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Evaluating North Carolina’s State Symbols Title Page Evaluating North Carolina’s State Symbols The Cardinal
The Cardinal was selected by popular choice as our State Bird on March 4, 1943. (Session Laws, 1943. c. 595; G.S. 145-2) The Cardinal is sometimes called the Winter Redbird because it is most noticeable during the winter when it is the only "redbird" present. A year-round resident of North Carolina, the Cardinal is one of the most common birds in our gardens, meadows, and woodlands. The male Cardinal is red all over, except for the area of its throat and the region around its bill which is black; it is about the size of a Catbird only with a longer tail. The head is conspicuously crested and the large stout bill is red. The female is much duller in color with the red confined mostly to the crest, wings, and tail. This difference in coloring is common among many birds. Since it is the female that sits on the nest, her coloring must blend more with her natural surroundings to protect her eggs and young from predators. There are no seasonal changes in her plumage. The Cardinal is a fine singer, and what is unusual is that the female sings as beautifully as the male. The male generally monopolizes the art of song in the bird world. The nest of the Cardinal is rather an untidy affair built of weed stems, grass and similar materials in low shrubs, small trees or bunches of briars, generally not over four feet above the ground. The usual number of eggs set is three in this State and four further North. Possibly the Cardinal raises an extra brood down here to make up the difference, or possibly the population is more easily maintained here by the more moderate winters compared to the colder North. The Cardinal is by nature a seed eater, but will also eat small fruits and insects. Step 2 Read this article from The North Carolina Secretary of State’s Kid’s Page To read the entire article click on the following link:
Characteristics that Make the Cardinal a Good Choice Step 3 Based on the information in this article, what characteristics of the Cardinal do you think make it a good choice for North Carolina’s official state bird? List these characteristics (See #1 on sheet)
Pros Cons Step 4 View the video segment about the Cardinal from Exploring North Carolina. (See #s 2 and 3 on sheet)
Step 5 What other birds are offered as suggestions for the North Carolina state bird? (See #4 on sheet)
Step 6 Discussion (See # 5 on Sheet) Discuss your answers with your table group. Add any characteristics that you may have missed in Step 3. Step 6 Discussion (See # 5 on Sheet)
Step 7 QUICK WRITE If you had to choose another state bird for North Carolina, what would it be? Explain your choice. Include characteristics that make it a good choice for North Carolina’s official state bird (See # 6 on Sheet) Type Your Response Below AVID Strategy
Type Your Response Below Step 8 QUICK WRITE D L I Q Type Your Response Below D Type one thing you DID today. L Type one thing you LEARNED today. I Type one thing you found INTERESTING today. Q Type one QUESTION you have. AVID Strategy
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