Smarter Balanced Assessment Online Reporting System (ORS) Accessing Score Reports and Creating Teacher Rosters Smarter Balanced Assessment Quick Guide 060116
Online Reporting System (ORS) Creating Teacher Rosters 2015-16 Preliminary Results Results should be available 3 weeks after the student completes both the CAT and PT As a real-time system, results will change as additional data is received and processed These changes may result in final scores being higher or lower Final data will be released publicly by CDE in August
Online Reporting System (ORS) Creating Teacher Rosters 2015–16 CAASPP results are now available in the Online Reporting System (ORS). The data available in this reporting system represent partial and preliminary results that are not appropriate for public release. As a real-time system, results will change as additional data is received and relevant appeals and rescores are processed. These changes may result in final scores being higher or lower than the preliminary results posted to this system. Final data will be released publicly by the CDE in August. These results include student scores, aggregate results, and assessment target reports. Student scores for the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment should be available approximately three weeks after the student completes the assessment (both the computer adaptive testing portion and the Performance Task) in a content area. Student science scores will be available approximately five weeks after test documents are returned and approved for scanning and scoring. Caution should be used when reviewing aggregate results, including assessment target reports. These reports present only partial data because the data in ORS are dynamic. This means the data provided are dependent on the students who have completed testing (i.e., data update nightly as student results are scored and can change as students complete testing and appeals are processed). Restraint is advised because of the dynamic nature of these reports. As official 2015-16 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment scores are available, schools will also be able to generate various types of reports from MyData.
Online Reporting System (ORS) Creating Teacher Rosters NEW! Managing Rosters Create customized groupings of students within a school: Example: School-site Coordinators and or Principals that have a Site Coordinator level TOMS account can create a report that lists all of the students within a specific grade or in a particular classroom. Use in combination with TOMS user roles (e.g., TA, TE, TA/TE, educators) to provide teachers with access to test results for their students The following slides will walk you through the steps to create a Teacher Roster with the score report for the students in the teacher’s classroom.
Online Reporting System (ORS) Creating Teacher Rosters cont. Step 1 Logon to ORS at the CAASPP Portal
Online Reporting System (ORS) Creating Teacher Rosters cont. Step 2 Click on “Score Reports” 2
Online Reporting System (ORS) Creating Teacher Rosters cont. Step 3 Click on “Manage Rosters” 3 The next few slides will walk you through the process of creating a teacher roster for teachers to be able to view Score Reports for select students
Online Reporting System (ORS) Creating Teacher Rosters cont. Step 4 Next to “Roster”, drop down to: “ADD NEW ROSTER” Step 5 Click “Next” 4 5
Online Reporting System (ORS) Creating Teacher Rosters cont. 6 Step 6 Name your roster Step 7 Select the teacher Step 8 Select the grade (s) Step 9 Click “Search Student” Step 10 Click on all student names you wish to add to the roster Step 11 Click on “Move In” Step 12 Click “Save” 7 9 8 11 10 12
Online Reporting System (ORS) Managing Teacher Rosters cont. In order to manage existing rosters: Step 13 Select a roster to manage 13
Online Reporting System (ORS) Managing Teacher Rosters cont.