A Federated Architecture Framework Roadmap UNCLASSIFIED
Common Problems NIEM, UCORE, XSD, MOF, UML & UPDM suffer from a common set of problems that inhibit information sharing of architectures and therefor of information in general Dependence on structural reuse of static data structures Instead of logical information and semantic reuse Closed information structures Instead of open, web-oriented federation Fragmented “cores” and domain vocabularies Instead of loosely coupled libraries of reusable concepts Lack of a consistent and robust architectural framework for defining architecture We have to stop trying to define logical models based on technology representations (like XSD or even RDFS) – put the logical model “on top”. UNCLASSIFIED
UCORE & NIEM Both define a XML/XSD centric data model Both define “cores” using their respective XML/XSD model Both need a cleaner logical information structure not dependent on XSD UCORE is more general, cleaner and narrower in scope NIEM is huge and needs to be refactored Potential Solution Define a DoDAF compatible logical information model profile that will work for both UCORE and NIEM Refactor the “cores” together, use UCORE as the “upper ontology” for NIEM Use MDA to separate logical information from technical representations UNCLASSIFIED
Information Sharing Architecture Framework UCORE Information Sharing Architecture Framework NIEM & NIEM-UML Common Cores DoDAF/UPDM Upper Concepts Defined Using Logical Information Model Profile Common Concepts Domain Concepts But what about services and security? Maps To XSD-Ucore RDF JSON Etc. XSD-NIEM OWL UNCLASSIFIED
Information Sharing Architecture Framework UCORE Information Sharing Architecture Framework NIEM & NIEM-UML Common Cores DoDAF/UPDM SoaML Upper Concepts Defined Using Logical Information Model Profile GRA Common Concepts Domain Concepts Secure Information Services Profile OMG – IEF/IEPV Defined Using Service Models Open Group SOA Maps To WSDL XSD-Ucore RDF JSON Etc. SAML XSD-NIEM OWL REST UNCLASSIFIED
Information Sharing Architecture Framework Sources Logical Information Profile Derivative of NIEM-UML and UCORE Implied Logical Model Makes the logical (DoDAF) representation the primary representation and various technology forms (like XSD or RDF) derivatives via MDA. Upper Concepts Derivative of UCORE model, perhaps other upper ontologies Influenced as required by NIEM-Core Common Concepts Mostly a refactoring of NIEM Core & Reference namespaces Influenced as required by DoD communities Domain Concepts Defined by communities of interest – provided for but out of scope Secure Information Model Profile Derivative of UCORE, SoaML, IEF/IEPV & Global Reference Architecture (Justice Community) Technology Mappings Defined as required for technical profiles – may or may not be unified across NIEM & UCORE UNCLASSIFIED
Stage-2: Federated Architecture Framework DoDAF & UPDM Federated Architecture Framework Common Cores IDEAS Upper Concepts Builds On Common Concepts Defined Using Semantic Web Domain Concepts DoDAF Concepts Build DoDAF out of the “same stuff” as other information sharing capabilities! UNCLASSIFIED
What About IDEAS? Provides many good concepts, but Suggestion: Is not rooted in any accepted standard Tiny community Conceptually difficult to understand Due to combination of existential and 4D semantics Suggestion: Use IDEAS work as input into a next generation architectural framework Include as input semantic web and other semantic approaches Define DoDAF in terms of these standards UNCLASSIFIED
Timeline (OMG Processes) 2012 2013 2014 Logical Information Model Profile Common Cores Secure Information Services Profile Federated Architecture Framework Notes: Logical Information Model Profile & Common Cores are done together as they are mutually validating. Services profile has minimal coupling to the above. Federated architecture framework can start once the above pieces are starting to solidify. UNCLASSIFIED
Supportive Processes IEF/IEPV for privacy and security Mof2RDF Provides foundational model for privacy and security Has multiple RFPs, starting to deliver mid 2012 Mof2RDF Provides for mapping any MOF (UML) model to RDF Can assist in improving the federated web architecture for UPDM – query across distributed architectures However, this is a structural mapping – it does not impact semantics Expected late 2012 Semantic Information Modeling for Federation Provides for conceptual and logical modeling of information Bridges between different conceptual, logical and physical models Provides for semantic interoperability Expected late 2013 UNCLASSIFIED
Next Steps Build consensus Initiate RFP Processes Open source pilot implementation/POC UNCLASSIFIED