Granite School District’s Multi-Tiered System of Support Formative Assessments: Predicting Outcomes and Showing Growth Teaching and Learning Educator Support and Development Services School Accountability Services
Rationale for Granite's Assessments Reflects Granite's Board of Education's Goal to ...Increase student achievement How? 21st Century Learning Individualized Customized Personalized MTSS Rigorous, Quality Instruction in Tier 1 Targeted Intervention in Tiers 2 and 3 Ongoing assessment to support continuous learning and show growth 21st is individualized and as we provide more access to formative assessment data, the more individualized our approach to using data to drive instruction becomes
Rationale for Granite's Assessments Aligned with State Requirements New Utah Comprehensive Assessment System (UCAS) to meet federal and state assessment requirements: Addresses Proficiency and Growth Provides more individualized data for analysis on multiple levels takes place of UPASS. The UCAS system focuses on Proficiency and Growth as a way to assess school performance. This will eventually tie to teacher performance so Granite is fortunate to be supporting the proficiency & growth model when not many other districts are at this point. Adaptive testing is coming at some point but for now, we only have the CRT so having a growth measure to compliment our proficiency measures will allow our schools to show evidence that Grading Schools may not show.
Outside perspective on Assessment Use in MTSS If a Multi-Tiered System of Support is effective it results in... a self‐correcting feedback loop using mastery and universal screening assessment data intervention at the student level & continuous refinement of the system through data analysis at the grade, building and district level For the purpose of school improvement Excerpt: Florida State MTSS Guide 2 minute think pair share Read this statement from Florida State Share anything that speaks to you with an elbow partner
GSD Multi-Tiered Systems of Support ACADEMIC LEARNING SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING English Language Learners PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES At the heart of our MTSS model is the problem solving model in which teams at all levels, PLCs, SSTs and school leadership teams, and distict teams ADVANCED LEARNING
Purpose of Granite's Assessments Assessment is an integral component of Granite's Instructional Framework to guide the instructional cycle. Proficiency Granite Mastery Benchmarks and End of Year Assessment assess mastery of content. Growth Granite Universal Screeners and Progress Monitoring tools assess growth in skills. In August we learned about the Instructional Framework. As you remember, formative assessment was a big part of the framework and the use of both proficiency and growth based measures was highlighted. This is how our assessments breakout into the two areas.
Professional Learning- Part 1 With table partners, use the chart provided to fill in the name of the assessment that best meets the descriptions provided in the 3rd column. Choices: Acuity Benchmark, DIBELS, Acuity Screener
Professional Learning- Part 2 On the same chart, write the word " PURPOSE" in the gray area of the 4th column. After reading the definitions below, write what you think the purpose of each assessment is in the boxes provided and share with your table. Skill Mastery-mastery of specific skills demonstrated by consistently superior performance, measured against established standards. Content Mastery-mastery of specific curriculum demonstrated by consistently superior performance, measured against established standards.
Objectives Content Objective: Learners will become familiar with district formative assessments and reports. Language Objective: Learners will analyze assessments and discuss best use of assessments and reports. Launa Just read the objectives; or have participants choral read one of the objectives with you.
Acuity Benchmark Assessments MTSS Definition of Benchmarks Benchmark assessments used as a formative tool to drive and adjust instruction Typically administered quarterly with both a pre-test and a post-test Students’ performance measured against an established standard to determine performance relative to grade level expectations
Acuity Benchmarks-Key Points Pre-test/Post-test mastery measurement Aligns to core curriculum Assesses at a greater depth of knowledge than a universal screener Predict outcomes of summative assessments (CRT) A component of tier 1 instruction Use to assess student learning of the content taught Use data to adjust instruction based on student needs Listed as a diagnostic assessment in Acuity
Key Points-Acuity Benchmarks Areas Math Developed by district content specialists with teacher input Tested concepts follow the scope and sequence of the District curriculum maps and adopted math materials Given quarterly in grades 1 through Secondary Math 2 Exception: Grades 3-6 benchmarks are given the first 3 quarters and the CRT is administered in place of the final benchmark Language Arts Acuity items are interwoven and tested throughout the year to align with Core Given quarterly in grades 3-12 Science Tested concepts follow scope and sequence of the District curriculum maps and adopted science materials Given quarterly in grades 7-8, Earth Systems and Biology read as described on slide
Other Content Area Benchmarks In development by district content specialists Aligned to the core curriculum and district maps Found on Employee Intranet under Teachers tab All other content areas in the curriculum wil have a benchmark assigned and post on-line with the benchnarks. social studies, other sciences, pe, arts music
Reports- Acuity School Roster Report Shows every class that took the benchmark, the class average score, and percentage of students in the class in each tier.
Class Roster Report This report lists every student in the class and overall points obtained on the assessment.
Classroom Matrix Report This report shows all students in the class, the standards and objectives test, each students’ answer to each problem, and correct answers are highlighted in green. Avaiable for all
School Assessment Report This has the standards and objectives, percentage of students at each Tier by standard and objective. Gives overall percentage points by grade level.
Class Assessment Report same thing by class
Research and Rational-Universal Screeners MTSS Definition- A formative assessment used with all students for the purpose of identifying and predicting students who may be at risk academically and/or behaviorally Also used to identify students who need enrichment Measures used within this process assess critical skills Are brief and typically administered a minimum of three times per year (fall, winter, spring) use bulleted version from other pres
Universal Screening Definition of Acuity Universal Screening: Formative process used with all students Identifies and predicts students who may be at risk academically and/or behaviorally Accesses critical skills Brief and typically administered a minimum of three times per year Can be used to identify students who need enrichment
Universal Screener Purpose: Measures skill performance of all students in Math and Language Arts Creates a body of evidence that determines level of intervention Strategic Intensive Identify students who need additional progress monitoring Identifies students who demonstrate skill mastery and need additional enrichment
School Assessment Report Average points obtained by the 8th grade in Language Arts This score is used for the school SSAP report Assessment Reports- includes local percentile scores Shows relative performance to state tests and standards-based information USE for SSAP
Acuity Universal Screener- Classroom Assessment Report Provides the teacher with clear information on differentiating Tier 1 instruction. By clicking on the percent score at each tier, a list of students is populated for small group instruction. Use this report to create small groups for intervention.
Student Assessment Report New Component available Nov. 2012 This new component forecasts your student’s achievement on the state exam. This information helps you understand which students need the most attention prior to our state exam. Will be the CRT for the 2012-2013 year.
Acuity Universal Screener Progress Tracking Report This report allows teachers to choose from specific assessments to create a custom progress report for a student. It can be done by both percentage points and percentile ranking. We will be drilling down in these reports in the November Acuity trainings.
Acuity Website and Blog Call Danece Mangone @ 4376 Upcoming report and data training for principals November 8, 8:30-11:30; 12:30-3:30 November 15, 8:30-11:30; 12:30-3:30 Attend one of the four Bring school administrator log-in RSVP to Steph Wanner
DIBELS Next-Key Points Administer 3 times a year (beginning, middle, and end) Efficient Use to assess early literacy and reading skills in grades K-6 Phonemic awareness Phonics (alphabetic principle, basic phonics, advanced phonics, and word attack skills), Accurate and fluent reading of connected text Reading comprehension Identify students who may be at risk for reading difficulties Identify students who are at level or above level and need enrichment Help teachers identify areas to target instructional support Monitor at-risk students while they receive additional, targeted instruction Administration Grades K-3 handheld device and use for reports Grades 4-6 score using paper pencil and use for reports
DIBELS Next Reports Grades K-3: mClass Class Summary Reports Sort students by Composite score Indicator Teacher has access, sort by composite score, identify areas Intensive, strategic, benchmark drill down
DIBELS Next Reports Grades K-3: mClass Individual Student Summary Report Lists all scores on all measures Includes scores from all years scores across all previous years
DIBELS Next Reports Grades K-3: mClass Individual Student Reports for Progress Monitoring Benchmark goals marked in green Aim lines between benchmarks Progress monitoring probes listed sequentially This shows aim line and progress monitoring section
DIBELS Next Reports Grades K-3: mClass Home Connect Letters Explain each student test score in parent friendly terms Visual comparison of each student test score to the benchmark goal Suggested literacy activities to be completed at home based on students test scores English and Spanish Parent activities at home, based on individual assessment scores
DIBELS Next Reports Grades 4-6: DIBELS Data System (DDS) Class List Report Lists composite scores and scores on individual indicators Ranked by composite score
DIBELS Next Reports Grades 4-6: DIBELS Data System (DDS) Class Progress Summary Report Includes all testing for each benchmark during the school year Color coded by indicator for identifying areas for additional instructional focus This is similar to the MClass teacher report All reports in this presentation Teachers can pull
DIBELS Next Reports Grades 4-6: DIBELS Data System (DDS) Individual Student Performance Profile Report Separate report for each student Visually shows student test performance on all measures for each grade level This is used to talk with parents about individual students. There are also administrator reports and all reading specialists have access to these at the school level. Work with reading specialists to access school-wide reports
DIBELS-Data Learning Task: Take a few minutes to browse through the reports in your packet. At your table discuss how you can use these reports. How can they be used at the school, teacher, and student level? Which reports would be most useful?
Assessment Reports Q & A What questions do you have about any of the assessments or assessment reports?
Take Away Identify key assessment reports and share them with school community Use report data to drive school team decision making (PLCs, SST and/or MTSS teams ) Guide teachers in utilizing key reports to inform their daily instruction
Thank you for attending! See you in November Judy and Launa can thank everyone. Call us if you need any assistance. See you next month.