English 10 January 15
BELL/SSR Finish reading through page 22 in Night. READ silently.
Today, you will CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.9-10.4 Analyze the significance of figurative language by…reading Night and tracking, analyzing, and explaining the impact of figurative language on plot, character, and theme.
Figurative language Take Cornell notes during today’s discussion of figurative language.
Figurative vs. literal langauge Figurative language – does not say what it means – it must be interpreted Literal language – says what it means
Forms of comparison Similes – use like or as to compare two unlike things Metaphors- this is a direct comparison – it calls one thing something in order to make the comparison Analogies – compares two sets of things – focuses on a relationship between the two
Sound devices Onomatopoeia – sound words Alliteration – two or more words in close proximity that begin with the same sound
Forms of exaggeration Hyperbole – an exaggeration – to make it GREATER Understatement – to exaggerate that something is much LESS than it really is
And… Personification – gives a human quality to something not human Idioms – a well known saying that most people understand that it not meant to be taken literally Imagery – uses sensory details to describe
Figurative Language Complete the following questions using your notes on the mini-answer sheet, attach your notes, and place in the IN tray. Test rules apply!
Assignment Read pages 23-46. As we read, record one quote (INTRODUCTION, QUOTE, ANALYSIS) of Elie and his religion and one of Elie and his father. Why did Elie repeat NEVER in the never passage? What other types of figurative language is in that passage?