Rahma 4 Kids
Each human being has special talents and capabilities, if discovered, nurtured, empowered and enhanced, they will contribute to the progress and happiness of human kind.
For an individual to be creative and innovative, he needs to be happy, self confident, has inner peace within himself, and be supported by the healthy environment
How I came up with the idea? I was encouraged, when I read the story of that Australian young boy, who worked for 3 years selling lemonade to gather money, in order to realize his dream, which was owning a pony. I was also touched when I watched “The Idol” film that talks about the story of Mohammad Assaf (the Palestinian singer) how he had a dream when he was a child and upon the existence of an opportunity he was able to achieve his dream with determination.
I noticed that always in addition to determination and hard work either luck or a supporting hand, helps kids achieve their dreams. So I decided to be that supporting hand; to be a messenger or a mechanism to help these kids send their wishes (dreams) to the largest amount of possible donors through a book, and later on through a website.
A smile on a face of a deprived child, not only can change the child from a depressed helpless person to a motivated and empowered person willing to contribute and produce , but will also draw a smile on the donor’s face and make him happy and enjoy the blessing of giving as well.
This is the motive behind my project To make the children’s come true
By creating a platform connecting children and their wishes with the donors, and by informing the donors about the children’s wishes to elicit their contributions, and by realizing children’s wishes, perhaps they will be able to leave their footsteps to the next generation benefiting humanity.
This project would open doors for talented brilliant students, who deserve scholarships but were deprived of getting it either due to administrative bureaucracy of the charity foundations or because their applications were left behind overlooked, to make their voice heard directly by the Donors heart to heart
To give an example, Steve Jobs whose biological parents come from Aleppo. Had it not been his adopted parents who surrounded him with the right environment and who made his wishes come true , he would not have become the innovator of the personal computing and the creator of Apple, and iPod , which made people’s life easier , happier and more enjoyable . This happiness he was surrounded with, made him the wise and modest man who once said
“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful, that's what matters to me” -Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011
Step 1 Identify the schools of the less fortunate children in Jordan, and hand over to children a questionnaire for them to fill, and describe their wish in a letter which make them happy. Step 2 Scan the wish list and the letters of the children and publish them in a book. Step 4 To widen the scope and coverage of the publicity of the project, a website showing the letters and the wish list of children and create a special account in the name of this project to receive donations and send it to the target children and provide transparency where all donors and recipients will know about the donation. Step 3 Identify the top well known wealthy donors in Jordan and handover the book to each of them and review the wishes with them to select the ones they would like to donate for.