Creative Media Production UAL Level 3 Diploma in Creative Media Production and technology (Print, Radio, TV) Week 4
Week 4 plan Tuesday 3rd October Photography equipment recap – how it works. Case study assignment – ‘Unique approaches’
Introduction to ‘Adobe Photoshop’ and digital image blending images. Monday 2th October plan Introduction to ‘Adobe Photoshop’ and digital image blending images. Topics covered: General interface Work space Creating a new document / opening existing file Cropping and sizing an image Tool palette Changing color mode, color balance & hue and saturation Layers Mask tool Task: create a poster demonstrating Adobe Photoshop skills learned in class
Digital cameras and their best performance and price. ‘Secret shopper’ Wednesday 9th November Conduct market research to find out the best deal on: Digital cameras and their best performance and price. DSLR camera Compact camera Medium format camera Write a report on your research findings.
Tuesday 3rd October Aims Develop knowledge and understanding of digital SLR cameras such as; type of DSLR cameras and different type of lenses. Objectives Display an understanding of how use of camera format and type of lens effect the image taken. Research well known photographers and camera formats as well as skills and techniques they used in specific work.
The fundamentals of digital photography ‘How equipment works’
Digital SLR cameras D fro digital S for single L for lens R fro reflex. DSLR is the most versatile kind of camera. It provides precision when you need it and flexibility when you need to work quickly.
Compact cameras Compact pocket size cameras are great for shooting subjects such as travel, people and landscapes. They usually have limited manual settings for the precise control or shutter speed and aperture value. Cheaper models employ tiny image sensors that create noisy, poor quality resolutions when compared to SLR cameras.
Medium format cameras Medium format cameras are designed for professional use and are based on the medium format camera system. Medium formats are used in advertising, fashion etc. Those cameras use large image sensors and can record the finest details on an image therefore images capable of grater enlargements. Some of the well known makes are , ‘Hasselbland’ ‘Mamiya’, ‘Pentax’ etc.
Lenses ‘If you understand how a lens work, you will take much better photographs and be able to pre- visualize the result before pressing the shutter’ Andreas Feininger Lenses are primarily bought for their focal length, described in a single measurement such as 28 mm or as a range such as 18 – 85mm – zoom lens. Focal lens tells you how wide or narrow a scene you can capture. The lens closest to simulating our own human angle of vision is called a standard lens and is focal length of 50mm.
Focal length The amount of scene you can see through your lens is described by its focal length. A telephoto lens is a useful tool for making far away subjects bigger in the frame, much like a telescope does.
Lenses Aperture, F number and stop Inside the lens is the aperture diaphragm, which is used to regulate how much light passes on to the sensor. Like the pupil in our eye, bigger apertures are used to let in more light in dim conditions and smaller apertures let in less when it is too bright.
Aperture values are described in F numbers, such as: f2.8 and f16 and are always arranged in the same numerical sequence: 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16 and 22. If you increase the aperture value by one step along this sequence the amount of light hitting the sensor is doubled.
Lenses with maximum aperture of f1. 8 or f2 Lenses with maximum aperture of f1.8 or f2.8 are known as ‘fast’ lenses, as they allow in more light in dimmer conditions. F number also influences your depth of field.
Type of lenses and their use The prime lens Prime lenses have fixed focal length, such as 35mm, 50mm or 300mm and usually have wide and fast maximum aperture. Prime /fixed lenses capture the finest subject detail of all camera lenses. Image taken with 50 mm prime lens
Widen angle lens Widen angle lens have the visual effect of pushing a subject away from you and can be a very effective way to make graphic and dynamic images. 20 mm wide angle lens Fish eye lens
The telephoto lens The telephoto lens can be described as anything with a focal length grater than a standard lens. A telephoto lens is most useful for shooting distance subjects and cropping out unwanted peripheral details. Also very useful for portrait photography as it creates less distortion than the wide angle lens.
The zoom lens Zoom are multipurpose lenses that are designed with a variable focal length such as 28 – 70 mm. A zoom lens lets a photographer to have a freedom to frame subject matter at different distances without altering shooting position.
Micro or close up lens Micro is another word for close up photography. Micro lens lets you get close to small objects like flowers or insects.
Storing and archiving images Start by creating single folder or directory on your chosen storage devise where all your images are kept. Next, create a new empty folder for each shoot. Name your files by location or event followed by date of shoot. Once created, transfer your files from your DSLR camera.
Tuesday task: ‘Unique approaches’ tags: Unit 2 (3.1) Unit 4 (2.1 2.2) Your task is to research and write a report on the two photographers and find out how the very tools they used have had a profound effect on their results. Research photographer Chris Killip and his project ‘In Flagrante’ Research Daido Moriyama and his book 71-NY. Find answers to the following questions:
Chris Killip ‘In Flagrante’
Research the photographer Chris Killip and his project In Flagrante. Search for examples of images from this piece of work, make a selection of them and make some notes on how you think the photographer took the pictures. Next, dig a little deeper and find out what kind of camera he used and why. What did he wanted to achieve and communicate with his images.
Daido Moriyama ‘71-N’
Research Daido Moriyama and his book 71-NY. Search for examples of images from this book, then speculate how Moriyama employs his camera. In your research try to discover what the artist thinks about conventional shooting techniques and how he shoots his pictures. What kind of visual statement does Moriyama’s pictures communicate? How is this different to another street photographer, such as Lee Friedlaner? Compare both photographers and their work.
Extension task Now research Richard Avedon’s project ‘In the American west’ which crystalizes many iconic portraits of workers.
For the project Avedon used a very special camera, which delivered high – resolution negatives (and therefore giant prints), but prevented him from using one of the fundamental photographic techniques. Search selection of images from the project and then research what camera he employed and what he wan not able to do when making each exposure. What impact did Avedon’s choice of camera have on the final print? Write a conclusion; what did you learn from this task.
Photography project Next week project: Topics to choose from: portrait, street, fashion story, social landscape. You are required to research work by two photographers and choose an image by each photographer that you will emulate / recreate yourself. Research techniques that were used to achieve the photograph such as composition, camera lens, camera settings such as F stop, shutter speed. Get all required props needed for your photoshoot, organize who is going to be your model.