Using local media to promote your library
By the numbers (2016 unless otherwise specified): Haliburton County Public Library 8 branches 9,124 cardholders 52,465 items in our collection 164,729 items circulated 7,316 people attended our programs and events 16,571 people accessed the internet using our Public Access Computers 24,000 visits to Haliburton County 4,025 square kilometers 18,062 year-round residents 4.4 people per square kilometer 63.25% are over the age of 50 45,167 people in the County during the summer months $25,688 median income (2011 NHS) 9.3% unemployment rate (2011 NHS)
Radio 100.9 CANOE FM 93.5 Moose FM Library Moments Haliburton County Reads Book Talks/Promos Weekly Book Suggestion live Winner of the 2015 OLA Media and Communications Award 93.5 Moose FM Banter with Bessie
News Media Haliburton County Echo/Minden Times Reads of the Month – Book of the Month, Junior Book of the Month, DVD of the Month, 100 Mile Reading, Staff Picks General Interest Article monthly The Haliburton Highlander Hot Reads Top 5 or Top 10 list of our most popular new arrivals
Headline: Too Many Staff at the Library. January 25, 2012 Headline: Too Many Staff at the Library January 25, 2012 by Chad Ingram There are 23 library staff members, full- and part-time, spread out over the library’s eight branches and Sullivan said savings could probably be found by reducing staff, all of whom require First Aid training. Training the current staff will cost approximately $12,000, since they each need to be paid for two full days’ worth of work, plus transportation costs to a training location. “I don’t feel that a branch that’s open eight hours a week needs three people on call to staff it,” Sullivan said, but added it’s helpful having enough staff around to fill in when others are ill.
Where do you start? Market Research Who and what is out there? What do they do? What do we do? How can we work together to get our collective message across?
Where do you start? Canoe Mission Statement Canoe FM, as a not for profit, volunteer based community radio station, is the Voice of the Haliburton Highlands. Our mission is to provide balanced programming, including entertainment and vital information. We strive to showcase local talent and meet community needs. Canoe FM will remain a strong partner in the development of our community.
Where do you start? The Pitch It’s not about what they can do for you You have to be willing to ask You have to be willing for people to say no
Maintaining the relationship Yes isn’t the end You have agreement Keep checking Assess results Don’t give competing outlets the same content
Maintaining the relationship The benefits to ALL Cross promotion Integrated buy in from the community Community partnerships Advocacy
Any Questions? Bessie Sullivan CEO/County Librarian