Belle II Physics Analysis Center at TIFR Prashant D. Shingade (on behalf of the TIFR Belle team) Annual DHEP Meeting April 7-8, 2016
Belle II Computing Grid The Belle II experiment will operate at SuperKEKB accelerator in Tsukuba, Japan. Computing resources needed to process and analyze the data recorded by the experiment will come from remote computing centers, in addition to the one at KEK, with help of Grid Computing technology, termed “Belle II Computing Grid” The Belle II Computing Grid classified in Tiers according to functionality Tier0 is at KEK (Raw Data Center) responsible for holding RAW data from the experiment. Tier1 are regional data centers responsible for regional support for Grid operations and storing copies of data Tier2 are Monte-Carlo (MC) Data Production sites, where end user analysis is also done
Belle II Physics Analysis Center at TIFR Our primary aim is to contribute as a Tier2 Center within India, termed Belle II Physics Analysis Center 1) Provision of managed disk storage for files and databases 2) Provision of access to the stored data by other centers via Belle II Computing Grid 3) Provision of computing cores for operations of an end user analysis 4) Ensure network bandwidth and services for data exchange with other computer centers Minimal Computing resources required for Tier2 Center to start with. Resource Minimum level CPU (HEP-SPEC06) 500 Disk(Tbytes) 50 Network(Gbps) 1
Towards a Tier2 Center Belle II Physics Analysis center at TIFR is shaping to be Tier2 Center. As for our plan, we started with installing local batch system + SSH (or DIRAC slave) for job submission, contributing to GRID system DIRAC (Distributed Infrastructure with Remote Agent Control) We have 1 server with dual intel Xeon E5-2640 contributing 12 cores using DIRAC Client 4 more servers are in process of being added to the same DIRAC system A total of 72 cores to contribute and 19TB of basic storage to offer
Towards a Tier2 Center We will migrate to GRID site with Computing Element (CE), Storage Element (SE) and monitoring servers, once we have obtained experience of distributed computing system operation and after purchase of few more machines (as minimum of 100 Cores will be required to contribute) Execution of the job was successfully finished and properly updated the output to remote SE So far, about 40k jobs have been executed successfully We have checked and have done all the settings on the server, the machine is installed with torque-4.2.8, squid-3.4.9 and CernVM-FS version 2.1.19. We can mount filesystem from "" under "/cvmfs" folder using CVMFS. We have DIRAC user, submitting Grid Jobs to the server. We have all the ports opened for outbound on firewall. Up and running since November 2014
Looking Ahead Task in queue for Belle II Physics Analysis center at TIFR We will be shifting the servers to a more secure, structured and controlled environment National Knowledge Network (NKN) link to used for better connectivity Purchasing additional required servers to build up the Tier2 facility Installation and registering the site to the Grid