Drawings and Templates AUTOCAD Drawings and Templates
Starting a New Drawing Primary file types: drawing files - .dwg extension drawing template files - .dwt extension Begin a new drawing by referencing a template, which includes all of the template settings and content.
Use the QNEW (Quick Access New) command, which opens the Select template dialog box. Use the Application Menu NEW command.
Create page of the Start Tab Start from scratch by picking the flyout next to the Open button in the Select template dialog box, then choose Open with no Template–Imperial or Open with no Template-Metric
Saving Your Work You should save your work immediately after you start a new file. Save every 10 to 15 minutes while working to avoid the possibility of losing your work.
If you have already saved the file, the QSAVE (Quick Access Save) command updates, or resaves, the file without issuing prompts and without displaying a dialog box. Use the SAVEAS command to save a copy of a file using a different name or file type. (file type could include a different version of AutoCAD) Automatic saves: Options>Open and Save>File Safety Precautions
File Naming File naming is typically based on a specific system associated with the product and approved drawing standards. A file name should be concise and allow you to determine the content of the file.
Closing Files Use the CLOSE command to close the current file without exiting AutoCAD. Use the CLOSEALL command to close all open files. Use the CLOSEALLOTHER commands to close all open files except the current file.
Recent Documents Specify the number of files displayed in the Recent Documents list by accessing the Open and Save tab of the Options dialog box. When you open a file as read-only, you cannot save changes to the original file, but you can save changes by using the SAVEAS command and giving it a different file name.
Managing Multiple Documents File tabs are displayed by default and are arranged in a horizontal bar above the drawing area. File tabs provide an effective way to see and switch between open AutoCAD files.
A tab and file name identify each open file. Files are arranged in the order opened. The tab associated with the current file is highlighted. An asterisk (*) next to a file name indicates that the file has been changed since it was last saved.
A lock icon next to a file name indicates that the file is open as read-only. Pick the plus (+) button located to the right of the last file tab to start a new drawing that references the most recently used template.
Drawing Properties Drawing properties identify the file. Add values to drawing properties to record common drawing information, such as the title of the product represented by the drawing.
Basic Drawing Settings Model space is where you design and draft the model of a product Paper (layout) space is where you prepare a layout
Drawing units define the linear and angular units of measurement used while drawing and the precision to which these measurements display. Determine what “1 unit” means Settings: length, angle, insertion scale, lighting, direction
Introduction to Templates Templates usually include the following: Units and limits Drawing aids (dynamic input, grid display, snaps) Layers with specific line standards Text, dimension, multileader, table, plot styles Common symbols and blocks Layouts with a border, sheets blocks, general notes Sheet size is the size of the paper used to lay out and plot drawings.
Creating your own templates helps you reduce setup time significantly, increase productivity, and consistently adhere to drafting standards. You can save any drawing or template file as a template using the SAVEAS command and Save Drawing As dialog box. Select AutoCAD Drawing Template (*.dwt) from the Files of type: drop-down list