IIEG Spring Conference Energy Treasure Hunts-Where to Find Those Treasures! Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc. Bruce Bremer BremerEnergy@gmail.com 859-620-6180 April 11, 2017
Agenda Energy Program Treasure Hunt Background Treasure Hunt Process Summary Q & A Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management Similar Characteristics of a Quality Energy Management Program and a Treasure Hunt Make Commitment Assess Performance Set Performance Goals Create Action Plan Implement Action Plan Evaluate Progress Recognize Achievements ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management Treasure Hunt Tool Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc. Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Energy Program Organization Needs to be a Horizontal Program Not A Vertical Program Environmental & Energy Human Resources Occupational Safety EH&S Accounting & Finance Facility, Manufacturing Engineers I/T Maintenance Production Public Affairs Quality Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc. Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Energy Strategy Framework CO2 Mgmt Innovation New Technologies Energy at the right value (What Should I use) Energy Culture (Actively Practice Conservation) Energy Efficiency (Optimize our Equipment, Tools, and Systems) Increasing Complexity Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc. Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
The Energy Culture “The 5 Rs” Refine, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover Part of Day to Day Responsibility with Continuous Improvement-Technical Side and Program/Behavior Side Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc. Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Methods to Evaluate Energy Performance Focus during operating and non operating hours Focus on improving day to day operations Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Energy Improvements: Where are They Initiated? Focus Area for Treasure Hunt Activity: Low Cost or No Cost Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
What is a Treasure Hunt? Go and See Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
What is a Treasure Hunt? Treasure Hunt is a Tool for Employees to Learn a Culture of Continuous Improvement to Reduce Energy, Water, Cost and Emissions How is it Done? On Site ~3 day event where Cross Functional Teams Go out and Identify Energy and Water Reduction Ideas during Production and Nonproduction times Teams Identify, Analyze, Evaluate and Recommend Opportunities through Day to Day Operations Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Objectives Identify Energy Reduction Opportunities: No- and low-cost energy savings Learn Energy Culture: Philosophies, methodologies, and benefits Tie energy to production and continuous improvement Make part of day to day activities Emphasize that it is a tool in an energy program. Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Treasure Hunt Philosophies Optimizing: Improving the operation and efficiency of existing equipment Teamwork: Engaging and educating team members to identify energy reduction opportunities and energy program enhancements Ownership: Involving employees to use their expertise and knowledge and create a sense of ownership Repetition: Conducting regular schedule-two or more times per year-continuous improvement Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc. Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Treasure Hunt Distinct Phases Preparation: Organization’s leadership support - 6 weeks before the planned onsite event Pre-Training: Meet team leaders to confirm roles & responsibilities, and agenda – 1 week before the onsite event Three-day Onsite Event: Teams identify, quantify energy-saving opportunities, summarize and present the results to management - Onsite 3 day event Follow-up: Schedule for pursuing the energy reduction opportunities – 1 to 4 weeks after the onsite event Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Preparation Gaining facility buy-in Creating Treasure Hunt agenda Assembling teams and resources Collecting and analyzing data Developing opportunity detail sheets and energy calculators Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Treasure Hunt Agenda Day Activity Function Location -Pre-Treasure Hunt -Team Leader Training -Review agenda and event details -Review teams and roles and responsibilities -Review detail sheets Teleconference -Treasure Hunt Summary -Observe Non Operational Mode -Create Detail Sheets -Summarize Findings -Energy journey, Energy Treasure Hunt introduction, possible opportunities and detail sheet demonstration -Identify ideas during non operational mode -Enter opportunity into detail sheet -Teams/group summarize findings Host Facility -Observe Startup -Observe Operations -Observe Lunch Break -Identify equipment starting too early -Identify operational energy opportunities -Identify equipment to turn off during lunch (between shift if applicable) -Teams/group summarize findings and pick top 3 -Finish Detail Sheets -Finalize Summary Presentation -Summary Presentation -Complete detail sheets for remaining opportunities and refine top 3 opportunities -Summarize total opportunities and practice presentation -Highlight top 3 opportunities and next steps -Post Treasure Hunt -Follow up -Implementation update -Share opportunities Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Treasure Hunt Focus Areas Lighting: High Bay Bldg Office Utilities: Chiller System Compressed Air HVAC Steam/Hot Water System Process: Assembly Painting Machining Casting Motors, Fans, & Pumps: Supply Systems Exhaust Systems Other: Special systems Water Maintenance & Ops: PMs Standards Efficiency Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Treasure Hunt Teams Facilitator & Host Team 1 Technical Team 2 Utility Systems -Team Leader -Maintenance -Engineering -Procurement -Other plant sites Building Systems -Team Leader -Maintenance -Engineering -Other plant sites Process Systems -Team Leader -Process -Accounting -Engineering -Management Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Collect and Analyze Data Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Electricity Consumption By Process Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Weekend Utility Demand Profiles Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
On Site Event Training of what to look for Go to the floor and see Analyze findings Calculate savings Implementation concepts Presentation of ideas Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Treasure Hunt Process? Identify Opportunities Analyze Scope Evaluate Impact Implement Opportunities Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Treasure Hunt Questions? How do I take what I already have and make more efficient? What are energy needs/profile during production mode? Turn it off, or link to production, or reduce base load? How can I cascade my energy usage? How to level equipment operation vs. production needs? Am I maintaining my equipment like I should? Am I operating my equipment in the most efficient manner? What equipment can we turn off at breaks or lunch? Production Equipment Operation Equipment on 100% Cycle Equipment Tie to production Turn Off equipment Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Questions? What time does the equipment need to start to meet production? What time can we turn the equipment off after production? What equipment can we turn off at breaks, lunch or between shifts? What are the minimum and maximum set point requirements of the system or piece of equipment? Is there wasted energy that can be recovered or reused? What is the overall system requirement-operate1 piece of equipment at 80% instead of 2 at 40%? Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Examples Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Identify Opportunities- What to look for! Facility Lighting Cooling Towers and Chillers Air Compressors Central Air Supply and HVAC Systems Boiler Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Compressed Air System Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
TH Analysis & Calculations Tool Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Presentation of Findings Teams build a case, supported by its calculations, to gain approval to move forward with implementation Key Energy Treasure Hunt concepts: purpose, benefits, value Teams and their focus areas Top three opportunities by each team, with photos and details List of all opportunities identified, cost and payback Proposed next steps Summary of requests or approvals needed from organization leadership Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Opportunity Summary Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Report Out-Top 3 Pre-Paint Hot Water Boiler Reset hot water boiler temperature from 200F to 170F in the summer months. Parts coming in are warmer during summer and temperature at contact is required to be at least 140F. Savings: $4,100/year Implementation: $100 Payback Period: 0.1 years Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Other Opportunities Remove task lighting that is not needed Solvent recovery-Best practice sharing from other sites Film heat recovery opportunities-$7K heat availability- where to use heat? Install additional flow meters-compressed air, gas and steam Enhance corporate energy dash board Involvement by process members and communication of energy opportunities Combine chilled water systems together Install economizer on boilers Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Energy Savings Savings = $756,449/Year Payback = 0.65 Years 9.5% of Annual Energy Spend Behavior= 59% (<$1k) Project=41% Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Next Steps: Plant/Corporate Opportunities Implementation: Evaluate and prioritize projects Meet with operations, facility engineering and maintenance to schedule and implement Meet periodically to evaluate progress Communicate with all employees to summarize activity Explore integration of treasure hunt tool with existing initiatives Develop schedule for plant internal treasure hunt Train the trainer approach Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Follow Up Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Requirement From Host Plant Information: Plant operating standards, previous years energy consumption and cost, building and process equipment (large equipment only) specifications Resources: 3 teams of 3 to 5 members per cross functional team, 3 day activity, production and non production work schedule, Management support and buy in Plant Access: Ability to review process and facility equipment operation during production and non production time Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Conclusion Train the trainer activity to identify opportunities but also learn the Treasure Hunt culture Management buy in and involvement Use both internal/external knowledge and skill Always ask questions: Why? Why? Why? How to improve? Share best practices and ideas Best ideas are still just ideas unless implemented Continuous improvement philosophy Make Treasure Hunt philosophies part of day to day activities Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Past Treasure Hunts: Overall Summary 40 TH: industrial, manufacturing, universities & commercial Size from 100K to 3,000K square feet Annual energy spend from $350K to $28,000K Savings of 3-16% of annual energy spend <1 year payback Companies such as Navistar, Alcoa, Honda, Siemens, John Deere, 3M, Volvo, Plastipak, Intertape, and many more Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
Only Use What you Need, When you Need it, In the Amount Needed! Just In Time Energy! Thank You! Bruce Bremer BremerEnergy@gmail.com (859) 620-6180 Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.