Education Council Work Programme Update
Future-focused initial teacher education We want to lift the quality of initial teacher education (ITE) to equip teachers be effective in today’s classrooms/ECE settings and future learning environments.
Why does our ITE system need to change? Understanding about the nature of learning is evolving Teaching is more complex and the ways of working are changing Future teachers need adaptive expertise and knowledge of curriculum learning areas Need to rethink how we recruit, select and educate teachers For more detail see our discussion paper: Strategic options for future-orientated ITE
Consultation about programme design Expanding postgraduate pathways Clear Standards for graduating teachers and greater confidence in assessment of graduate outcomes 3. Lift entry requirements – higher literacy and numeracy 4. Strengthen quality of practica arrangements More flexible programmes – prepare teachers to teach across a wider ranges of year levels
Later in 2017 will progress: 6. Managed pathways from graduation to full certification A stronger focus on graduate outcomes in programme approval and monitoring – over time Manage the supply of new graduates to better meet future workforce trends A more collaborative and coherent network of provision – to ensure overall system needs are met.
Increasing postgraduate pathways Postgraduate (level 8 and above on NZQF) ITE moratorium lifts from start of 2018 –will strengthen programme approval requirements Seeking to increase postgraduate programmes with adaptive expertise subject knowledge in curriculum learning areas
Clear standards for graduating teachers New draft Standards for Teaching Professionals expected to replace the current Graduating Teacher Standards (GTS) Provide confidence that every graduate meets the Standards (with support)
Lifting entry requirements Use a national tool to assess literacy and numeracy capability Possibly the Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool Setting higher literacy and numeracy entry requirements
Strengthening practica We commissioned New Zealand Council of Educational Research (NZCER) to do a literature review (on website) Identifies features of quality practica arrangements Features of quality practica to become part of programmes approval process
Flexible programmes Encourage programmes to support teaching across a wider range of learning years Traditional programmes continue (ECE, primary, secondary) Supports a more flexible workforce – offering career diversity, able to respond to changing demographics Smoother transitions for learners e.g. from early childhood to primary school
Next steps Consultation starts soon (open 4 weeks) Information pack on our website Options about how to provide us feedback Key audience are ITE providers and stakeholder groups Governing council to consider feedback and make decisions later in 2017
Our Code, Our Standards The core aspects of what it is, and what it means, to be part of the teaching profession. Packaged together for an integrated understanding of how the code and standards relate to each other.
Our Code, Our Standards Work Programme Draft released for consultation 10 March 2017 Consultation closed on 24 April 2017 Draft Standards piloted in selected schools, kura and early childhood settings in March and April to test validity
What happens next? Analysing 2023 responses to help shape the final document Produce resources to support awareness and practical implementation by the profession Final document ready for introduction 1 July 2017
Centre for Leadership Excellence During 2017 we will continue to bring together professional, academic, cultural, and strategic expertise to assist with the design of a coherent leadership strategy for all registered teachers.
To date we have: held an academic forum, agency symposium and profession conference We are currently preparing to hold a Maori leadership hui and a provider clinic to complete our first round of discussions developed a range of products to share with the wider profession plan to test the emerging vision at local meetings across the country.
What happens next? National forum for Community of Learning I Kahui Ako leadership in July and November 2017. paper commissioned on 'Middle Leadership’ inclusive of early childhood through schooling and will include the new roles within and across learning centres guidance to be provided on Communities of Learning I Kahui Ako appraisal advisory group to be convened a web product will be available for the profession by the end of term 2 2017
Learner and Whānau Support Programme Establish a system of support for learners and their whānau involved in the disciplinary process of teachers and other registered education professionals.
Our current assumptions…. Engagement with learners is ad hoc Guidance available to support learners through the conduct process is inadequate Our processes are not currently learner-centred A lack of information or support could put learners at further risk.
What we want to create…. a set of guiding principles to support learner-centred decisions and processes accessible, meaningful and culturally responsive information resources an agreed process and responsibilities for learner engagement and support agreed criteria for a liaison person to support the learner confirmed external networks/services that can provide support to learners.