Minimum Set of Gender Indicators Workshop on Gender Statistics and Human Rights Statistics Nadi, Fiji 4-8 August 2014 Charlotte French, Statistician Demographic and Social Statistics Branch - UNSD
Background Internationally-agreed indicators to monitor gender equality and women’s empowerment Gender indicators (52) Gender indicators related to national norms (11) Five domains Economic structures, participation in productive activities and access to resources Education Health and related services Human rights of women and the girl child Public life and decision-making
Development of the Minimum Set of Gender Indicators Data Platform Indicators approved by the UN Statistical Commission 1st IAEG-GS meeting: developing a common dissemination platform specifically geared to increase accessibility and promote the use of gender statistics and indicators at the global and national levels 2006 2007-2011 2012 2013 2014 Developing indicators through the Advisory Group on Global Gender Statistics and Indicators Database Indicators agreed by the IAEG-GS Online data platform available
Link from UNSD gender statistics website Data platform online, take a look at
Organization of indicators in Tiers Indicators conceptually clear, with an agreed international definition and regularly produced by countries Tier I International data compilation Indicators conceptually clear, with an agreed international definition, but not yet regularly produced by countries Tier II Promoting capacity building activities Go back to the definition of Tiers, aspirational, trying to address gender related issues that not currently covered in the MDGs. Negotiation between international agencies and NSOs on what are feasible and priorities for gender gap monitoring. Tier-I: give some indicators Tier-II: time-spent on caring, VaW Tier-III: Through the EDGE project, measuring asset ownership/entrepreneurship from a gender perspective. To Improve access to data and materials The minimum set covers 5 domains: I. Economic structures and access to resources; II. Education ; III. Health and related services ; IV. Public life and decision-making ; V. Human rights of women and girl children as well as norms. Indicators are divided into three tiers: Tier 1 indicators are indicators for which definitions are clear and the data are routinely collected (e.g. education) Tier 2 indicators are indicators for which the definitions are clear but the data are not routinely collected (e.g. violence against women) Tier 3 indicators are those for which the definitions are not clear and the data are not routinely collected. In March 2012, the IAEG reviewed the list of indicators and agreed that: For Tier 1 indicators, a mechanism will be established for the international agencies to regularly provide data and metadata to UNSD. Efforts will be made to promote capacity-building activities to expand the data coverage of indicators in Tier 2. Small groups will be established to undertake methodological work on indicators in Tier 3 and emerging issues (including through EDGE). Indicators for which international standards need still to be developed and not regularly produced by countries Tier III Methodological developments – e.g., EDGE project
Gender Data Platform Improve access to data and methods Contribution from 14 partner agencies Data for all Tier I indicators (35)
Data availability Tier I indicators Average number of countries with data, by area Indicators, by number of data points, 1990-2012 Data available for all Tier-I indicators (35) 1 Tier-II indicator 7 indicators on national norms On average, there are 130 countries with data on the economic empowerment domain in Tier I “there are 14 indicators for which countries have on average between 1 to 4 data points 144 Average # countries data are available for
Features of the Gender data platform Country and indicator dashboard Give you an idea on how the data platform looks (maybe we can try live…) Basic analysis for users; expert can go into the country Internationally-compiled data, by international agency to ensure data comparability; some are exactly country data, with footnotes Cater to different types of users; easy exploration/download for researchers CoD data: with WHO, see how gender difference can be illustrated Why another platform? Minimum set, very limited, mandated with support from international/national community (WB: as a second/third hand users…) to develop/maintain populating. WB is our partner
Features of the Gender data platform Searching by country By indicators in Tiers, allowing for future development By indicators from partner agencies Evidence and Data for Gender Equality Looking for data for EDGE indicators?
Features of the Gender data platform Downloadable data in accessible format Accompanying metadata Data availability report