASI MALAYSIA Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi, Aras 7, Menara 2, Jalan P5/6, Presint 5, 62200 W.P. Putrajaya Phone: 03-8870 6516 Fax : 03-88706509 FB : pusatsitasimalaysia HP : Email :