History Robin Hood... Probably, they know form all Robin Hood. There is one of most known form in history of England. Each britisher alludes history of love Robert of Huntingdon and Marian Fitzwalter. All englishmen admire Robin, which history is and remaining memorable legend.
Palace Buckingam inhabited by royal family. Big Ben in night.
Stonehenge Stonehenge is most famous building. It dates from epoch of neolithic and bronze age. It isn't known who is framer of this building, neither why primary people have assigned difficulty so many rear. This building hides many unexplained riddles. Its can mysteriousness cause, that there is in center of interest of tourist.
University of Oxford is oldest english-speaking university University of Oxford is oldest english-speaking university. There is famous college. It has emerged when students from england must leave Sorbonne. Corner-stone has put under his structure Henry I. Are said today about it „Scholar King”.
There is second after University of Oxford english-speaking university on world. First collage in Cambrige has emerged in 1271 year. It has been set up by professors and students, tell to leave which Oxford.
Football Manchester United Liverpool FC Sport is part of life of each britisher. They play in to rugby, tennis, cricket and golf, however, football is most popular sport. Such clubs as Manchester United and Liverpool FC all know. Manchester United Liverpool FC
Elizabeth II Philip Mountbatten Diana Spencer Prince Karol Camila Parker Prince Harry Prince Wiliam
H E E A T E L S Group carried biggest progress in composition: John Lenon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison. Group has disintegrated , when John Lenon has departed from group. Are declared for officially end The Beatles departure McCartney date. Death of John Lenon has dispelled hope on return on stage . This group is as legend. Remaining on always memorable.
Hugh Grant Hugh Grant-It has earned fame in like romantic comedies roles " Four wedding and funeral " and " Nothing Hill”. It has received award in 1994 year for fairest actor.
Anne Hathaway Anne Hathaway- She has been born in Brooklyn but has british origin. It has made debut on great screen in movie role „ The Princess Diaries”