Understanding the District Level Growth and Achievement Report


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding the District Level Growth and Achievement Report Office of Assessment and Accountability

District Level Growth and Achievement Report Growth Percentile vs. Percent Proficient (Achievement) for all students within a school Shows distribution of schools across the state Provides information based on the size of the school and percent Low SES in a given school Hover capability to view school information at each data point (bubble) The district level growth and achievement report contains these components: Click: Mapping of Growth Percentile versus Percent Proficient (Achievement) for a school Click: Schools across the state are mapped in the background Click: Data points indicate the size of a school and are color-coded to provide information based on the percentage of Low SES students in a given school Click: Hover capability to view school information at each data point (bubble) Let’s take a look at a sample District Growth and Achievement report

Each bubble is a single school District Each bubble is a single school Higher Percent Proficient in a School Wild n’ Wonderful High School Median SGP: 54 Proficiency: 73 Size of School Percent Proficient Median Student Growth Percentile This is a sample growth and achievement district level report. Click: Each bubble represents a single school in the district. Click: Hovering over a bubble brings up a pop up window that contains the name of the school the Median student growth percentile and the percent proficient for the school. Click: The percent proficient is plotted along the vertical axis Click: The mean student growth percentile is plotted along the horizontal axis. Click: The legend indicates the size of the school based on the size of the bubble. Click: The amount of growth increases as you move from left to right. Click: The percentage proficient increases as you move from the bottom to the top. Let’s look at the Growth and Achievement District level report that groups schools by socioeconomic status. Higher Overall Growth of Students in a School

Percent Low SES of a School Size of School Percent Low SES of a School This portion of the District Growth and Achievement report plots the data with respect to Socioeconomic status and size of school. The color coding represents the socioeconomic status, the size of the bubble indicates the size of the school. Click: The legend in the upper right indicates the size of the school. Click: The legend in the lower right indicates the socioeconomic status of the school based on color. The report contains separate pages for each socioeconomic group shown in the foreground.

Less than 20 Percent Low SES This is the report for students with less than 20 % Low SES

20 to 40 Percent Low SES These are the schools with 20 to 40 percent low SES

40 to 60 Percent Low SES These schools have 40 – 60 % low SES

And these are the schools with 60 to 80% low SES 60 to 80 Percent Low SES

More than 80 Percent Low SES Finally schools with 80% or more students with Low SES More than 80 Percent Low SES

District Low Growth/High Achievement. Schools that are traditionally considered high performing but losing ground. These sites should capitalize on their past success to promote continued success. High Growth/High Achievement. Schools that are successfully pushing students forward. Examine best practices here. Low Growth/Low Achievement. Schools that are underperforming and losing ground. Genuine sites of concern. High Growth/Low Achievement. Schools are underperforming but gaining ground. Potential site for best practices to support positive change. As we look at the District growth and achievement level report, four quadrants of student growth and achievement are identified. Click: The first area contains students with High Growth and Achievement. Schools in this quadrant are successfully moving schools forward. Examining the best practices of schools in this quadrant may provide additional clues to improving student achievement and growth. Click: The second area contains schools that show low growth and low achievement. These schools are underperforming and losing ground. These are sites of genuine concern and need additional support. Click: The third area are schools that have low growth and high achievement. These schools have high performance but are losing ground due to slow growth. These schools need to examine past successes and capitalize on those to continue moving forward. Click: The final quadrant are schools that exhibit high growth but low achievement. These schools are gaining ground but still underperforming. These sites may be using best practices to support positive change.