KS2 Class 3 and Class 4 PE Questionnaire Feedback Results December 2016 All children in Class 3 and 4 gave pupil feedback
Q1 a) Have you attended a school club in the last year?
Q1 b) If yes, what club did you attend?
Q2) Are there any sports you would like to happen at lunchtime or after school?
Q3 a) Do you attend any out of school clubs on the weekends or the weekend?
Q3 b) If yes, what Sport clubs do you do outside of school?
Q4) Do you enjoy P.E lessons?
Q5) Do you feel PE and Clubs will help you lead a more healthy lifestyle?
Q6) Have you taken part in competitions? Reasons for not entering or taking part in competitions were: Not enough time (6) No chance (3) Would like to but just haven’t got round to doing one yet (8) Don’t like competitive sport (5)
Q7) Do you feel PE Lessons and Sports Clubs teach you the importance of fair play and how to work well in a team?
Q8) Do you feel there is a good choice of sports in PE lessons and sports clubs?
Q9 a) Are there any other sports you would like the chance to play in PE or after-school clubs?
Q9 b) If yes, what sports?
Q10) Do you play sport related games at break and lunch times? Q10 b) If no, why not? Is there anything we can do to help you become more active at playtimes? More PE equipment outside – balls, hoops Basketball nets and Football posts Dance club/music Organised mixed team games