What do all these have in common? Do you think their identity – who they are – is based on their religion? What do all these have in common? Yet which is also the odd one out.
identity and religion Learning Objective Success Criteria To understand how someone’s identity may come from their religion. identity and religion Success Criteria By the end of this lesson you will be able to: * describe what might show that someone’s identity comes from their religion. * explain what parts of a person’s religion will influence who they are. * give your opinion on whether religion and beliefs are the most important factor in creating a person’s identity.
One of the most obvious might be what they wear. People who are committed to their religion would say that one of the most important factors that has created their identity – made them who they are - is their faith. Think about religious people. How might they show that their faith is an important part of their identity? One of the most obvious might be what they wear. What else?
Is it what they wear or what they do? How would you know these celebrities were religious?
YOUR CHALLENGE * You will get six religious characters. * Using the Religious Factfile sheet to help you, create a factfile for each of them to show how their religion is important in making them who they are.
Set it out like this using these subheadings Set it out like this using these subheadings. Keep it brief – just the key points. Age of Religion: Symbol: Number of Followers: Looking at some of these religious areas, which do you think would have the biggest influence on a religious person’s identity? Why? Some Practices: God/gods: Buddhist - Buddhism The religious area I think would have the biggest influence on a religious person’s identity is…. This is because…. Holy Books/Texts: Purpose of Life: Afterlife:
Has religion affected your identity – who you are? Why or why not? Stick in your sheet and copy down this question: Do you think religion is the most important factor in creating a person’s identity (who they are)? Give examples from the religious characters to back up your viewpoint. I think that religion is/is not the most important factor in creating a person’s identity because… Has religion affected your identity – who you are? Why or why not?
Learning Objective Success Criteria To understand how someone’s identity may come from their religion. Success Criteria By the end of this lesson you will be able to: * describe what might show that someone’s identity comes from their religion. * explain what parts of a person’s religion will influence who they are. * give your opinion on whether religion and beliefs are the most important factor in creating a person’s identity.