Welcome Liberty Lions Parents!
The Basics: Competition State Organization: California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) Section Affiliation: North Coast Section (NCS) League: Bay Valley Athletic League (BVAL) BVAL Member Schools: Antioch, Deer Valley, Freedom, Heritage, Liberty, Pittsburg Liberty is a Division 1 School (largest school populations)
Lion Pride: Facilities Improvements in Last 4 Years Replaced stadium turf New Video Scorer’s Table in New Gym Improved stadium sound system New water polo scoreboard Track resurfaced New swimming timing system Replaced missing basketball hoops in Old Gym Tennis Courts resurfaced and painted New Gym sound system to be modernized Old Weight Room converted to fitness room Baseball/softball fencing and scoreboards Scoreboards in New Gym updated
Fall Sports: August to October Girls Volleyball (V, JV, F) Cross-Country (V, JV) Water Polo (V, JV) Tennis (V, JV) Golf (V, JV) Boys Football (V, JV, F) Cross-Country (V, JV) Water Polo (V, JV)
Winter Sports: October to February Boys Basketball (V, JV, F) Wrestling (V, JV) Soccer (V, JV) Girls Basketball (V, JV, F) Wrestling (V, JV) Soccer (V, JV)
Spring Sports: February to May Boys Baseball (V, JV, F) Track (V, JV) Golf (V, JV) Tennis (V, JV) Swimming/Diving (V, JV) Volleyball (V, JV) Girls Softball (V, JV) Track (V, JV) Swimming/Diving (V, JV)
Lion Pride: Outstanding Team Performances 2015-16 Boys Cross Country: 2nd Place BVAL, 2nd Place NCS Girls Cross Country: BVAL Champs Girls Golf: 2nd Place BVAL Girls Volleyball: BVAL Champs; NCS Berth Girls Water Polo: BVAL Champs; NCS Berth Boys Basketball: NCS 2nd Round Girls Basketball: NCS Berth Girls Soccer: BVAL Champs; NCS Semifinals Wrestling: BVAL Champs; 2nd Place NCS Duals/Championship Baseball: NCS Berth Softball: NCS 2nd Round Girls Track & Field: BVAL Champs
Eligibility Requirements 2.0 or Higher GPA (Student-Athlete!) Academic Probation (GPA 1.75-1.99) Online Registration Complete Proof of Physical Examination Residential Eligibility for Transfers
Online Registration All athletes must register for sports using our online service, www.athleticclearance.com. Have your student ID # and insurance information available. Athlete and parent/guardian must complete process.
Uniform Complaint Process If a problem in a sport arises, please follow these steps: Athlete sets up discussion with coach Parent, athlete, and coach meet Parent or athlete presents written description (hard copy or e-mail) of issue to Athletic Director Parent, athlete, coach, and AD meet Parent, athlete, coach, AD, and Principal meet Principal contact with District Office for resolution
On-Campus Coaches Girls Golf: Coach Stantz (Gym), Coach Ybarra (E2), Coach Groseclose (J1) Girls/Boys Tennis: Coach Rosenberg (J9) Football: Coach Walters (Room J18) Volleyball: Coach Ghilarducci (Gym) Boys Basketball: Coach Heinz (N-13) Track: Coach Ambrose (Gym), Coach N. Ambrose, Coach Williamson (E8) Wresting: Coach Edwards (L5) Cross Country: Coach DiNino (H3) Softball: Coach Pamiroyan (J11)
College Athletics A-G Requirements SAT ACT NCAA Clearinghouse CoreCourseGPA.com
How do I keep up with LHS Athletics? Morning announcements: read daily during 2nd/6th per.; available online Team pages on school website LHS Athletics Twitter Feed: @LHSLionsSports Remind Text Alerts: text “@libathlete” to 81010
Liberty High School Athletic Boosters Liberty High School Athletic Boosters is a parent- run, parent-driven organization that supports LHS sports through fundraising and merchandise sales, and by generating Lion Pride in the community. www.libertyhighboosters.com
Thank you for attending!