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Presentation transcript:

LITERACY, MATHS & SCIENCE. Downs Junior School Year 5 Homework Grid Out of This World. 6 week topic, complete at least 4. OPTION 1: CREATIVE ARTS. Visit Visit Herstmonceux observatory science centre and recount what you learnt. P4C ‘Should mankind spend money exploring space?’ discuss your ideas with others and come full of thoughts to share. Changes on Earth If you could change one thing on this planet what would it be? Write an explanation of your answer. Design Time Design and make your own space ship. Use Mine Craft, model making, lego, drawing.   Just 10 Things Imagine you had to leave Earth. What 10 things would you bring with you and why? Model Solar System Make a model of the solar system including the planets in their correct order. Include facts and information from your research. (Tuesday 3rd of October) The Night Sky Keep a journal of the night sky for a week. Write notes about what you see, draw pictures of the moon and how it changes. Can you spot any constellations? Bake Off Bake your own space themed biscuits or cakes. As we are a healthy school please enjoy your own baking at home. Bring in a picture or the recipe you used to share. OPTION 2: LITERACY, MATHS & SCIENCE. Lab Coat Research an area of science, create and decorate a ‘lab coat’ with this information, along with your science name ‘Professor Nicola, ‘Dr Argun’ etc. You could use an adult’s old white shirt or t-shirt for this. (Tuesday 26th September) Extra Extra! Write a newspaper report about the first moon landing. You could present it as an old newspaper from that year or as a modern paper reporting on the recent 46th anniversary. Remember to include: a headline, a picture, direct or reported speech, the 5 Ws. Facts Facts Facts Research a planet of your choice and create a fact file all about it. This can be presented electronically, in written form or as a poster. Maths Gaming Create a maths game for others to play in class. You could make it a numbered card game, alien snakes and ladders or you could invent your own. Check out Instructions: Ashaded box means you must complete it and hand it in by the given date. We also ask you complete at least one other English or Maths task alongside other homework of your choosing. Trips can be documented in photo form as well as anything else mentioned in the task. Alongside these tasks we still expect daily reading of at least 20 minutes, preferably to an adult, as well as completion of the weekly phonic-related spelling tasks and regular times-tables practice.