© ORCA Education Limited 2005 A Balanced Diet ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 40, 68 PLAY Acknowledge PLAY Explain SAY Hello | Hi | Good Day, SAY I am Tom. | My name is Tom. | I am the VT character Tom. SAY ^PAUSE=300^ I will provide some extra guidance and information ^PAUSE=300^ during this {prez entation=presentation.} | I will help with some extra information during this {prez entation=presentation.} ^PAUSE=800^ SAY My colleagues may also give some help. | There are other characters who may also be called on to give some guidance. | Some of my colleagues may also help out. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY In this {prez entation=presentation} we will look at | Today we will look at a balanced diet. SAY This is a ^EMPHASIS^ simple ^PAUSE=300^ but very important idea! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Blink SAY We have to eat ^EMPHASIS^all the things we need^PAUSE=300^ but in the correct amounts.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Announce2 SAY If we get it right^PAUSE=300^ we have a balanced diet.^PAUSE=1300^ SAY It is important that you understand ^EMPHASIS^how to plan a diet, ^PAUSE=300^ a meal ^PAUSE=300^ or a product range that provides a ^EMPHASIS^balance of the nutrients people need. ^PAUSE=2300^ SAY While we are talking ^PAUSE=300^ you can ^EMPHASIS^Suspend us ^PAUSE=300^ or ask us to ^EMPHASIS^Resume ^PAUSE=300^ by right clicking on us and then choosing ^PAUSE=300^ Suspend ^PAUSE=300^ or Resume ^PAUSE=300^ from the menu.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Decline SAY If you choose ^EMPHASIS^Hide ^PAUSE=300^ we will stop completely! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Sad SAY ^PAUSE=600^ PLAY Alert SAY Oh yes! ^PAUSE=300^ SAY There are some terms that may be new to you. SAY If you want to see them before the {prez entation=presentation} click on the New Words button. PLAY Point225 SAY ^PAUSE=800^ SAY These keywords in the text are red and underlined, ^PAUSE=300^ if you click on a highlighted word you will see a ^EMPHASIS^short definition PLAY GestureDown SAY at the bottom of the page. ^PAUSE=800^ END New Words © ORCA Education Limited 2005
Do the people in your family have different dietary needs? * What is a Balanced Diet? A balanced diet provides the correct amount of nutrients that a person needs. We do not all need the same amount. The amount of nutrients we need depend on our: age sex health occupation and levels of activity. Do the people in your family have different dietary needs? *
Nutrients in Food This salad has only 8kcal of energy. It has only traces of fat, carbohydrate and protein. To follow a balanced diet you need to know what nutrients are found in each food item. Nutrition tables, computer nutritional analysis programs and food labels can help. Would eating this salad give you a balanced meal? It would have only 0.3g of fibre. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY LookLeft PLAY GestureLeft SAY The first thing to ask yourself is^PAUSE=300^ would this meal satisfy me?^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Confused SAY My honest answer would be no, ^PAUSE=300^ I would still be hungry.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY So what would the meal be missing?^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY Well firstly I would need something to provide energy, ^PAUSE=300^ preferably carbohydrates.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain3 SAY Potatoes^PAUSE=300^ perhaps a jacket potato, ^PAUSE=300^ the skin has extra fibre and nutrients.^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Maybe instead rice ^PAUSE=300^ or {paster=pasta?}^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY HandsOnHips SAY If you have whole meal {paster=pasta}^PAUSE=300^ you will be adding fibre at the same time. PLAY Announce2 SAY Then of course you need some protein, ^PAUSE=300^ meat would be best for giving extra minerals as well ^PAUSE=300^ but you could just have cheese if you are vegetarian.^PAUSE=1300^ SAY What else would you like to have with a salad ^PAUSE=300^ and how would it help the dietary value of the meal? ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think END It does have minerals inc. calcium, magnesium and potassium. What else could you add to make this a balanced meal? * It has trace elements like zinc, copper, iron and selenium.
Nutrients in Food 56g of protein, 16g of fat and 340 kcal of energy. You now have more elements for a balanced diet in this meal including: Roast beef per portion 6g of protein, 2g of fat, 133 kcal of energy 24g of carbohydrate and 2g of fibre. Wholemeal roll Edam Cheese per portion 11g of protein, 10g of fat and 136 kcal of energy. *
Dietary Reference Values Dietary reference values are a guide to what energy and nutrients a person needs. DRV’s include figures for people with: low needs (LRNI) average requirements (EAR) and what is enough for 97% of the population (RNI). Saturates <11% of food energy * Sugar <11% of food energy Fat <35% of food energy 18g of fibre 300g of carbohydrate 225g of carbohydrate ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 35, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Announce2 SAY Dietary reference values are really just a ^EMPHASIS^guide for different groups of the population^PAUSE=300^ and are ^EMPHASIS^not meant for individuals. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY Energy values vary greatly between one person and another. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY CrossArms SAY So you cannot look at the dietary reference values and say^PAUSE=300^ that is what I should be eating! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY LookUpLeft MOVE 35, 35 PLAY PointLeft SAY This boy and girl for example may need the same amount of most nutrients^PAUSE=300^ but the boy may need lots more energy. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Surprised SAY He might be a real ^EMPHASIS^human ^EMPHASIS^dynamo, ^EMPHASIS^rushing around, ^PAUSE=200^ playing sport, ^PAUSE=200^ dancing ^PAUSE=150^ always active and using up ^EMPHASIS^lots of energy. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY LookLeft PLAY Confused PLAY GestureLeft SAY No^PAUSE=300^ probably not!^PAUSE=500^ I think he is hopelessly in love! PLAY Decline SAY The most energetic thing ^EMPHASIS^he is likely to do ^PAUSE=300^ is sigh. ^PAUSE=1300^ MOVE 35, 68 SAY Usually ^PAUSE=300^ only the ^EMPHASIS^estimated average requirement is used to work out the ^EMPHASIS^energy amount needed. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain3 SAY You see with most nutrients you cannot ^EMPHASIS^really have too much^PAUSE=400^ but you ^EMPHASIS^can with energy. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY With energy^PAUSE=300^ if we all ate what are the ^EMPHASIS^minimum requirements of {ninety seven percent=97%} of the population ^PAUSE=300^then {ninety six percent=96%} of us would be getting fat by eating too much! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Point315 SAY For other nutrients^PAUSE=300^ the reference nutrient intake is used as this shows what is needed by nearly all of the population. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY The actual amounts ^EMPHASIS^will vary depending on age, ^PAUSE=300^ activity levels^PAUSE=300^ and sex. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think END 56g of protein 46g of protein So what are the daily dietary needs of these students? 2500 kcal of energy 2000 kcal of energy
The Balance of Good Health The pyramid shows how a balanced diet should be made up. This is based on The National Food Guide 1994 to help people follow a good overall diet. Each section shows how much of each type of food we should have. Notice the sugars and fats at the top are a small portion. The grains are by far the largest group. * ^*#{}#*^ SHOW peedy, peedy.acs, 18, 60 PLAY LookUpLeft SAY So what is all ^EMPHASIS^this about? ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think SAY Well ^PAUSE=400^ firstly a diet should include ^EMPHASIS^all of these elements. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY GestureLeft SAY ^EMPHASIS^Grains, ^PAUSE=500^ these provide minerals, ^PAUSE=300^ {vit amins=vitamins,} ^PAUSE=300^ proteins ^PAUSE=300^ and {fiber=fibre} for good digestion. ^PAUSE=600^ The diagram shows we all need the largest amount of these foods! ^PAUSE=1300^ MOVE 18, 35 SAY ^EMPHASIS^Fruit and ^EMPHASIS^vegetables provide a balance of {vit amins=vitamins} and minerals. ^PAUSE=600^ Note from the diagram how much of ^EMPHASIS^these we would need. ^PAUSE=1300^ MOVE 18, 25 SAY ^EMPHASIS^Meats and ^EMPHASIS^dairy {produse=produce} provide minerals ^PAUSE=300^ and they are also an important supply of proteins ^EMPHASIS^and fats. ^PAUSE=1300^ MOVE 18, 15 SAY Sugars are the ^EMPHASIS^least necessary. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY If a person has the ^EMPHASIS^right amount of each group^PAUSE=300^ then they have a ^EMPHASIS^balanced diet. ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY Pleased END
Adapting Food Current dietary guidelines tell us to: eat more carbohydrates eat more fibre eat more fruit and vegetables eat less fat, salt and non-milk extrinsic sugars. Cook the chips in olive oil Drink water or fruit juice How could you adapt this burger meal to make it more healthy? Use low fat cheese like edam Add extra vegetables or salad Put the burger in a wholemeal bun Make the shake from low fat milk * Don’t add salt
Using Convenience Food Today’s lifestyle means that you will probably use convenience foods. You might have: ready-prepared meals canned foods bottled and canned sauces dehydrated foods like pasta dried food mixes like herbs cartons of drink frozen and cook-chill foods. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY LookLeft PLAY GestureLeft SAY Convenience foods are ^EMPHASIS^very popular. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Confused SAY They seem to have a bad reputation! ^PAUSE=600^ PLAY Point45 SAY Convenience foods do not need to be bad for you! ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY Explain SAY Many people want something quick to eat when they get in from work. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY HandsOnHips SAY They may be going out again^PAUSE=300^ so they do not want to spend their spare time preparing food. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Gestureleft SAY As long as we choose convenience meals carefully and we combine convenience elements with other fresh foods we can produce quick ^PAUSE=300^ nutritious meals. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Food technology has had an impact on how we eat,^EMPHASIS^especially with cook-chill meals which are cooked, ^PAUSE=200^ chilled quickly ^PAUSE=200^ and then kept cold. PLAY Explain2 SAY Then there are ready meals that are cooked and packed before being stored at room temperature. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY There are different ways of preparing convenience foods. PLAY Blink SAY Some are ready to eat from the container and need ^EMPHASIS^no cooking, SAY some need heating only and some need cooking completely. ^PAUSE=300^ SAY Some are part of a meal like a sauce. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY A visit to the supermarket will show you how many convenience foods there are!^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Pleased END These combined with fresh food like vegetables make interesting nutritious meals. *
What foods from different cultures do you eat? * Multicultural Food Meal planning will depend on religious beliefs. Many religions have forbidden foods. Other foods used in different parts of the world have also filtered into the eating habits of the UK general population. One example of this is the Mediterranean diet. What foods from different cultures do you eat? *
The Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean region includes southern Europe, parts of the Middle East and North Africa. Many people believe that the Mediterranean diet is a very healthy one. Olive oil is at the heart of this belief as it contains a high proportion of mono-unsaturated fat. Quality staples like bread couscous and rice. Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Chick peas ground into humus flour in N Africa. Recipes using oily fish like tuna and sardines. Use of nuts and herbs for flavour and texture. Beans and pulses in rich soups. * What are some other Mediterranean food ingredients? ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 35, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Announce2 SAY I must say I ^EMPHASIS^do like Mediterranean food! PLAY Explain SAY Lots of {flavor=flavour} and texture ^PAUSE=300^ and I find the food to be filling but not too heavy. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY HandsOnHips SAY I have to look after ^PAUSE=300^ my nice ^EMPHASIS^slim figure you know. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Pleased PLAY GestureLeft SAY So what other ingredients and dishes are ^EMPHASIS^typical of the Mediterranean region? ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think SAY Let me check my recipe book. ^PAUSE=1000^ PLAY Read SAY Some interesting ingredients are artichokes, ^PAUSE=300^ {ober-jeans=aubergines,}^PAUSE=250^ fennel, ^PAUSE=200^ okra, ^PAUSE=150^ pistachio nuts, ^PAUSE=100^ {sea-bas=sea bass,} ^PAUSE=100^ and {harrycoe=haricot} beans. ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY ReadContinued SAY Then we have dishes such as{rezotto=risotto,} ^PAUSE=200^ {pie ella=paella,} ^PAUSE=200^ pizzas, ^PAUSE=200^ {paster=pasta,} ^PAUSE=200^ tapas, ^PAUSE=200^ ^EMPHASIS^chorizo sausage, ^PAUSE=300^ crisp bagettes, ^PAUSE=200^ and not forgetting ^PAUSE=300^ ^EMPHASIS^garlic ^EMPHASIS^prawns! PLAY ReadReturn SAY Some of these are already part of our regular weekly shop. ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY Announce2 SAY We use food ideas from other cultures like India and China to make our diet more interesting ^PAUSE=500^ but perhaps we can ^EMPHASIS^also learn how to make our diet more ^EMPHASIS^healthy as well! ^PAUSE=1300^ END
Why do some schools now provide breakfast? * Breakfast is a very important meal although it is sometimes missed. Breakfast should supply 25% of our daily intake of energy. A bowl of cereals will supply carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals (calcium and iron) and NSP. Those who do not have breakfast have low blood sugar and insulin levels linked to under achievement at school or work. They are also more likely to snack on foods high in sugars or fats mid morning. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 22, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Announce2 SAY What are the choices for breakfast? ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY Look along the breakfast cereal shelves in the supermarket. ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY Surprised SAY Breakfast must be a popular meal ^PAUSE=300^ as there is so much to choose from! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY HandsOnHips SAY You should look at the nutritional information to find out the values of your {favorite=favourite} cereal ^PAUSE=1300^ and that way you can get the best out of your bowl of cereals in the morning. ^PAUSE=700^ SAY It may for instance be your main source of iron for the day! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Decline SAY People do not {realize=realise} breakfast sets you up for the day^PAUSE=300^ both physically and mentally!^PAUSE=1300^ END Why do some schools now provide breakfast? *
What alternative snacks would you have in a vending machine? * School Dinners Jamie Oliver’s school dinners campaign has highlighted the need for better food in school. The government has taken up the cause. Ruth Kelly (Minister for Education) announced in September 2005 that there would be new nutritional standards for school dinners; “I will ban low quality reprocessed bangers and burgers high in fat, salt and sugar being served in schools from September 2006” ^*#{}#*^ SHOW peedy, peedy.acs, 29, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY LookRight PLAY GestureRight SAY I would quite like dried fruit as a snack in the vending machine. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Acknowledge SAY I would have dried bananas, ^PAUSE=300^ apples, ^PAUSE=300^ apricots, ^PAUSE=250^ pineapple, ^PAUSE=200^ raisins ^PAUSE=300^ and also exotic fruit mix. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Decline SAY OK, ^PAUSE=300^ so I am a parrot ^PAUSE=300^ and that is what parrots eat when they get the chance. ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY Alert SAY But get used to it! ^PAUSE=300^ this stuff tastes good! ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY These are quite high in energy ^PAUSE=300^ ^EMPHASIS^and are sweet and tasty. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think SAY Cut out the chocolate and students may be less ^EMPHASIS^twitchy in Science! ^PAUSE=800^ PLAY Uncertain SAY You never know all that ^EMPHASIS^carbon ^EMPHASIS^chemistry stuff may make a bit more sense. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY Of course eating breakfast reduces the need to snack anyway. ^PAUSE=1300^ MOVE 56,13 PLAY GestureLeft SAY The Food Standards Agency already had in place a campaign for improving school dinners in primary schools^PAUSE=300^ using the five a day campaign. PLAY LookLeft SAY This was called Bash Street Kids, and was way earlier than Jamie Oliver. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY This was to give pupils better access to fruit and vegetables. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY LookUpLeft SAY Fruit and vegetable options were made available at break time ^PAUSE=300^ and in school lunches^PAUSE=300^ at least two and a half portions were included in the meal. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Blink SAY The Food Standards Agency has a very good web site for more details. ^PAUSE=1300^ END “No school will be able to have vending machines selling crisps, chocolate and sugary fizzy drinks” What alternative snacks would you have in a vending machine? *
Some words or terms to learn Vocabulary Some words or terms to learn Nutrients Nutrition tables Balanced meal Dietary reference values Saturates Non-milk extrinsic sugars Convenience foods Reprocessed meats
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