Overview of the Data Acquisition Activities


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of the Data Acquisition Activities G. Eckerlin DESY LCWS 2004, Paris, April 20th 2004 Outline Introduction Some selected examples Open questions Outlook

World Wide Activities A (personal) review of the DAQ sessions from recent workshops... 4th ECFA/DESY workshop Amsterdam/Netherlands Apr. 2003 Cornell Linear Collider Workshop Ithaka/USA Jul. 2003 1st ECFA Study workshop Montpellier/France Nov. 2003 and selected topics of the detector and machine sessions from Asian Linear Collider Workshop Mumbai/India Dec. 2003 ALCPG 2004 Winter Workshop SLAC/USA Jan. 2004

A short reminder... The conditions The software trigger concept The basic structure

The Conditions at the LC Physics Rate : e+ e-  X 0.0002/BX e+ e-  e+ e- X  0.7/BX e+ e- pair background : VXD inner layer 1000 hits/BX TPC 15tracks/BX -> Background is dominating the rates ! The LC is a pulsed machine repetitian rate 5 (120) Hz bunches per train 2820 (192) bunch separation 337 (1.4) ns train lenth 950 (0.26) s train separation 199 (8.3) ms -> long time between trains (short between pulses)

Data Acquisition Concept up to 1 ms active pipeline (full train), no trigger interrupt, sparcification/cluster finding at FE readout between trains (8-200ms) software event selection using full information of a complete train 'bunch of interesst'

Some selected topics Silicon Detector R&D (see talk from Joel Goldstein) Gas Tracking R&D (see talk from Paul Colas) Calorimeter R&D (see talk from Paul Dauncey) Background Accelerator DAQ

Silicon Strip Front End Readout 512 channels/ladder Aurore Savoy-Navarro Amsterdam 2003 2560 channels/drawer A/D=0.35µtechno, 8 bits 1MHz clock, 1.2mW Main concern: low noise and sparing power dissipation at each corner of on-detector electronics

TPC Test DAQ systems (some foil courtesy Nabil Ghodbane) Ron Settles Conrnell 2003

TPC DAQ Future ? Ron Settles Conrnell 2003

Calice Test DAQ system APD fibre masks or CALICE UK group, P. Dauncey Volker Korbel Montpellier 2003 ~ 3m analogue RO APD fibre masks or flat-band connector to Si-PM cassette RO printed circuit

Detector Occupancies from e+e- Pairs @ 500 GeV fcn(bunch structure, integration time) Tom Markiewicz Conrnell 2003 Needs Study 171 GeV 192 8 ms 597, 0.9 GeV Endcap ECAL 139 GeV 547, 0.73 GeV Barrel ECAL 101>3MeV 0.63 GeV 1 150 ns 1176, 0.63GeV 91>3MeV 1.29 GeV 1176, 1.29GeV “Few per mil” 1377, ?trks TPC 2.4cm, 3T 0.6/ mm2 3.1E-3/mm2 VXD-L2 1.2cm, 3T 7.2/ mm2 38E-3/mm2 VXD-L1 2.6cm, 4T 2.3/ mm2 742 250 μs 1.5cm, 4T 5.3/ mm2 148 50 μs 36E-3/mm2 Few per mil 160 55 μs 1336, 5trks Comment Occupancy Eff# B R. O. Per bunch Detector T E S L A N L C

Accelerator Data Acquisition NLC Data Collection Marty Breitenbach Conrnell 2003 There are ~11K accelerator sections and 1K BPM’s. Data per bunch (Not train, debatable if needed) BPM X,Y,I – 2 bytes each + 10 bytes stuff = 16 bytes Acc Section - 2 positions + FE + RE + phase @ 2 bytes + 20 bytes stuff = 30 bytes 200 bunches/train * 120 trains/sec = ~20000 bunch/sec Data Rate = 20000*(11K*30+1K*16)=7 Gbytes/sec Should not be worse than 10 for the whole machine!! Begins to look like a distributed detector data acquisition problem. Some data compression will be needed. Rapid access and analysis of this data may be a fun problem.

Many more on DAQ Many more presented in detector and machine sessions This were just a few examples and should underline : Data acquisition issue are addressed in many R&D groups Data acquisition starts at the frond end Be encouraged to show your R&D work in the DAQ sessions !

We would like to hear more about… Backgounds and occupancy Online calibration Alignement and track linking Bunch tagging Front End Control signals Power/Cooling Machine/Detector DAQ interplay

Outlook Discussion on who to organize in future Session : Wed. 21st 11:00 – 12:30 Contribute to the next Workshops ! ALCPG LCWS (Victoria/July 04) ECFA LCWS (Durham/Sep 04) ACFA LCWS