Test data exchange on water quantity and emissions to water Dr. Anita Künitzer – ETC manager
Timing of test data flows Letters to countries: Quantity: 28 March 2008 Emissions: 9 April 2008 Test data flows per RBD: Quantity: March – mid May Emissions: April – 6 June Eionet workshops: Quantity: 10 – 11 May 2008, Copenhagen Emissions: 11 – 12 September 2008, Copenhagen Regular data flow in 2009 with revised reporting sheets in autumn 2008 and updated/new Data Dictionary
Water quantity NTUA
SoE Reporting Sheet #3 on the "State and Quantity of Water Resources" Water Resources Availability (WRA) (Includes sheets on water balance, precipitation, river flow, reservoir storage and groundwater level) Water Abstractions (WAB) (Includes sheet on water abstraction by sectors)
Water Budget example
WATER RESOURCES AVAILABILITY (WRA) COV Cover Page REINFO Respondent’s Information INTRO Introduction: General and Specific Comments on the tables DEF List of Definitions WRA_1 Water Resources Availability – Water balance WRA_R Surface Water Reservoir Storage (natural and man-made) WRA_S Stream flow measurements from representative stream flow gauges within the RB/RBD WRA_P Precipitation measurements from representative rain gauges within the RB/RBD WRA_GW Groundwater level measurement from observation wells located within the RB/RBD
WATER ABSTRACTIONS (WAB) COV Cover Page REINFO Respondent’s Information INTRO Introduction: General and Specific Comments on the tables DEF List of Definitions WAB_1 Water Abstractions by source and by sector (separate sheet for monthly, seasonal or annual data)
Water resources, water abstraction data aggregated at the River Basin District (RBD) Instead possible: administrative areas such as regions or provinces (within a RBD) or river basins (RB) at monthly (if available); seasonal (if available) or annual scale Provide estimates for the long-term annual average (LTAA) and latest years with available data
Emission data Hana Prchalova, CENIA 6.6. 2008 West Balkan water workshop Hana Prchalova, CENIA 9
Aims of the emissions reporting process Collect relevant data of emissions for Status of Environment (SoE) assessement on European level Produce review of emissions using indicators Support European Commission`s policy 11
Requested data Emission load (T/year or kg/year) Emissions may be to a waterbody (i.e. not within) or alternatively they may be quantified at the mouth of a river Units of emissions: River Basin Districts (WFD) or River Basin - sum of emissions Timescale: one year or range of years 12
Requested data Polutants: Nutrients and Organics – Total N, total P, BOD, TOC, COD Metals and hazardous – Cu, Zi, Cd, Ni, Pb, Hg; three optional hazardous substances 13
Requested data Sources (for emisions to waterbody) : Diffuse emissions – agriculture, atmospheric deposition, un-connected dwellings, urban diffuse, other diffuse (forestry, aquaculture etc.), background, total diffuse Point sources – UWWTD – separated according number of P.E. or total, industry IPPC or not IPPC or total, other point sources (including contaminated sites, mining etc.), total point Sources (for emisions river mouth/catchment outlet): Not separated, total only 14
Requested data Additional information: Respondent details Emissions to freshwater only or freshwater and coastal Area of River Basin District or River Basin Other relevant information from reports - such as tables and diagrams with emissions data, information describing the method used to calculate emissions or data describing the relative contribution of different sectors 15