Shadow Creek High School
SCHS Counseling Staff Additional Support Mrs. Amber Dixon– Lead Counselor/ A-Co Mrs. Kimberly Johnson– Counselor Cr-J Mrs. Ashley Burns – Counselor K-Ra Mrs. Andrea Bellard – Counselor Re-Z Additional Support Mrs. Monica Silvas – ACC Dual Credit Advisor Mrs. Jade Stenger – Advanced Academic Specialist
Topics for Tonight GPA Graduation Requirements Endorsements & Career Pathways Dual Credit Advanced Academics Grade Level Check List
High School – GPA All courses are included in the GPA Pre-AP, Dual Credit, and AP courses receive additional weight in the GPA calculation Pre-AP/Dual Credit – earn an extra weight of 10 grade points in the GPA calculation AP Classes – earn an extra weight of 20 grade points in the GPA calculation Top 10% = automatic admission requirement (Top 7% UT) Ranking occurs at the end of junior year. Added points only show up in the GPA calculation. Failing grades, regardless of the weight will still appear on report cards and be treated as such.
Alvin ISD Graduation Requirements
Foundation Graduation Plan CRED SUBJECT AREA 4 ENGLISH (English I, II, III, and Advanced English) 3 MATH (Includes Algebra I and Geometry) SCIENCE (Bio and 2 advanced science credits) SOCIAL STUDIES (W Geo or W History, US Hist, Govt and Econ) 2 SAME FOREIGN LANGUAGE 1 FINE ART PE 0.5 SPEECH (requirement for current 10th/11th only) 4.5 ELECTIVES Total: 22 Credits
Foundation (FHSP) + Endorsement CRED SUBJECT AREA 4 ENGLISH (English I, II, III, and Advanced English) MATH (Includes Algebra I, Geom., and 2 Adv. Math) SCIENCE (Bio and 3 advanced science credits) 3 SOCIAL STUDIES (W Geo or W History, US Hist, Govt and Econ) 2 SAME FOREIGN LANGUAGE 1 FINE ART PE 0.5 SPEECH (requirement for current 10th/11th only) 6.5 ELECTIVES Total: 26 Credits
Foundation + Endorsement Endorsements Consist of 4-5 cohesive elective courses in a specified pathway Are visible on student transcript Are an opportunity to explore career/major areas prior to college May be obtained in more than one content area DO NOT determine college acceptance Advanced Courses 4 Credits in Core Subjects 4 Credits in AP or Dual Credit
ENDORSEMENT PATHWAYS Each leads to an endorsement
Distinguished Level of Achievement Complete the Foundation with Endorsement plan Complete Algebra 2 as one of the 4 required math credits Mandatory to be eligible for top 10% Automatic Admission in college admissions
Performance Acknowledgments 12 hrs of Dual Credit Courses (GPA 3.0 or higher) OR Proficient Bilingualism/Biliteracy OR 3 or higher on AP Exam(s) OR Outstanding performance on PSAT, ACT or SAT OR Earn a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification
Meet State Testing Standards All of the following STAAR End of Course (EOC) exams must be successfully completed prior to graduation: English I – 9th Grade Algebra I – 9th Grade Biology – 9th Grade English II – 10th Grade US History – 11th Grade
Dual Credit
Advanced Academics
Advanced Academics
Course Planning Guide
Graduation Checklists KEY POINTS 9th and 10th grade: Think about career and college interests – select an endorsement KEEP TRACK of high school credits – meet state requirements Consider dual credit and AP courses RESEARCH and EXPLORE college/universities/programs Train to be an advocate for your own learning Start by communicating directly with teachers Monitor grades in Skyward – let that info direct your conversation with your teacher!
Upcoming Events Open House – Tonight! 9th and 10th grade –Individual Meetings 4yr plan, Endorsement/pathway selection, and credit check Let’s Talk PSAT October 5th and 6th Why is it important? How do you prepare? How will test day look? PSAT October 19th
Contact Us 281-245-3815 Shadow Creek HS Counseling Team @Shark_Counselor Counselor Clerk Mrs. Betancourt Lead / A-Co Mrs. A. Dixon Counselor Cr-J Mrs. Johnson Counselor K-Ra Mrs. Burns Counselor Re-Z Mrs. Bellard ACC Dual Credit Advisor Mrs. Silvas Advanced Academic Specialist Mrs. Stenger 281-245-3815