Web-meetings & Phone Conferencing
Traditional Approach to Teaching
Emerging Approach
Web-Based (synchronous) Class Sessions ABC ABC ABC ABC
Hosting Web-based Classes For ‘screen-sharing’: GoToMeeting (GBA license) Freescreensharing.com (free) WebEx For phone conference line: Freephoneconference.com GoToMeeting dedicated line (including international numbers)
Web-Based (synchronous) Class Sessions
Web-Based (synchronous) Class Sessions
Web-Based (synchronous) Class Sessions Instructor View Student View
Webcasting Class Sessions ABC ABC ABC
Requirements for Webcasting Courses Webcasting service and phone conference line active in the classroom at the time of teaching Specific weekly assignments for students who use the webcast to ensure they have attended to the material Students who use webcasting would undergo identical assessment tasks (quizzes, projects, exams, as face-to-face students)