I'am My name is Erika Pokorná. I'm ten years old. My favourite food. My name is Erika Pokorná. I'm ten years old. I have got one sister. I like cooking I want to be a cook. I love pony, dog and fox. My favourite food is potatoes salad. I love my sister and my mother.
My sister. Her name is Aneta Pokorná. She loves pony and kangaroo. She wants to be a doctor. Her friend is Eliška, Terezka and Jůlinka. She loves my and mother.
Her name is Nikolka Kloudová. Her favourite animal is dog. My count. My count. My cousin. Her name is Nikolka Kloudová. Her favourite animal is dog. She is five years old. Her favourite food is fish and potatoes mash.
My cousin His name is Daneček Klouda. He is Nikolka's brother. Hes favourite food is fish. He loves his toys cat and trains Tom and Jack.
My mother. My mother´s name is Lenka Kloudová. She is thirty years old. She loves me and my sister. Her favourite animals are dog and giraffe.