A305: Week 11 Critique Lesson, Workshop, and Reflections
Plan: Three Parts Part I: Critique Lesson (1:10 – 2:10) Part II: Workshop Projects (2:20 – 3:20) Part III: Final Reflections (3:20– 4:00)
Goals for Today (+ Section) Understand/analyze: Understand strengths and weaknesses of proposed plans in light of feedback Model the giving and receiving of good feedback: kind, specific, and helpful Reflect Reflect on the course and what you’ve learned
Critique Lesson: Background Draws on power of models Way to examine student work in a structured way Enables analysis – moving from subject to object Can use to develop a rubric or to examine one See Berger chapter from syllabus for more details.
Critique Lesson Two options: Newark Charter school Deep PLC Find a group of four people with whom you want to discuss Can find the projects in the final project materials tab
Individual Critique (15 minutes) Take 15 minutes to read/skim the final product Write individually: What were two dimensions of the rubric that this project did particularly well? What were two dimensions where the project could have used improvement?
Collective Critique (15 mins) Share and discuss; what did you think of this final project, when assessed against the rubric? Make a two column chart (can use the rubric dimensions or not): Things that were compelling Things that were unclear or unconvincing
Empathetic Feedback (5 mins) Good feedback is constructive, specific, and kind If you were trying to help this person, and they had a week to revise their project, what are the top three things you would tell them? Add to your wall.
Share Pair with another group Did you see similar strengths and weaknesses? How is your view of the project revised/refined by seeing their critique?
Teaching Team Takeaways Clear definition of the problem Strong theory of action Combination of breadth and depth Granular vision of instruction Adapted to practical realities and pursuing DL
Reflect How does doing the critique lesson affect your view of using exemplars and models? Does it seem like it would help set a standard, or constrain creativity? How has your view changed, if at all, from actually doing the critique lesson?
Take a Break we’ll fill this in once we see the final version of the task.
Project Timeline Brain dump memo due September 21st Initial proposal due October 5th Empathy/field memo due November 2nd Prototype day November 18th (draft 1) Workshop day December 2nd (draft 2) Presentation day December 9th (draft 3)
Design Process
Protocol for Feedback Presenting team Audience 10 minutes Share work Listen (take notes if necessary) Mostly listen Give feedback in own voice about what is most compelling and where you are not convinced Discuss Discuss potential next steps; ways to make project tighter and better Designate a timekeeper; then we will do a second round
Things to Look for Problem definition – Is there a demonstrated need for the product or service? Theory of action – Is there a clear argument for how the product or service will fill that need? User-centeredness – Put yourself in the shoes of the people who are supposed to be using it. Would it work for you? Narrative – Is there a story that ties together the problem, the solution, and the context in a way that feels compelling? How could it be made more so? Today we’re going to focus on the school level. Need to know what it takes to create a DL school, which can inform the rest. Learning from you and from each other. Combine deep local knowledge from you, with what I am able to see in patterns by looking across.
Final Reflections Option 1: Changing beliefs over time I used to think ________, now I think ________ Option 2: Connecting pedagogy to content How did how we learned connect to what we learned? Option 3: A takeaway and a question My takeaway is _____ . My question is ______.