HPE Achievement Objectives 3A2 Regular physical activity: Maintain regular participation in enjoyable physical activities in a range of environments and describe how these assist in the promotion of well being 3B4- Challenges and social and cultural factors: Participate in co-operative and competitive activities and describe how co-operation and competition can affect peoples behavior and quality of the experience Mathematics and Statistics Achievement Objectives (this class has a range of level 2 and 3 children) Number knowledge level 2: Know the basic addition and subtraction facts Number knowledge level 3: Know basic multiplication and division facts Health & Physical Education Unit Plan for Year/s 5-6 Title: Math Sports Created by: Aimee and Jacky NZ Curriculum Values Excellence - Students will be encouraged to value excellence , by aiming high and persevering in the face of difficulties Equity - Students will be encouraged to value Equity through fairness and social justice Community and Participation – Students will be encourage to value participation for the common good Integrity – Students will be encouraged and expected to be honest, responsible, accountable and ethical members of a team Student Needs: A significant portion of this class are very keen to engage with the physical activity, and sport studies, component of Health and PE., their engagement with Literacy and numeracy is more problematic. This Unit Aims To: Provide students with an engaging and active approach to learning mathematical facts, while also learning and developing balls skills. This unit encourages team work, confidence and participation. HPE Key Area(s) of Learning Physical activity - learning through movement to develop knowledge of themselves and other people, social skills and positive attitudes and values. Create a positive learning environment by supporting physical activity, promoting emotional safety, encouraging the acceptance of diversity, and providing equitable access to opportunities. Key competencies HPE Underlying Concepts Attitudes and Values- a positive responsible attitude on the part of students to their own wellbeing: respect, care and concern for other people , a sense of social justice Health promotion – a process that helps to develop and maintain supportive physical and emotional environments. Participating and contributing: This includes the capacity to contribute appropriately as a group member, to make connections with others and to create opportunities for others in the group. Managing self: This competency is associated with self-motivation a “can do” attitude, and with students seeing themselves as capable learners. Relating to others: This includes interacting effectively with a diverse range of people in a variety of contexts. It includes the ability to listen actively, recognize different points of view, negotiate, and share ideas. Considerations for this group/class Large range of mathematical abilities Some students avoid participating in mathematical tasks Mixed physical abilities Many of the activities planned focus participating contributing or competing or team strategies, all learned through movement or while moving Some of these students struggle to do these things in a traditional mathematics setting. Our intention is to keep the mathematic tasks themselves easy enough that students can practice these competencies and gain confidence using mathematics in interactive and active team situations. Preparation for the unit Booking space or planning a wet weather alternative. Booking sports equipment e.g. basketballs Number cards Number question cards
Unit Learning Intentions Teaching Learning Activities Overview of Unit Unit Learning Intentions 1. We are learning to…3A2 Actively and regularly participate in physical activities in a range of contexts and environments 2. We are learning to…3B4 Participate in competitive activities and describe how competition can effect peoples behavior and the quality of the experience Success Criteria We will know we have learnt this when we can … Play a physical game in such a way that it is enjoyed by all. We are honest about winning and loosing challenges We play fairly by the rules We help each other if needed We can identify key attributes needed in teamwork Engage in active and physical games Work as a team to solve mathematical equations Use a range of mathematical strategies to solve a variety of equations Quickly and successfully solve basic mathematical equations, while also completing a physical task We will know we have learnt this when we … Know how many people we need in our group Are considerate in the way we assist, advise, and compete with others Support and encourage all of our fellow team and classmates Maintain a positive and supportive culture within our team Teaching Learning Activities Introduction – Establish rules and boundaries; Discuss sportsmanship: What do we need to be an effective sportsperson? What attributes do we need to be a successful team member? Discuss and explain that as a team you are encouraged to help and support your team members to solve mathematical equations and physical tasks. Students will engage in physical tasks/games from www.pecentral.org, then discuss whether or not competition affect peoples behavior and the quality of the game. Student discussion of ways to Modify rules of game so that it works better for all players, (whole class decision) Harder, easier, fairer, more interesting. Students will engage in the following activities: Retrieved from www.pecentral.org Mean hoops Running away with the answer Three cards pursuit Math Movers Dribbling Math Math facts basketball Students will engage in all of the activities above- and the ‘Nose’ game Form a group with 3 noses , Form a group with 20 fingers, right hand fingers . . . NOTE: there will be no elimination for failure to make a group 3. We are learning to…Mathematics AO Number knowledge level 2/3 Engage in active and physical approaches to learning our basic addition and subtraction/multiplication and division facts 4. We are learning to…Participating and contributing: Managing self Contribute appropriately as a group member, to make connections with others and to create opportunities for others in the group, while maintaining a “can do” attitude.