DIVERSE MODELS OF ‘BIKE SHARE’ IN SCOTLAND Examples from a range of settings Nathan Kaczmarski, Head of Communications & Events Cycling Scotland Registered Charity No. SCO29760
33% ACCESS TO BIKES “Increase levels of access to bikes…” (1+ bikes in household) CAPS Action 13: “Increase levels of access to bikes…” Registered Charity No. SCO29760
PUBLIC BIKE SHARE: STIRLING >21,000 2016-17 7,524 2015-16 5,402 2014-15 Employees, staff and students of: Registered Charity No. SCO29760
CORPORATE BIKE SHARE: RBS GOGARBURN ALSO: From, SPOKES: http://www.spokes.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Spokes-Cycling-Business-8.5.pdf Registered Charity No. SCO29760
RURAL/NATIONAL PARKS: CAIRNGORMS E-BIKE NETWORK Sustrans, Natural Scotland, Cairngorms NP Replace car journeys Link up with tourist attractions/providers Change perceptions? 4,903 km over pilot (4 mo) ~100% good/v. good experience 85% consider purchase 3 did, replace car journeys* *from: Cairns, S. et al (2017). Electrically assisted bikes: Potential impacts on travel behaviour Registered Charity No. SCO29760
RURAL COMMUNITIES: DARVEL COMMUNITY TRUST BIKES AS AN ENABLER: Physical activity Overcoming barriers for disadvantaged Attract tourism – MTB facilities Refurbish children’s bikes for community use Registered Charity No. SCO29760
ADAPTED BIKES/RURAL: FABB SCOTLAND Blazing Saddles & Trossachs Tryst Adapted bikes Challenge to transport adapted bikes Bikes to opportunities: Pedal for Scotland Hostel/bunkhouse in Callendar *from: Cairns, S. et al (2017). Electrically assisted bikes: Potential impacts on travel behaviour Registered Charity No. SCO29760
Registered Charity No. SCO29760
FACILITATING TRAINING: PLAY ON PEDALS/TRAINING EARLY YEARS TRAINING ROLL-OUT Partnership: Cycling UK, Play Scotland, Glasgow Bike Station & Cycling Scotland >1,500 Bikes 23 Local Authorities Glasgow to Orkney to Western Isles (all nurseries) Registered Charity No. SCO29760
BIKE SHARE/ACCESS: FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND Active travel, tourism, e-bikes, inequalities, corridor, air quality, climate change LOW CARBON/ACTIVE TRAVEL HUBS ERDF funds Dundee, Falkirk, Perth, N. Ayrshire & Aberdeen CITY DEALS Strathclyde, Stirling, Aberdeen, Tay (MaaS), Edinburgh, etc. TOURISM E-bikes (connecting/integration), corridors w/NWCN, A9 Registered Charity No. SCO29760
QUESTIONS? FOR FURTHER INFO ON ANY PROJECTS: Nathan Kaczmarski E: Nathan@cycling.scot T: 0141 229 5440 Registered Charity No. SCO29760