Today … Please vote on 2 cell membrane models from 5th hour, and 2 from 6th hour (put tally marks on papers) Pick up handouts WARMUP: What comes to mind when you hear “evolution”? Give me at least 2 sentences.
Introduction | b. watkins EVOLUTION Introduction | b. watkins
My experiences Mr. Litizzette Mr. Crosland Dr. Messina’s email BYU, Notre Dame, Hebrew University
WHAT SCIENCE IS … AND IS NOT … Moral? Immoral? Amoral? Calculus limit
Dr. Francis collins Director, National Institutes of Health Director, Human Genome Project Science research led him to agnosticism, then atheism Discovered writings of C.S. Lewis, and converted to Christianity One of the most respected scientists
A book … Collins wrote “The Language of God” He explains four approaches to faith and science
When faith wins science creationism When faith wins science
When science wins faith ATHEISM / AGNOSTICISM When science wins faith
When science needs divine help Intelligent design When science needs divine help
Science and faith in harmony THEISTIC SCIENCE Science and faith in harmony Collins: “God, who is not limited in space or time, created the universe and established natural laws that govern it. Seeking to populate this otherwise sterile universe with living creatures, God chose the elegant mechanism of evolution to create microbes, plants, and animals of all sorts.”