Professional Learning Communities- (PLC) AT WORK Better Learning through PLCs CHOLLA HIGH MAGNET SCHOOL PLC TRAINING 2016-2017
OBJECTIVES By the end of the session, participants will be able to . . . Describe the importance of PLC norms Develop norms for their own PLC Develop Instructional Focus Calendars By actively listening to the presentation and participating in group discussion.
Mr. Armenta Welcome We Are Cholla A+ Continual Improvement Cadre School Visits Walk Through Form
PLC Workshop Norms Equity of Voice Active Listening Respect for All Perspectives Safety and Confidentiality Respectful Use of Technology
PLC Expectations Structure Group Roles Contractual Obligations Tuesdays – large group Monday, Thursday, and Friday – small group Group Roles Team Leader Scribe/Binder Minder Clock Master Contractual Obligations Start times/End times Attendance = 301 money So we need to make sure that we have the binders ready to go for this and each of the roles clearly defined. Are they on the handout?
Norms Enhance the Effectiveness of Teams Teams increase their likelihood of performing at high levels when they clarify their expectations of one another regarding procedures, responsibilities, and relationships. Effective teams do not settle for “sorta” agreements; they identify the very specific commitments members have made to each other. Social psychologists learned long ago that if you make a commitment and then share it with others, you are far more likely to follow through than if you simply make the commitment to yourself. (Kerry Patterson Influencers, p. 152)
Norms of High Performing PLCs In addition to arriving on time, being prepared, actively participating, ensuring there is an agenda and meeting minutes are taken, communicating/organizing materials, effective team norms should also include such things as… Willingness to consider matters from another’s perspective Accurate understanding of spoken and unspoken feelings and concerns of team members Willingness to address/confront a team member who violates team norms Communicating positive regard, caring and respect Willingness and ability to evaluate the team’s own effectiveness Seeking feedback about and evidence of team effectiveness from internal and external sources Maintaining a positive outlook and attitude Pro-active problem solving
Tips for Creating Norms Each team should create its own norms. Norms should be stated as commitments to act or behave in certain ways rather than as beliefs. Norms should be reviewed at the beginning and end of each meeting for at least 6 months. Teams should formally evaluate their effectiveness at least twice a year. Teams should focus on a few norms – less is more. Violations of team norms must be addressed. Should we walk them through the actual process of creating norms with our group? You know, so that we have norms for every period?
Sample PLC Norm Posters
Cholla AZMerit Spring 2016 ELA(9-12)
Cholla AZMerit Spring 2016 MATH(ALG,ALGII,GEO)
Instructional Focus Calendars Personal roadmap for teaching and assessing Where have we been (AzMERIT scores and benchmark assessments)? Where do we want to go (Instructional Focus Calendars and Common Formative Assessments? District Curriculum Maps (Curriculum 3.0) help guide your planning
MTSS Quick Overview MTSS Behavior Academic
Closure Next Steps: Thursday during PLCs, please print off the curriculum map for your content area. Start reviewing content to prepare your IFC. We need to get them in the lab on Tuesday for School City training! I think we give them an assignment for Thursday and Friday that deals with reviewing the curriculum maps.